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ビッグ データ分析:マーケティング担当者がそれを使用して顧客を理解する方法


しかし、今日の私たちの買い物の仕方は変化し、今ではショッピング モールに出向いて釣りをするよりもオンラインの方が多くなっています。家のお気に入りのソファに座って、ポップコーンと冷たい飲み物を片手に、ノートパソコンの画面でヘッドホンの利用可能なすべてのオプションを確認することは、モールを歩き回るよりもはるかに良い取引です.

つまり、基本的にオンライン ショッピングの時代は、買い物が非常に簡単になったというメリットがあります。ケーキの上のチェリーは、商品の宅配です。驚いたことに、このオンライン ショッピングの時代は、私たちよりもビジネスに利益をもたらしました。

ビッグ データはマーケティング ストラテジストに恩恵をもたらす –

衝撃的ですね!しかし、背後にあるロジックは非常に単純です。それがビッグデータ分析です。これらのオンライン ショッピング サイトはすべて、ウェブサイトでアカウントを作成するよう求めます。なぜだろうと思ったことはありません。その理由は、これにより、すべての顧客のデータを維持するためです。データは、入力した情報だけでなく、購入したすべてのアイテムの情報も含みます。そして、あなたがウィンドウショッピングしたアイテムのリスト。そして、これは彼らにあなたの好き嫌いについての考えを与えます.彼らは、すべての顧客のこのデータをすべて使用して、データ分析を行い、マーケティング計画と戦略を立てています。


  1. ウェブサイトが最も閲覧される時期
  2. 最大ラッシュ日に顧客が閲覧したすべてのアイテムのカテゴリ。
  3. 各カテゴリの顧客数
  4. 視聴回数が最も多かった場所
  5. 購入額とウィンドウ ショッピングの額

さらに、顧客の詳細を構成するビッグ データを使用して、どのタイプのマーケティング戦略を使用できるかを判断する条件も数多くあります。世界のどの地域のどの時期 .

収集されるビッグデータの内容 –



  1. 年齢;
  2. 性別;
  3. 民族;
  4. 家族および婚姻状況;
  5. 雇用状況;
  6. 収入レベル;


  1. 地理的位置
  2. ライフスタイル
  3. 興味
  4. 過去の行動
  5. コンテンツの消費習慣
  6. 購入への影響
  7. 出来事に対する感情的な反応
  8. 企業とやり取りする理由
  9. 会社からの希望
  10. 個人の目標
  11. 製品情報を検索する場所

顧客認識の向上 –

In any business it is very important to identify all the valuable customers of it. Traditionally, the buyers who spent the most money were by default taken as the Most Valuable People. But with time this technique failed as, these people came out to be the least loyal over the period of long time. Hence, this caused an outbreak of pressure for the sales and marketing personnel to find out the loyal customers and to make strategies accordingly.

Speaking of the present time. Big Data has emerged as Boon for Marketing and Sales Professionals. Since they have all the information about the personas of their customers, just by doing some metric calculation on the data could give them a very good insights about their customers. Some of the metrics that are performed by companies are as follows:

  1. Average Purchase Size – it is about the amount the customers spend on a typical purchase. This metric is done for each persona by considering that the people buy goods also seeing the value of it for themselves.
  2. Lifetime Value – it is about calculating the total amount of money the buyer persona spend with you over their lifetime. This would indicate about the relationship you have with your customers
  3. Acquisition Costs – this metric is the indicative of how much a business spend on their marketing and sales to get the customers.
  4. Retention Costs – this metric tells about the costs that the business bear in order to keep the customers in the contact.
  5. Customer Happiness – this metric indicates about the satisfaction in the customers regarding your product. It can also help you distinguish between the happy and unhappy customers, and the difference of views in them. The result could help in revealing flaws, suggesting improvements and many other things.
  6. Value Alignment – this metric lets you know whether the customers you think potential for your business are actually buying your products or not. And if not then who is buying your products can also be recorded. Hence, depending on the metric results you can check for the alignment between the customer personas and the purchasing characteristics.

