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Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

Excel の旅を始めたばかりでも、しばらく使っていたとしても、Excel について知っておくべき重要なスキルがいくつかあります:物事を行うための最良の方法、回避すべき落とし穴、他の人に感銘を与えること(特に上司)

この記事では、Excel について知っておく必要のある 28 の基本的なスキルについて説明します。これには、初心者として始めるための最良のヒントや、経験豊富なユーザーとしてより生産的になるために私が考えることができるいくつかのヒントが含まれます。

マスターする必要がある 28 の基本的な Excel スキル

Microsoft Excel では、学べる数多くのスキルを習得できます。しかし、ここでは、日常生活に役立つ 30 の基本的な Excel スキルについて説明します。さまざまな問題に対処しながら大きな価値をもたらします。 30 の基本的な Excel スキルすべてに注意深く従ってください。

1. PDF への変換

Excel スプレッドシートまたはレポートをクライアントに頻繁に送信する必要があるかもしれませんが、すべてのデータと数式をクライアントに見てもらいたいですか?おそらく違います。

他の人がスプレッドシートを見たり変更したりできないようにする方法はいくつかありますが (何かを隠したり、保護したり、書式設定で値を偽装したりできます)、少しのノウハウがあれば、これらすべての方法を回避できます。 .

他のすべてと同様に、多くの場合、最も単純なルートが最適です。他の人があなたのデータを変更できないようにしたい場合は、スプレッドシートを PDF に変換して送信するだけです。 Excel ドキュメントを PDF ファイルに変換するのは簡単で、現在のすべてのバージョンの Excel で追加のソフトウェアを必要とせずに変換できます。

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

これに関するヘルプが必要な場合 (または、同様のヒントやコツを探している場合) は、Activia Training が Web サイトに新しいセクションを立ち上げました。このセクションには、いくつかの優れたチュートリアルとハウツー ビデオがあります。

続きを読む: 102 の便利な Excel 数式チート シート PDF (無料ダウンロード シート)

2. Fill 関数の使用

1 つのワークブックに 12 か月分の複雑な勘定を保持する必要があるとします。 12 枚のシートを作成して 1 月から 12 月までの名前を付け、1 月のシートをレイアウトして書式設定し、スプレッドシートをコピーして他の 11 枚のシートに貼り付けました。

これは面倒な方法であり、データを間違って貼り付けると、後で要約シートをすばやく生成できなくなる可能性さえあります。実際、これを行うための最良の方法は、Excel の「Fill Across Sheets」ツールを使用することです。塗りつぶし機能を使用すると、1 つのシートを他の多くのシートにすばやく正確に複製できます。

この機能の使用に関して追加のヘルプが必要な場合は、Tom のブログでステップバイステップの優れたチュートリアルがあります。

続きを読む:Excel セルに値の代わりに数式を表示する方法 (6 つの方法)


ここに、3 つの別々のシートで 3 つの異なる範囲の合計を合計する式があります:

=SUM(‘Jan Sales’!$D$10:$L$10, ‘Feb Sales’!$D$10:$L$10, ‘Mar Sales’!$D$10:$L$10)


=SUM(JanTotal, FebTotal, MarTotal)

わずか 3.5 時間で Excel の数式と関数をマスターしましょう!

私の無料コースで Udemyで

Excel 数式と Excel 数式チート シートを使用した関数

あなたはどちらを好みますか?個人的には、2 番目のシートの方が理解しやすく、作成も簡単だったので気に入っています。データ範囲を選択するために他のシートに移動する必要がありませんでした。

2 番目の式は、いわゆる名前付き範囲を使用します。名前付き範囲 (または定義済みの名前) は、単一のセルまたはセル範囲に適用され、数式でわかるように、セルまたは範囲アドレスの直接の置換として使用できます。




スプレッドシートを理解しやすくするために、フォントを 1 つ選び、それを使い続けるようにします。強調 (太字またはイタリック体) を使用してヘッダーとデータの違いを強調し、明るいセルの色を使用して集計行と数式を選択します。


Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル


当たり前のように思えるかもしれませんが、多くの人は Excel を開いて入力を開始し、最善を尽くします。ただし、飛び込んでスプレッドシートの作成を開始する前に、少し計画を立てる必要があります。一般的に、私たちはスプレッドシートに入力する必要があるデータを理解している傾向がありますが、スプレッドシートから実際に何を取得したいのかについてはほとんど考えていません.




