Windows 10 の Windows Update について知っておくべきこと
インターネット は、ほぼ毎日新しいものを提供する進化し続けるメディアです。現在オンラインになっているすべての Web サイトと、かつて デスクトップ だけに焦点を当てていた新しい Web 開発戦略がそれらに適用されていることを想像してみてください。 コンピューター プラットフォームだけでなく、モバイル デバイスやその他のポータブル マシンにも対応しています。これらの変化により、マルウェアやウイルスなどの一部の否定的なエンティティでさえ、環境に適応するために進化し続けます。すべては日常的に変化しており、もちろん、オペレーティング システムも、大きなイノベーションや改善に取り残されないように、また日常のコンピューティングで最新のものとの互換性を維持するために、現在に合わせて動く必要があります。これが、大企業が Apple を好む理由です。 、Google マイクロソフト さまざまなデバイスで実行されるオペレーティング システムの更新プログラムを提供します。これらの更新には、新しい機能、新しいコード、さらには新しいセキュリティ パッチが含まれており、すべてデバイスのパフォーマンスを向上させることを目的としていますが、OS の更新について時間をかけて調査する場合はもちろん、 Windows Update など たとえば、すべての人が自分のコンピューターでそれを望んでいるわけではないことがわかります。コンピューターの速度が低下したり、ハードウェアとインストールされた新しいドライバーとの互換性がないなど、さまざまな理由により、一部の人にとっては更新が不要に思えます。更新に関する苦情、特にWindows Update Microsoft である最新の Windows OS バージョンのリリースにより、さらに 2 倍になりました。 Windows 10 を呼び出す 「これまでで最高のもの」としてブランド化します . Windows 10 で更新プログラムをダウンロードしてインストールする新しい方法をユーザーが嫌う理由 Windows 10 で更新を機能させるためにできること デバイス?このチュートリアルでは、これらのことを調べて、Windows 10 で制御する方法を見つけます。 マシンのパフォーマンスに影響を与える可能性のある問題を防ぐために、更新をダウンロードしてインストールします。しかし何よりもまず、Windows Update の仕組みを学びましょう。 セクションは Windows 10 でアクセスされます .
Windows 10 の Windows Update について
Windows Update について説明する予定なので、 このチュートリアルでは、最初にその方法を学び、そこで利用できるオプション、設定、微調整を確認することが重要です。まず、Windows Update について知っておく必要があります。 セクションは、従来の コントロール パネル からアクセスできなくなりました 窓。 マイクロソフトのようです ユーザーに 最新の設定ウィンドウ を使用してもらいたいと考えています 将来の主要な Windows 10 で導入されるこれらのより多くの準備を整えるために、より頻繁に 改善。以下のスクリーンショットは、従来の コントロール パネル を示しています ご覧のとおり、Windows Update へのリンクはありません。 . Windows Update にアクセスするには Windows 10 で 、最新の設定ウィンドウを含む新しい方法を学ぶ必要があるだけです 初期化。まず、スタート メニューを起動する必要があります。 スタート ボタンをクリックして または Windows キーを押す スタート メニュー 開いたら、左下の部分にある 「設定」 というリンクをクリックするだけです 以下のスクリーンショットで強調表示されているように。
「設定」の後 リンクをクリックすると、最新の設定ウィンドウを開くことができるはずです 9 つのカテゴリが表示されます Windows 10 を微調整するセクション 機械。ここから、「更新とセキュリティ」 というラベルが付いたものをクリックする必要があります。 以下に示すように、画面の右下部分にあります。
このカテゴリをクリックすると、前回の更新プログラムのインストールがいつ行われたか、または更新プログラムがインストールされたかどうかに関する情報を確認できます。 are currently being downloaded, you will see a progress bar which shows the overall state of the download process.
From this Window, you can also click on the “Check for updates” button or if updates are available, you should be able to see a “Download” button which you can click in case you want to start the update manually and not on Windows 10’s scheduled time.
Why Can’t I Configure Updates in My Windows 10 Computer?