By using the Big Data Analytics, you can transform your business into a more customer centric one than you have ever imagined. Having so many rivals in the market, you need to go beyond the transactional details of your customers and dig deeper about their sentiments and motivations. Big Data Analytics is not just about knowing a general trend but it’s more about knowing and taking care of you each and every individual customer. With proper application of data analytic techniques and marketing strategies, business now can customize their offers for every individual customer, instead of segmenting the customers into similar interests groups.

Why Companies turning to Big Data Analytics –

This has become a common phenomenon in the market. Whether small or big, all companies are turning to Big Data Analytics to extract value from the data. They somehow believe and is also proven that big data analytics can give you much deeper insights about your customer than any other traditional methods. The 3 reasons why Big Data proves to be a great opportunity for your business is:

  • Availability of new tools in the market which help analyze the data in real time. Data sensors which collect maximum information about performance of machine sand electronics are also among these new tools.
  • Since, now we have the ability to analyze the data, it increases the capability of a company to extract more important results to increase the profits.
  • Now we even have new genres of data related to the customer sentiments from the social platforms. Though these don’t seem to be of much value to a business but they prove to be beneficial to business to know how their products are being rated.
  • Warehousing this huge amounts of data will only lead to huge costs to business. Hence, Cloud Storage is now becoming a more reality because of its feasibility and accessibility.

See Also: A Beginner’s Guide to Big Data Analytics

Benefits of using Big Data Analytics –

Big Data Analytics has benefitted business in many ways, from improving their marketing and sales strategies to knowing about their products rating. Most important of all is that it has helped them to understand their customers in much better manner than ever before. It has helped in overcoming the challenges that were being faced by marketing department while using the traditional methods.

In the above lines of the blog, it had been clear to you that businesses are using Big Data Analytics to know their customers in vivid manner. 3 major benefits of using Big Data Analytics to understand your business customers are:

  • Customer Satisfaction – Since, by the use of Big Data Analytics has helped businesses to know their customers completely, hence they can work accordingly to increase the customer satisfaction. Eventually generating fans for your business and an improved rating about your products.
  • Big Data Analytics helps you in taking care of each and every customer individually, hence, sales could be increased by giving them the best deal at the best time.
  • Since businesses know everything in and out about their customers, they can retain them for longer time by showing them that their business understand their need in a better manner and can provide them the products suiting their requirement.

The above blog told you about How Big Data Analytics is super beneficial for Marketing as it helps you to know your customers in a much better manner. But knowing how it helps, and what all data it collects is not enough. After all, it’s Big Data and no one knows how big this Big Data is. Hence, there are some ways to use this Big Data Analytics for knowing your customer, which I would be discussing in my next Big Data Blog.

You May Also Like: The Big Data Gray Area – Do’s and Don’ts

Till them let me know whether you liked my this blog or not through the comments below.

  1. ビッグデータは人工知能をどのように変えているか?

    最近、「The Economists」は、データが人々が保持する最も価値のある商品になっているという事実を強調しました。データの小さな塊が大規模に組み合わされると、ビッグデータと呼ばれます。ビッグデータを攻撃から保護することに忙しい一方で、ビッグデータは静かに人工知能の成長に貢献しています。あなたはどのように尋ねますか?さて、AI の一部である機械学習は指数関数的に改善されており、「情報エスカレート戦略」と呼ぶことができます。簡単に言えば、AI を作成、テスト、準備するには、膨大な量のデータが必要です。 AI がさまざまな分野を後押しする計り知れない可能性を秘めているという事実は否定できませ

  2. 2022 年ベスト 10 のビッグデータ分析ツール

    ビッグ データ分析ツールは、データ セットへの洞察を提供します。データは、さまざまなビッグ データ クラスターから収集されます。このツールは、企業がデータの傾向を理解し、パターンとその複雑さを作成し、データをわかりやすいデータ視覚化に変換するのに役立ちます。 ビッグデータは雑然としているため、ビジネスのパフォーマンスを理解し、顧客の洞察を得るには、分析ツールが非常に重要です。オンラインで利用できるデータ分析ツールは多数あるため、この記事は洞察を得て、最適なビッグデータ分析ツールを選択するのに役立ちます。 2022 年ビッグデータ分析ツール トップ 10 大小を問わず、あらゆるビジネスに最適