Excel には、作業を保護し、ユーザーが変更できる内容を制御するための優れたツールがいくつかあります。数式セルを保護して、数式セルが変更されないようにしたり、列や行のサイズが変更されないようにしたり、ユーザーがシートを追加または削除してブックの構造を変更したりするのを防いだりできます。高度なレベルでは、特定のユーザーだけが特定の領域を編集できるようにすることもできます.

7.キーボード ショートカットの使用

ほとんどの人は、Excel で操作を実行するときにマウスに手を伸ばすだけですが、いくつかのキーボード ショートカットを使用すると、作業を高速化し、時間を大幅に節約できます。 .開始するためのいくつかを次に示します。

キーボード ショートカット 機能
Ctrl + * 必要に応じて書式設定するテキスト文字列またはセル値です。
Ctrl + スペース これが目的のセル フォーマットです。
Shift + スペース 現在の行を選択
Ctrl + 0 現在の列を非表示
Ctrl + 9 現在の行を非表示
F4 (数式で) 絶対参照を適用する
F3 名前ボックスを (数式で) 表示します
Ctrl + : 現在の日付を入力してください
Alt + = 隣接するデータの自動合計


数式を入力するだけで、隣接するセルで同じものを使用する必要がありますか?数式を再度入力する代わりに、自動入力を使用できます。自動入力を使用すると、1 つのセルの値を隣接する多数のセルに垂直または水平にすばやくコピーできます。



Excel の主なタスクの 1 つはデータを整理することです。新しいバージョンの Excel では 100 万行を超える行を処理できるため、たくさん データの。このデータから複雑な質問への回答を得る必要がある場合、必要なツールがすべて揃っています。

Pivot tables can be scary beasts to the uninitiated, but once you understand how they work, you will quickly see how easy they can be and how useful they are at summarizing and organizing data. And all this with just a few clicks!

10. Customizing Ribbon

I love the ribbon, but it can be a bit irritating having to switch from one tab to the other to find the commands you want to use. The good news is that since Excel 2010 we have been able to customize the ribbon. You can add your own custom tabs and then drop onto it a selection of the commands that you use the most frequently, which could even include macros.

11. Creating Charts

Your boss doesn’t want to see a table full of data for the past year’s sales, they want to see trends, the number of products sold each month, or the average customer evaluation results in graphical form.

Graphs and charts can be quite complex if you want them to be, but a basic chart can be produced in literally a couple of clicks, and the latest versions of Excel make it very easy to try out different charts and formats as well.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

12. Using Array Formulas

If you need to do calculations on multiple ranges and don’t want to go to the trouble of adding lots of redundant columns, array formulas are the answer. They can be quite complex and impenetrable, but they can also save you lots of time and, as a bonus, impress your colleagues.

13. Using Custom Views

How often have you carefully set up a spreadsheet for printing, got the page breaks just right, scaled it correctly, added headers and footers, and then had to change it all again to print out a different region?  It can be really frustrating to set up a spreadsheet for printing time and time again, and this is where custom views can help.

A custom view will record all of your current print settings and allow you to re-apply them instantly at a later stage. As well as print settings, they can record filters and hidden rows and columns.

14. Grouping and Outlining

If you have a lot of columns or rows on your spreadsheet, it can be a bit of a chore constantly scrolling left and right or up and down to get to the point where you want to be, only to then have to go back to where you started. Grouping and outlining can help with this by allowing you to quickly expand and collapse a number of rows or columns instantly. It’s like a super hide/unhide feature and once you understand it, it’s very easy to apply.

15. Locking Headers

How often have you found yourself on row 987 of your spreadsheet only to realize that you can’t remember what the values in the columns are? This is a common problem, especially when you have to work with a number of columns with similar values.

The answer to this problem is to lock or freeze your header row or columns. Excel makes it very easy to ‘freeze’ the top rows or first column of your spreadsheet, so as you scroll, the headers will always be visible.

16. Automating Complex Tasks with Macros

Macros are an incredibly useful and powerful tool in Excel. With macros, you can make Excel do things that it can’t do already, or take those tasks that take you an hour to complete and do them in a couple of seconds.

Although macros can be very complex and the programming side can take a bit of learning, it is possible to create useful and time-saving macros without knowing anything about programming. If you want to give it a try, there’s a more detailed guide on the How-To Geek blog. Or you can use’s complete step-by-step guide on Excel VBA .

17. Automating Sub-totals

One of the most common tasks in Excel is to add subtotals to a column of values, for example, if you have a sheet full of sales data and you want to show how much of each product was sold. In this case, you could insert new rows after a group of products and then sum the values above, and then repeat the process for each product.