We’ve been receiving a lot of queries from our readers about their inability to configure updates in their newly upgraded Windows 10 コンピューター。 If you’re also wondering why this is so then you need to understand how Microsoft has implemented some changes with this aspect of the Windows オペレーティング·システム。 If you remember how it was possible in previous Windows editions like Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 to tweak when updates are downloaded and installed and as well as choose which ones gets installed but when you tried doing the same in Windows 10 , you were surprised that the same tweaks are no longer available then you surely didn’t read enough about this latest Windows OS version. In Windows 10 , Microsoft has made its basic version called Windows Home to perform more like a service. This means that updates will be installed to it automatically without the user being able to do any tweaks on how and when the update downloading process happens. If you can’t access the tweaks and settings for Windows Update in your newly upgraded Windows 10 machine then that means that you are using the basic Windows 10 Home version.
How Did I Get Windows 10 Home?
The answer to this is very simple and it has to do with the previous Windows OS edition that you have been using before you chose to upgrade to Windows 10 . If you used the basic versions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 then you will only get the basic version of Windows 10 after the upgrade. There is no way for you to get higher versions in this case unless you shell-out an extra $99 to purchase an upgrade to Windows 10 Pro . Again, the operating system version and/or variant that you were using before you upgraded to Windows 10 serves as the main basis for the version of the new Windows 10 OS that’s going to be installed on your computer after the upgrade. This means that if you were using Windows 7 Professional or Windows 8.1 Pro then you will get the Windows 10 Pro upgrade so there would be no need for you to spend $99 just to get this Windows 10 version which offers settings and tweaks related to Windows Update .
What Has Changed and What Remained
In Windows 10 , Microsoft is implementing a major change in how the the basic version of their flagship product works which we all know as the Windows オペレーティング·システム。 The company is now promoting Windows as a service just like other mobile operating systems such as Android or iOS . But what does this mean to us users? Well, it means quite a change and it could affect bandwidth and Internet speeds at the most. For instance, the new change now affects most Windows 10 users because of the fact that millions upon millions have already accepted the FREE Upgrade to the latest Windows OS version. Most are using Windows 10 Home while others have the Professional edition installed but no matter which one you are using, you still get updates automatically since it is the default setting in both the Home and Professional editions of Windows 10. If you are asking how this affects you as an end user then just imagine how your machine’s Internet slows down when you download something from the Internet that has a significantly large size or when you are using a torrent client in downloading stuff from your favorite torrent site. This same thing would happen when big updates are downloaded to your machine and the problem for Windows 10 Home users is that these updates are mandatory! There’s no way for you to stop these Windows Updates from being downloaded in Windows 10 Home version which is a big setback if you compare it with previous Windows editions starting Windows XP towards Windows 8.1 which gives users the freedom to choose when updates install or which updates are allowed to be downloaded and installed. Thankfully, the fact that Windows Updates are still there to keep your machine up to date with all the of the newest features and OS updates as well as security patches has remained unchanged. The only thing that users really complain about is the lack of an option to stop automatic updates from happening especially on the basic version of Windows 10 .
How Does it Affect Your Internet Connection?
We’ve already given you a bird’s eye view on how this affects your Internet connection and bandwidth usage but we’ll explain things deeper in this section of our tutorial. Because of Microsoft’s decision to really implement this in their newest OS edition, many users who are concerned about Internet speeds and bandwidth usage really threw some concerned comments and objections. This is because it has a big potential of eating up much of your bandwidth especially if updates are downloaded and installed everyday. Just imagine if an update as big as 300MB or more being downloaded to your computer every time it is turned on. If this happens each day without any option of and choosing the important ones to be downloaded and installed and halting the less important ones from ever being downloaded then it would have significant impact on your browsing speeds. You might be using your computer and wonder why the Internet suddenly went slow even if you have just turned it on or no one else is using it and after deeper investigation, you find out that automatic updates in your Windows 10 Home edition computer is the real culprit. The problem worsens especially if your Internet service provider implements strict data caps or you only have selected hours on the day (mostly late at night) where your connection is uncapped. Now you surely don’t want to be staying all night long just to take advantage of the uncapped hours because all the hours of daytime and the bandwidth that was supposed to be used for your leisure in surfing the web were all used up by automatic updates! This default setting in Windows 10 Home won’t hurt people in countries where Internet speeds are faster and bandwidth caps are generous enough to allow automatic updating and surfing to happen altogether but in other areas where Internet is slow and bandwidth is capped then it is truly a disaster!
What Options Are There to Solve This Problem in Windows 10 Home Edition?
