Windows 11 – Windows の新時代の最初のバージョンがついに登場
はい!マイクロソフトの CEO 兼会長のサティア ナデラが確認した Windows 11 がついに現実のものに
この記事は、Windows 11 のライブ イベントを読むのに最適な場所です (すべての主要なポイントをカバーするのに 10 分 ) 見逃した場合。見たい方は、以下のリンクから 45 分間のイベントの再放送をご覧ください。
Windows 11 起動イベント リンク
それを読みたい人には、2 つの選択肢があります
Windows 11 の新機能の概要 –
Panos Panay による紹介 |
Carmen Zlateff による Windows 11 の UI 機能 |
Panos Panay によって Windows 11 に統合された Microsoft Teams。 |
Phillip McClure による Windows 11 タブレット モード |
サラ ボンドによる Windows 11 ゲーム |
Panos Panay による Windows 11 Preclosure (Windows 11 の Android アプリ) |
Satya Nadella による Windows 11 の閉鎖 |
Windows Live イベントのリンクは、イベントの 2 時間前に公開され、心地よい音楽が流れ、Windows 11 の最初のヒントの画像が表示されました。右上隅でカウントダウン タイマーが実行されていました。
シーン 1:Panos Panay によるイントロ
Windows 11 ライブ イベントは午前 11:00 EST に始まり、Microsoft の最高製品責任者である Panos Panay が、Windows OS が 35 年間どのように生活の一部となってきたかについて話しました。彼は、Windows OS が革新の原動力であり、何十億もの人々の故郷であると述べました。 Windows は、人々が仕事をこなし、夢を実現し、身近な人や大切な人とつながるのに役立っています。
Panay continued about how the pandemic has changed the world and PCs as the key contributor to keep things moving and preventing life from coming to a standstill. He stated that during this time, people have been locked in their houses but have been able to attend school, colleges, meetings, send emails, and even celebrate Pizza parties with friends and colleagues through Windows OS.
Now with the fact that we are so used to our Windows and adapted so well, a change in this OS would not be preferred by many. Because Windows has become a space where we know our surroundings and it should remain familiar the way it is and at the same time be more open, secure, and connected.
Within 5 minutes into the event, Panay confirmed the new windows major update as WINDOWS 11 – the Windows that brings you closer to the one you love.
Panay continued stating that a PC needs to be Functional and Practical as well as it must be Personal and Feel emotions. The Windows OS of tomorrow will be a familiar space and allow users to produce, connect, learn, play and create more efficiently than before.
The new visible changes include:
- 5 ways to input:Type, Touch, Voice, Click and Write.
- The Start Menu has shifted to the center and gives you the full command.
- It is Cloud-Powered with Adobe Creative Cloud Integrations.
- Transition, Themes, Textures, Colours, Light effects, and more feel real.
- Redesigned with Elegance with rounding corners on app windows and softer visuals.
The changes within Windows 11 include:
- Fastest Windows you have experienced yet.
- Faster Reboot times and quicker waking up from sleep mode.
- Microsoft Edge will display swift results.
- Windows updates will be 40% smaller and happen in the background.
- It will use less energy resulting in more battery life.
To summarize, Windows 11 will be a more responsible operating system and undoubtedly the most secure Windows OS to date. It will be supported by all major brands available in the market.
Scene 2:Windows 11 UI features by Carmen Zlateff
The next segment of the Windows 11 live event features Carmen Zlateff who is the Partner Director of Windows User Experience at Microsoft. She explained about the carefully redesigned user interface that not only looks good but feels great too. Here are some of the new UI features:
The Start menu is relocated to the center of the screen from its usual left side which has been followed since Windows 95.
The Start menu is fully optimized to help users find what they need quickly and easily.
The search bar is empowered to find things for you on your PC, Onedrive, and the Web.
The recommended section displays what you were last working on irrespective of the device you were using.
Snap Windows:– Arrange multiple windows side by side in the way you want them to be.
Once you choose the layout, you don’t need to remember it as Windows 11 will do it for their and display your windows similarly until you change it.
The docking and undocking feature lets you connect a second monitor. The astonishing feature here is that once you reconnect your device to the second monitor it remembers what windows you have opened on the second screen and displays them.