I have come across people who spend hours each month doing just that, which is a huge time-waster. The sub-totals tool will do the same job in seconds and, when you’re finished, it can also remove the totals just as quickly, leaving your spreadsheet exactly as it was.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

18. Filtering Data

Filtering is one of the 30 essential Excel skills. When you are dealing with large sets of data, you often only need to look at a particular subset of that data. Rather than searching for the data by scrolling up and down, the smart solution is to filter your database.

Filtering using auto-filter is quick and easy and will allow you to get the data you are interested in inefficiently. Recent versions of Excel also have lots of pre-set filters to quickly find text, numbers, and date ranges.

19. Data Sorting

In Microsoft Excel, you can sort your dataset into order. Using the sorting process, you can sort your data in ascending or descending order. While sorting, we need to check whether the sorting is correct or not. To sort the data, we need to go to the Data tab on the ribbon. Then, from the Sort &Filter group, you will get the Sort オプション。 For basic sorting, we can use the A to Z sorting which means lowest to highest, and Z to A sorting which means highest to lowest.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

After clicking the Sort option, you will see the following three options.

  • Sort by: it denotes the column which is the base of sorting.
  • Sort On :This section provides you with four different options:cell values, cell color, font color, and conditional formatting icon.
  • Order: In this section, you can get three options:ascending order, descending order, and custom list.

When you utilize the ascending order, then, you will get the following result where the data is sorted from A to Z.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

When you utilize the descending order, then, you will get the following result where the data is sorted from Z to A.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

20. Using Pivot Table

The pivot table is one of the most valuable assets in Excel. This illustrates the best possible ways to analyze data. By using the pivot table, you can prepare a summary of a large dataset.

To create a pivot table, select the range of cells. Then, go to the Insert tab on the ribbon. After that, from the Tables group, select the Pivot Table .

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

As a result, you will get the PivotTable from table or range dialog box where you need to select the range of cells or the range of cells may appear automatically if you select it before applying the pivot table. Then, choose the place where you want to put your pivot table. Finally, click on OK to apply.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

After that, the PivotTable Fields will appear where you can select the fields through which you want to create the pivot table.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

Finally, you will get the required pivot table that summarizes the large dataset and provides a well-established summary. That’s why the pivot table is one of the most valuable Excel skills in your day-to-day life.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

21. Learn to Use SUMIF/SUMIFS Functions

In terms of calculating the summation of some numbers sometimes we may need to apply conditions or criteria. MS Excel helps us with these kinds of problems by providing another powerful function named SUMIF 関数。 But when you want to evaluate the sum of the range of cells under multiple conditions, you need to use the SUMIFS function instead of the SUMIF function . Both of these functions help you to get the sum of a given range of cells.

22. Learn to Use COUNTIF/COUNTIFS Functions

In Microsoft Excel, the COUNTIF function is widely used to count cells with a given condition or criterion. In this function, you need to define the range and criterion. Using these inputs, the function returns the output of the total number of cells that meets the criterion. Whereas, you can use the COUNTIFS function to count the number of cells satisfying one or more criteria from any range of cells in Excel. This function Returns the total number of values in the array that maintain all the given criteria

23. Data Validation

When we want to limit input to a cell or a range, then we use Data Validation. This feature is most useful in times of data collection. This ensures the data is error-free. For example, if we want to record the age of Students in a cell range, then we can set the Data Validation to be numerical values only. Moreover, we can set upper and lower limits for a particular type of data and it will not accept any values beyond that. Additionally, Excel allows us to enter custom functions to achieve complex conditions using this feature.

To open data validation, you need to go to the Data tab on the ribbon. Then, select the Data Validation option from the Data Tools group.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

As a result, the data validation dialog box will appear where you can add validation criteria.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

24. Moving Columns to Rows

Another important Excel skill is to move the column to rows. Sometimes, you have data in columns that need to be rotated in rows. In that case, you can use the transpose feature.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

Then, copy the column headers cell C4 to cell F4 . After that, select a new cell where you want to paste it as a transposed format. Right-click on a cell and a Context Menu will appear. From there, click on the transpose option.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

Finally, after doing some modifications, we get the following result. See the screenshot.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

25. IF Formula

In Microsoft Excel, the IF function is used to check if a condition is met and then the defined statements will be shown based on the given condition. Otherwise, it will show blank or false. Using the IF formula, you can easily set the criterion, if it meets the criterion then it returns a certain value. Otherwise, it returns another value. For example, you have a dataset that includes the sales target and sales achieved column. By using the IF function, you can set a criterion if the sales achieved are greater than the sales target then, it returns achieved. Otherwise, it returns not achieved. This function is one of the most essential Excel skills in our day-to-day life.