Microsoft says in their support website that you can actually take control of automatic updates using two options. First is quite easy and won’t need you to spend a dime for it but it would affect the other applications and programs that need Internet connection to work properly while the other would really require you to shell-out $99 to get the better solution that would not affect any program or app installed on your computer. If you’re curious on what these solutions are then we’ll show you what they really are and we’ll start with the easy one. Just follow the steps that are shown below so you can take control of the way updates install in your Windows 10 Home コンピューター。 First, you will need to access the modern Settings Window and in order to do this, you will need to click on the Start Button or press the Windows key and the Start Menu will launch. Once it opens, just click on the Settings link located at the bottom-left portion as highlighted below. Once the modern Settings Window opens, you will need to click on the “Network &Internet” settings category and after doing so, you will be able to access the settings and tweaks that are available for the wireless networks that you have connected to in the past and even the one to which your computer is currently connected to.
Once you are on this section of the “Network &Internet” settings Window, you will need to click on the link that says “Advanced options” as highlighted on the screenshot above in order to get into the settings and tweaks for your computer’s current network connection as you can see below.
On this Window, all you need to do is click on the switch that is located under the “Set as metered connection” オプション。 Setting an Internet connection into a metered one will help control updates or even stop them but while this method is easy to activate, it will also mean that your other apps and programs that require bandwidth such as a torrent client for instance will stop working and will be disconnected from the Internet but this is the only free option that you have if you’re using Windows 10 Home edition. If you don’t want this to happen then you’re up for the second option which we are going to talk about next.
Upgrade to Windows 10 Professional Edition
Now this is the second option that you can consider if you really want to control updates or even stop them without the performance of other apps and programs being affected. This solution now involves purchasing the Windows 10 Pro upgrade which costs $99 . Once you get your Windows 10 Home computer upgraded to Windows 10 Pro , you can now choose what happens to updates before they get installed and even stop them permanently if you don’t want your Internet speed and bandwidth to be consumed by automatic Windows Updates . To do this tweak in your newly upgraded Windows 10 Pro computer, you will again need to launch the modern Settings Window as we have shown above but instead of clicking on the “Network &Internet” category, just click on the one that says “Update &security” . Once this section opens, you will now then need to click on the link that is located at the left navigation pane which says “Windows Update” and when its contents displays, click on “Advanced options” as highlighted on the screenshot below.
When the “Advanced options” section opens, simply click inside the box that is found under the “Choose how updates are installed” option in order to tweak how Windows Updates are installed on your Windows 10 機械。 If you don’t want updates to be installed automatically after they are downloaded then you will need to click on the “Notify to schedule restart” オプション。
Finally, if you really don’t want Windows Updates to be downloaded and installed, you will simply need to click on the check box that is located at the left of the “Defer upgrades” option and close the modern Settings Window. There’s no need to click on “Apply” or “OK” buttons because the changes will instantly be saved by the time you enable or disable any option in Windows 10’s modern Settings Window.
Tweak Windows Updates in Windows and Restore Your Internet’s Glory!
As you can see, Microsoft has implemented a change in Windows 10 that is not that favorable to users but of course, there are tweaks to get around this potential problem especially if you have a capped Internet 繋がり。 Just take some exploring and follow the steps that we have shown here and you should be able to get your Internet speed to its previous glory in just a few minutes of tweaks!
Windows 10 の 5 月の更新について知っておくべきことすべて
Windows 10 は、常に改善されている Microsoft の素晴らしいオペレーティング システムです。最新の 2019 年 5 月 10 日の更新には、多くの新しい改善、機能、微調整が含まれています。この更新プログラムは、2019 年 5 月 21 日に利用可能になりました。Microsoft は、これらの更新プログラムをかなり長い間テストしてきたと報告されています。バージョンは、Windows 10 バージョン 1903 または 19H1 と呼ばれます。 以前のバージョンとは異なり、Windows 10 は約 6 か月ごとに機能更新プログラムを取得します。この更新プログラムで Wi
Windows 7 のサポート終了について知っておくべきこと
Windows 7 のサポート終了とは? Windows 7 の延長サポートが終了するということですか? Windows 7 のサポート終了は、Microsoft がこのオペレーティング システムのサポートを終了することを意味します。 2009 年にリリースされたとき、Microsoft は 10 年間のサポートを約束しましたが、10 年が終わりを迎えた今、Microsoft は顧客向けの Windows 7 の延長サポートをまもなく終了することを決定しました。さらに、サポート終了日以降は Microsoft が Windows 7 のいかなる種類の更新プログラムもリリースしないことを意味