Microsoft Edge users can now switch to a vertical view of the open tabs.
Windows 11 allows users to create multiple desktops with custom wallpapers like one for home and second for office and even one for games only.
“Windows 11 is changing Complexity to Simplicity” as quoted by Carmen Zlateff
Scene 3:Microsoft Teams integrated into Windows 11 by Panos Panay
Panos Panay explained that Microsoft was focusing on developing an OS that would bring users closer to things they loved and this meant facilitating better connectivity to your loved ones anywhere across the globe. The Pandemic helped people to connect more than they physically did over the years and this was possible through Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, and Teams.
With this new learning, a ‘New Tradition’ has been developed where you may not be physically present but can always join online and showcase your presence. And this led to the integration of Microsoft Teams into Windows 11 as a default software, Also note the personalized version of Microsoft Teams had been already announced by Microsoft one month ago. Microsoft Teams app will be available on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. So it doesn’t matter which device you have, you will be able to get into the meeting invite sent to you.
You do attend office meetings or family functions through Microsoft Teams but who is stopping you from having Yoga Sessions, Chit chat sessions, and joining Teams just to say “Hello” to someone who cares for you. Panay also asked the viewers that “Why were the people not connecting online for personal meetings before the pandemic?” Well, I had never given this a thought!

Scene 4:Windows 11 Tablet Mode by Phillip McClure
After that emotional moment on Microsoft Teams, the next section comprised about the new features of Windows 11 tablet as shown by Phillip McClure on his two-in-one device, I am pretty excited about this one as I am currently using an HP X360 Pavilion which does not allow you detach the keyboard like a Surface device but it rotates 360 degrees and auto switches to the tablet Mode of Windows 10. Here are the new features:
The tablet mode promises Flexibility and Adaptability with better and more responsive touch features.
The TrackPad gestures can be duplicated on the screen when in tablet mode and this eliminates the need to relearn your device.
The tablet mode of Windows 11 includes a new online keyboard that resembles smartphone keyboards and allows you to send gifts and emojis along with a fast typing feature.
If tapping the screen is not your way, then you can opt for voice typing and Windows 11 is an expert at recognizing sounds, converting them to words, and even adding punctuations automatically.
Windows Widgets appear on an interface that resembles a sheet of glass and provides you with the Calendar, Traffic status, Sports, and Newsfeed feature which is powered by Artificial Intelligence.
The Newsfeed is developed to adapt to the stories you read and displays similar types in the future.
The Microsoft Store is all revamped and contains games, movies, and TV Shows all in one place. The entertainment tab in the MS Store displays video content from different streaming services all in one place.
Videos that you watch on Store can be projected to your TV with Wireless Connect.
To summarize, Windows 11 provides productivity and entertainment in one place. It adapts to the needs and lifestyle of every user and Windows 11 moves with you wherever you go. Even in Table Mode, Windows 11 will always feel like a Windows OS.
Scene 5:Windows 11 Gaming by Sarah Bond
The next update that most of us have been waiting for is about Windows 11 Gaming which was introduced by Sarah Bond who is the Corporate Vice President of Xbox. She began with her first experience of gaming when he was 7 years old and played King’s Quest 2. She explained the latest gaming features added to Windows 11.
Superior Graphics
Auto HDR feature was first used on XBOX consoles to increase the dynamic range and auto-update the lighting and color of older games. These include SkyRim, Age of Empires definitive edition, Rocket League, Doom 64, and Day Z. there is no effort required from the player or the game developer as Auto HDR works automatically.
Amazing Speed
The Windows 11 will include the NextGen Direct Storage API which is currently used in XBOX series X &S only. This will help to load games faster than before and direct storage will be able to reload the assets to graphic cards without delay. The Direct Storage optimized Windows 11 PCs are configured with hardware and drivers needed to enable this amazing experience. These will soon be available in the market.
Xbox Game Pass
The Xbox Game Pass will now be available through the XBOX app which will feature a low monthly price and full access to a library of hundreds of games. The library will be expanding its contents monthly. The XBOX cloud gaming will allow users to play game highest configuration games on all Windows 11 PCs containing the recommended specifications. Gamers can now play games across various devices with the global community of gamers.