26. Apply Conditional Formatting

When you format a cell or more than one cell based on some conditions, that is conditional formatting. For example, you have a dataset in Excel. The dataset has some numbers in some cells. You need to format the cells with a Red background color that has values less than zero. Here the condition part is:if the numbers are less than zero and the format part is:fill those cells with the Red background color. You can do it manually, find out the cells that have values that are less than zero and make their background color Red. If your worksheet has 10-15 numbers, manual formatting is not the worst job, otherwise, you will use Excel’s conditional formatting feature. To do the conditional formatting, go to the Home tab on the ribbon. From the Styles group, select the Conditional Formatting drop-down option.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

Then, you will get several conditional formatting options from the drop-down option. Select your preferred option to do conditional formatting.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

27. Find and Replace Option

The find and Replace option is another essential skill in Microsoft Excel where you can find a certain value or text and replace it with a certain value or text on all other worksheets. This skill saves a lot of time because you don’t need to find value manually. First, go to the Home tab on the ribbon. Then, select Find &Select drop-down option from the Editing group.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

After that, select Replace from the Find &Select drop-down.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

As a result, the Find and Replace dialog box will appear. First, write what you want to find and what you want to replace it with. Then, set the search with a sheet or workbook.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

28. Paste Special Option

The paste special option is a part of 30 essential Excel skills. This option helps you to get total command of how you want to paste your values. Let’s say you have cell values where you applied formulas previously. But now, you want to paste it as a value. In that case, the paste special option helps you to solve this issue. First, copy the cell values in your dataset. Then, go to the Home tab on the ribbon. Then, select the Paste drop-down option from the Clipboard group.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

As a result, the Paste Special dialog box will appear. Here, you get several paste options and operations. To paste only values, you need to select Values from this dialog box.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

Essential Excel Skills for Accountants

While in terms of the accounting sector, Excel skills can be a vital part of the calculation. To be a well-known accountant, you need to have some basic Excel skills. You need to know all the previous 28 Excel-related essential skills. Besides those 28 skills, you need to master a few more skills to be an accountant.

1. What If Analysis

What-if analysis is a process through which you can see the outcome by changing any cell in the dataset. By using the what-if analysis in Excel, you can use several sets of values and get the desired outcome. For example, in the what-if analysis, you can calculate the total expenses of several houses and finally select your preferred house. That means, using the what-if analysis, you can establish a proper overview of all types of things and also denotes how it reacts in the future.

The main purpose of the what-if analysis in Excel is to determine the outcome in a statistical mood and do the risk assessment. The main advantage to use what-if analysis in Excel is that there is no need to create a new worksheet but we can get the final results for different inputs. There are three types of what-if analysis in Excel:Scenario , Goal Seek and Data Table . The scenario and data table take the input values and provide the possible outcome using these inputs. To get the What-If Analysis in Excel, you need to go to the Data tab on the ribbon. Then, from the Forecast group, select the What-If Analysis drop-down option.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

2. Auditing Formulas

Accountants need to work with a large dataset where they apply several formulas to get the desired results. But in a large dataset, it is tough and time-consuming to check all the possible errors. In that case, you can use the formula auditing approach through which you can check whole dataset formulas. For small datasets, you can also use formula auditing. Formula auditing is an essential skill for accountants in the long run. To do formula auditing, first, go to the Formulas tab on the ribbon. Then, select the Error Checking option from the Formula Auditing group.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

3. Sparkline Charts

The sparkline chart helps you to embed charts in a cell. It provides the ability to consolidate a large amount of data into a single spreadsheet. The sparkline charts can be useful for data analysts and accountants to create a better spreadsheet with valuable information. The sparkline charts can be three different types:Line, Column, and Win/Loss. To use the sparkline charts, you need to select the range of numbers. Then, go to the Insert tab on the ribbon. After that, select the Sparklines drop-down option. From there, you can select any of the chart options.

Excel エキスパートになるための基本的な Excel スキル

Essential Excel Skills for Data Analyst

To become a data analyst, you have to have some specific Excel-related essential skills through which you can do the job. Before doing anything, you need to cover all the Excel skills that were discussed previously. Those skills are also valuable for a data analyst. After that, you need to cover the following skills also.

1. VLOOKUP Function

The VLOOKUP function can be a valuable asset for the data analyst. In the function, the lookup value can be a single value or an array of values. If you enter an array of values, the function will look for each of the values in the leftmost column and return the same row’s values from the specified column. In the case of data analysis, you need to take values from another table, the VLOOKUP function helps to do this.


