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Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10


10 の最高の植物識別アプリ



Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

さまざまな植物や作物について学びたいですか? Plantix に尋ねるだけで、全体を案内してくれます。このアプリは、植物だけでなく、珍しい果物、野菜、作物についても教えてくれる、農業と園芸の小さな専門家です。さらに、このツールは花を識別したり、関連情報を提供したりするだけでなく、インタラクティブな植物博士でもあります。植物が病気にかかっていたり、成長中に問題に直面していたり​​しても、Plantix は迅速かつ無料でサポートを提供します。


Android 用 Plantix をダウンロードしてください!

2. PictureThis

Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

世界中に 30,000,000 人を超えるユーザーの大規模なコミュニティを持つ PictureThis は、ユーザーがさまざまな種類の花、木、多肉植物などを指先で識別、学習、発見できる、もう 1 つの最高の植物識別アプリです。この樹木識別アプリは、10,000 以上の種を 98% の精度で検出できます。 AI エンジンで動作するため、アプリは植物の専門家や専門家から常に学習し続け、その結果、植物の識別が日々改善され続けています。写真を撮ると、PictureThis は即座に結果をもたらし、種に関連する多くの植物ケアのヒント、提案、その他の情報を提供します。


Android と iOS 用の PictureThis をダウンロードしてください!


Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

植物愛好家、ガーデン プランナー、旅行愛好家、子供、学生、教師にとって理想的なアプリです。 FlowerChecker takes help of real botanists to detect unknown plants, trees, moss, fungus, and even lichen. While the information is delivered via the international team of plant experts and specialists, this plant identifier app is considered as one of the most accurate of other apps listed here. And, so it’s paid plant identification service. Just click a picture of an unrecognized plant and get it identified within several minutes.

You can download this plant identification app now and enjoy three identifications for free as a trial.

Download FlowerChecker for Android and iOS!

4. PlantNet

Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

The idea behind PlantNet App is to identify a flower/plant species based on the picture you’ve taken with your phone and the phone’s location. With a huge database of more than 6,500 different plant entries, the tool is majorly designed to identify wildflowers. This plant identifier app takes help of botanical reference database through which instant results are displayed to users. PlantNet allows users to grab and share information about different plants and flowers. It works with the contribution of end users, as it stores and maintains the database with the images submitted by users.

This handy plant/flower identification app has a gigantic database for searching rare plants species with much accuracy.

Download PlantNet for Android and iOS!

5. Garden Tags

Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

Garden Tags is a free and an easy-to-use plant identification app developed by 4D Media Limited. It comes with all the capabilities to make the art of growing plants easy and fun. This tree identification app connects you to a community of best plant-lovers who answers all queries related to gardening, helps in plant identification by leaf, and also provide essential tips for managing your entire garden. If you upgrade the app to the premium version, you will start receiving plant care tasks that will guide you when your plant needs care, for example:when it’s time to prune.

Additionally, you’ll start receiving handy gardening videos to guide you the best way to grow your plants.

Download Garden Tags for Android and iOS!

6. PlantSnap

Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

PlantSnap will undoubtedly help you to improve your gardening knowledge. This plant finder app works on Artificial Intelligence algorithms to identify over 316,000 species of plants. To begin using the tool, allow PlantSnap to access phone’s camera and photo library. Launch the app and point the camera to an unknown plant> PlantSnap will start presenting the alternatives of what it thinks the plant is> now you can easily match the original picture with the plant from options displayed by PlantSnap database> Tap the correct match, so that you can add it to your personal collection.

As this leaf recognition app works on AI principles to identify a flower or plant, the more people use it, the smarter it becomes.

Download PlantSnap for Android and iOS!

7. iNaturalist

Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

Similar to other best plant identification apps mentioned here, iNaturalist also work with a plethora of plant specialists and experts to help with plant recognition. Users are required to upload a picture of an unknown flower or plant, and a huge community of more than 400,000 scientists &naturalists will respond with all the information related to that plant. Just point your smartphone at any plant and get instant identification. This plant finder app also assists with caring for your garden and best of all? You can track the growth of your plants too with the tool.

Download this flower identifier app and start discovering new species, you can also identify animals around you through iNaturalist.
Download Plantifier on Android and iOS!

8. SmartPlant

Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

SmartPlant is another best plant identification app designed for gardeners, plant lovers, and flora enthusiasts. It lets you identify a flower or plant or pests with a snap and connect you with hundreds of experts so that they can help you at the drop of a hat. This plant/tree identification app boasts the following features, holds a huge plant library to search, features highly-rich content including images, videos, and usual plant care information, allows you to build your digital plant library, offers free monthly plant care tips for your garden.

Best of all? SmartPlant also delivers freebies on the house for selected lucky users every month! What’s more? Do you need to pay to use the app?いいえ! You can transform your garden Smart for absolutely free!

Download SmartPlant – a smart plant/flower identifier app for Android and iOS!

9. Garden Answers

Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

Garden Answers is another ground-breaking plant/tree identification app. It lets you snap a picture of any plant or flower to find out what it is. At a single-tap, this amazing plant identifier app will help you find out whether your plant has any disease or pest infection. And if it does, you don’t have to run to a plant pathologist, Garden Answers will help you with effective advice and recommendations to treat your plants on your own. The app works with several gardening experts so that you get detailed information about any plants or flowers in a couple of minutes.

Using the advanced image recognition technology, the plant/flower identifier app holds capability of identifying over 20,000 plants instantly.

Download Garden Answers for Android and iOS!

10. What’s That Flower?

Android と iPhone 向けの最高の植物識別アプリ トップ 10

Last on the list but not in consideration, ‘What’s That Flower?’ is one more Best Plant Identification App which is easy to understand by what it says. The technology used in the app is simple. Take a photo of a plant or flower, the tool will run it through its huge database and identifies the pattern to detect what it is. Similar to other plant identification apps within the list, what makes ‘What’s That Flower?’ stand out of the line is it also allows users to identify the plant by just simply typing the color and the number of petals you see in it. Your result will be displayed in a matter of moments.

So, in case if your mobile’s camera is not working, don’t worry, this flower identification app will help you out to find any flower or plant around you.
Download What’s That Flower? for Android here!

Bonus Plant Identifier App

There’s no app actually, but it’s your favorite search engine. Many of you don’t know or haven’t get exposed to this functionality, but you can identify plants using Google image search. To use the feature, go to Google Images and upload the picture of an unknown plant and write some descriptive words. Google will show you visually similar images, you can browse through them and hopefully get all the information you’re looking for.

If we missed any other great plant/flower identification apps, do tell us about them in the comment section below!

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