The XBOX app also allows users to buy games and keep them attached to their accounts straight from within the app. Windows 11 also supports a huge variety of gaming peripherals and accessories to allow gamers as they want, you can connect the Mechanical Keyboard, Bluetooth Controllers, XBOX controllers, Surround Sound Headsets, Steering Wheels, Flight Sticks, and external GPUs.
Scene 6:Windows 11 Preclosure by Panos Panay (Android Apps in Windows 11)
Panay informed the Windows users that the MS Store had been rebuilt from scratch to make it faster and more efficient. It is now very simple to use with incredible search results and the best part is that Microsoft is trying to get every app possible.
Getting every app inside MS Store would not be possible without Android Apps. And guess what! Microsoft is bringing Android apps to Windows 11 using the Amazon App Store. These apps can be integrated with the startup menu or taskbar. The Intel Bridge Technology has been used to run Android apps smoothly and seamlessly on Windows 11.
He also praised and encouraged the individual developers to develop more games for the Microsoft Store. The Developers were assured that they could bring any technology to the MS Store and Microsoft would help facilitate their apps and games. If the app developer uses his/her commerce engine, then they may keep the entire revenue earned from that game on MS Store. Panay also informed about the exclusive partnership with Adobe Creative Cloud.
Finally, the hardware partners like Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm are collaborating with Microsoft to design and deliver the finished product to the users. The product would truly allow the users to enjoy the experience of using Windows 11. One of the hardware components would be the 11th generation Intel process and this is also soon being integrated by Dell, HP, Lenovo, and of course Microsoft Surface.
Scene 7 :Windows 11 Closure by Satya Nadella
The final part of the event brought the Microsoft CEO &Chairman Satya Nadella on the screen where he explained that Windows 11 was the beginning of a new generation of Windows OS. All the major components of this operating system from the browser to the store and the fees have been reimagined from ground level.
The Windows 11 Ecosystem was suitable for consumers and businesses alike. Mr. Nadella, also reminded that although the Internet was bigger than Windows OS it grew bigger on the Windows platform with millions across the world using Windows OS to access the web. He encouraged users to monetize their creation and treat Windows 11 as a platform for development and realizing their imaginations. In order words, he asked the world to look at Windows 11 as:
- Sovereignty for Creators and Agency for Consumers
- Consume apps and Build apps
- Play games and Design apps
- Buy a PC and Build a PC
- Join a community and Create a community
Mr. Nadella concluded the Windows 11 live event by stating the three opportunities available with Windows 11
That concludes the Windows 11 Live Event which has left millions of people gasping at the incredible technology that has already been invented by Microsoft and are waiting desperately for this fall when Microsoft starts to roll out the Windows 11 Updates.
And finally to quote Mr. Nadella, “This is the first version of a new era of Windows. We are building for the next decade and beyond.” This means that Windows 11 is not the end, it is only the beginning of a new generation of Windows that will be more user-friendly, safe, and secure.
Windows 11 2022 Update が登場!
Microsoft は、1 年前に Windows 11 で Windows の視覚的な再設計に関する最初の戦略を発表し、ユーザーからの反応は予想通り複雑でした。同社は、多くのユーザーが手付かずのままにしていると感じていたいくつかの粗いエッジを滑らかにしようとする次のアップデートで戻ってきました. 本日より、Windows 11 2022 Update (22H2) が 190 か国以上で展開され、アクセシビリティ機能、スナップ レイアウト、フォーカス セッション、ファイル エクスプローラー、自動 HDR、Xbox アプリ、Microsoft Store、Microsoft Defende
Windows 11 は新しい Vista (または Windows 8) になります
私は Windows 10 を本番環境で約 2 年間使用しており、正式リリース前からテストを行っています。早い段階で、Windows 7 に匹敵するというのが私の印象でした。特別すぎる、新しい、または革新的なものは何もありません。時間が経つにつれて、この印象は変わりました。その後の半年ごとのリリースで、これまで Windows で経験したことのない問題に遭遇しました。そのほとんどは、さまざまなシステム エラーやバグで、品質の低さや設計の悪さを物語っています。その後、Windows 10 はときどき私の微調整やオプションの一部を元に戻し、時間を無駄にし、ネジをさらに締めることを余儀なくされました