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TimeDeltaIndexオブジェクトを作成するには、 pandas.TimedeltaIndex()を使用します メソッド。


import pandas as pd

TimeDeltaIndexオブジェクトを作成します。 'data'パラメータも使用してtimedeltaのようなデータを設定しました-

tdIndex = pd.TimedeltaIndex(data =['10 day 5h 2 min 3us 10ns', '+22:39:19.999999',
'2 day 4h 03:08:02.000045', '+21:15:45.999999'])


print("TimedeltaIndex...\n", tdIndex)


print("\nThe Dataframe of the components of TimeDeltas...\n", tdIndex.components)


import pandas as pd

# Create a TimeDeltaIndex object
# We have set the timedelta-like data using the 'data' parameter as well
tdIndex = pd.TimedeltaIndex(data =['10 day 5h 2 min 3us 10ns', '+22:39:19.999999',
'2 day 4h 03:08:02.000045', '+21:15:45.999999'])

# display TimedeltaIndex
print("TimedeltaIndex...\n", tdIndex)
# display the number of days from each element of TimeDeltaIndex
print("\nThe number of days from the TimeDeltaIndex object...\n", tdIndex.days)

# display the number of seconds from each element of TimeDeltaIndex
print("\nThe number of seconds from the TimeDeltaIndex object...\n", tdIndex.seconds)

# display the number of microseconds from each element of TimeDeltaIndex
print("\nThe number of microseconds from the TimeDeltaIndex object...\n", tdIndex.microseconds)

# Return a dataframe of the components of TimeDeltas
print("\nThe Dataframe of the components of TimeDeltas...\n", tdIndex.components)



TimedeltaIndex(['10 days 05:02:00.000003010', '0 days 22:39:19.999999',
'2 days 07:08:02.000045', '0 days 21:15:45.999999'],
dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None)

The number of days from the TimeDeltaIndex object...
Int64Index([10, 0, 2, 0], dtype='int64')

The number of seconds from the TimeDeltaIndex object...
Int64Index([18120, 81559, 25682, 76545], dtype='int64')

The number of microseconds from the TimeDeltaIndex object...
Int64Index([3, 999999, 45, 999999], dtype='int64')

The Dataframe of the components of TimeDeltas...
  days hours minutes seconds milliseconds microseconds nanoseconds
0 10    5      2      0         0            3           10
1 0     22     39     19        999         999           0
2 2     7      8      2         0            45           0
3 0     21     15     45        999          999          0

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