The use of the FORMULATEXT function can be another useful skill, you need to learn as a data analyst. As a data analyst, you need to work with lots of data where you have to utilize numerous formulas. After finishing the task to check the formula of a certain cell, in that case, the text formulas can be vital.

3. TRIM Function

While dealing with lots of data, sometimes you may face problems with having extra space. In that case, you have to use the TRIM function . The Excel TRIM function is categorized under the TEXT functions. It removes the extra spaces from a text string. It saves valuable time. Otherwise, you need to do it manually. Because of this extra space, the calculation can be different. So, the TRIM function is vital for a data analyst.


In data analysis, you need to split values from one cell to another cell. After completing the task, if you want to combine those values into one text value, the CONCATENATE function helps you to do so. It joins two or more text values or numbers into one single text value. That is why using this Excel function is essential for any data analyst.

5. LEN Function

When you need to count the character in cells, you need to utilize the LEN function . This function returns a number of characters in a text string. If any data analyst needs to count the character in one cell or multiple cells, he/she needs to use the LEN function effectively.

6. LEFT/RIGHT Function

When you take data from different sources, these data aren’t ready for analysis. The data analysts spend most of their time clearing data. By default, Excel calculates formulas from left to right. The LEFT function helps to pull a set of numbers from the left and the RIGHT function does the opposite.

7. Add Slicer in Pivot Table

The slicer helps to filter the pivot table and makes an excellent report. The data analysts use several slicers to filter several pivot tables and finally, provide a meaningful output. Slicers help to take your dataset to the next level through their unique functioning. That is why it is an essential Excel skill for data analysts.

8. IFERROR Function

Data analysts use the IFERROR function to handle and eliminate errors from the given formulas. IFERROR is categorized under the Logical functions in Excel. It returns an alternate value if a formula results in an error. It helps data analysts with various problems while dealing with a big dataset.

Essential Excel Skills for Business Analyst

To become a business analyst, you need to have several Excel-related skills through which you can do the job properly. You need to adapt all the possible Excel skills that we discussed previously. After that, you can focus on the following essential Excel skills.

1. Excel File Format

While using the Excel file, you may experience some file format-related issues. Some tools only take CSV files. Some clients may not accept macros Excel workbooks. In that, you need to be careful about the Excel file format which is one more preferable compared to others. Otherwise, you may face misunderstandings with customers.

2. Visualize Pattern in Data

One of the biggest roles of a business analyst is to visualize patterns in data. Then, provide an optimum decision that is good for both customer and their own business. To visualize patterns in the data, you need to have profound knowledge of Excel commands and Excel functions. All of these combine with you a better business analyst and help you to make correct decisions.

3. Understand Industry Specific Functionalities

To become a well-known business analyst, you need to understand industry-specific functionalities such as NPV, PMT, IRR, etc in Excel.  Otherwise, you can’t figure out what you need to do in some specific condition. The business analyst should be capable of using statistical distribution functions. The overall ability to understand all of these functions will make them better business analysts.


Here, we have shown 28 essential Excel skills to become a professional Excel expert. All of these are fairly easy to use and user-friendly. These skills can solve lots of problems in your day-to-day life. In this article, we also discussed the possible Excel skills for business analysts, data analysts, and accountants. I hope you found this article exciting. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask in the comment box. Don’t forget to visit our Exceldemy page.

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    画面録画は、モニター画面に表示されている情報を視聴者と共有するための優れた方法です。いくつかの推奨事項により、素晴らしい画面記録を確実に生成できます。画面録画の利点の 1 つは、目に見えるものすべてをキャプチャできることです。 PowerPoint のプレゼンテーション、Web ページ、スプレッドシート、その他すべては公正なゲームです。 記録プロセスを開始する前に考慮すべき画面記録のヒントをいくつか紹介します。 知っておくべき 9 つの画面録画のヒント PC 通知を無効にする スクリーン キャプチャの欠点の 1 つは、望ましくない通知やポップアップ、混雑したデスクトップを誤って記録し

  2. 生活を楽にする無料の PDF ソフトウェア

    このソフトウェアは、この経済的な状況で現在直面しているすべての問題を解決するわけではありませんが、コンピューターの使用がより速く、よりスマートに、より美しくなるのに役立つことは間違いありません。 この記事では、ドキュメントの使用と操作に役立つ優れたアプリケーションのコレクションをすべて無料で紹介します。文書を PDF 形式で印刷したり、文書を PDF 形式に変換したり、Web サイトを PDF に変換したりできる、かなりまともなプログラムについて学びます。この記事は、主に Windows ユーザーを対象としています。それでは始めましょう。 まず、数人の読者 Foxit リーダー