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コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

コロナウイルスのパンデミックは、9.11 や 2008 年の金融危機よりも深刻でグローバルです。



しかし、これにも明るい兆しがあります。私たち人間は、自分たちの生活に適応する性質を持っています。COVID-19 と戦うための新しい環境に落ち着くと、この新しいセットはすぐに私たちにとって正常なものになります。快適に過ごしてください。

いくつかの重要な産業が発展するところでは、多くが死にます。ビジネスと経済は異なる働きをします。テクノロジーは、多くの企業にとって中心的な焦点、バックボーン、および配信メカニズムになるでしょう。テクノロジー イベントは以前のように開催されなくなり、AI が市場を席巻し、さまざまな分野でさらに多くの変化が起こるでしょう。



アクティビティ 昔は 現在の傾向
在宅勤務 39.60% 11.80%
仕事で働く 62.20% 11.60%
友達を訪ねる 51.10% 26.90%
ライドシェア、Lyft、Uber サービスの利用 29.30% 39.50%
モバイル事前注文の使用 58.80% 24.20%
地元の公共交通機関の利用 27.10% 44.40%
国内以外への旅行 51.00% 36.10%
海外旅行 29.30% 49.40%
ビジネスで海外旅行 10.60% 50.70%
ビジネスで米国内を飛行機で移動する 13.60% 49.90%
個人的な理由による旅行 54.70% 43.80%
ビジネス旅行 16.10% 45.40%
モバイル デバイスを使用したショッピング 64.10% 9.50%
オンライン ショッピング 77.30% 8.60%
食料品以外のものを購入するために実店舗を訪れる 82.20% 29.50%
食料品を買いに食料品店へ 92.10% 20.90%
アグリゲーターを使用した注文 44.60% 29.40%
映画館で映画を見る 60.90% 36.70%
食料品店を訪れ、読み物を作って食事をする 80.80% 24.30%
食料品店に野菜や果物を買いに行く 89.80% 20.00%
物理的な買い物に行く 80.80% 30.50%
家から離れた余暇活動に時間を費やす 72.70% 34.60%
ウェイター サービスのあるレストランでの食事 83.30% 35.90%
ファストフード店での食事 81.30% 35.30%
レストランでの食事 86.60% 35.70%
通勤時の公共交通機関の利用 29.10% 36.30%
自家用車通勤 55.60% 10.90%
食料品をオンラインで購入し、路上で受け取り 43.80% 18.80%
スポーツ イベントへの参加 50.90% 32.80%
趣味でカンファレンスに参加 36.80% 42.00%
ビジネス会議への参加 37.30% 31.00%
コンサートへの参加 50.60% 37.10%

COVID-19 はすでにいくつかのセクターに影響を与えており、まだ影響を受けていないセクターでもすぐに変化が見られるでしょう。

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

続きを読む:自宅でワークアウトする最高の HIIT アプリ

Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えますか?



コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

In addition to this, we will see a change in different industries.

COVID-19 Change in Different Industries

1. Education – With schools, colleges being temporarily closed people are shifting towards online teaching. As more and more people are adopting it soon, we will see a decline in the use of physical books. Not only this, the need for colleges and schools will also reduce.

Technology will become the main channel for imparting education. There will be a reduction in college fees, allowing more people to pass college. Hypothetically speaking, we will have a more learned and educated crowd. This all might sound too good, but it has its drawbacks. Children will not be able to learn to work with larger groups, make friends and their physical growth will also be restricted.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

Not only this, but people will also become less social and will not like to interact with others in person.

<強い>2. Medicine – Due to various reasons, telemedicine is not accepted. But since people are stuck at home and they are using this method, to get the treatment soon, we will see a boom in the online consultation. Right now, doctors don’t promote it as they don’t feel comfortable and consider it risky, but this won’t change things. If people find it convenient, we will see telemedicine rising. But to make it a success some policy level changes will have to be made and insurance companies will also have to look for new solutions.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

<強い>3. Remote working – As people are staying at home and working remotely soon, we will see companies following it as a norm. Although it won’t be fully applied, flexibility in the working environment will be witnessed. No longer will they have to leave their job to look after their children. Also, the male chauvinist society will understand how to help the partner and manage work.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

For essential services, there will surely be a risk because hackers will take advantage of home network vulnerability, and an increase in cyberattacks will be seen.

As remote working will increase a severe downturn for commercial real estate will be seen.

<強い>4. People will care more about product pricing – The economic recession brings a rise in price sensitivity. Due to the outbreak, people might end up losing their jobs; this means they will have no wages; therefore; companies will have to bring down the prices of daily commodities.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

<強い>5. Restaurants will shut down – Restaurant owners are not concerned about reopening they are worried about how they will operate. With social distancing prevailing, people will not like to visit restaurants, food halls, etc. Therefore, a new business model will have to emerge where there will be more take away.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

<強い>6. Digital services and e-commerce will make lasting gains – Companies who provide goods and services without coming in physical contact will be the winner. Remote work services like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Slack, online delivery like Amazon, Walmart, live streaming like Netflix, Hulu, Sling TV, virtual reality companies like Oculus all will rise.

Social media traffic will increase, but companies will not be able to make a profit from social media campaigns. Keeping this in mind, Coca-Cola has already withdrawn all ad campaigns.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

In short, food delivery services, e-commerce platforms, digital services all will be the winners. As the economy will improve, they will gain more because consumer’s buying habits will already be altered by that time.

7. Jobs will be made automated – To survive economic crises, firms will have to let go of their least productive workers, they will automate what can be automated. Those who will be able to cope with this change will emerge as a winner, rest others will have to suffer the consequences. With time companies will realize the functions made remotely capable can be done by highly skilled workers in lower-cost countries. In short, the work from remote domestic will move to remote overseas.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

8. A decline in travel – People and goods will travel less, and the border will become less porous. This will strengthen domestic manufacturing and companies will move their manufacturing centers to their own countries.

The government will adopt widespread and intrusive surveillance. People will not like to stay in hotels. In the wake of this epidemic, a decline in the booking of all accommodation types is already seen.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

Brand name hotel chains see a 26% decline where Homeshare rentals witness 30% and boutique hotels 30%.

9. Fitness – No longer, you will have to pay those hefty gym memberships as the gym will come to your home.待って! They are already here. The way the fitness industry adopted this change, we will see more fitness apps focusing on offering online classes and consultation from fitness experts.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

Read More:5 Best Fitness Games That Will Make You Sweat

10. Mental Health – Man is a social animal; there is an intrinsic need to socialize and meet others. But due to this pandemic, we all are stuck at home, thereby restricting our social lives. Due to this, a rise in online counseling platforms is seen as they help individuals connect with therapists for the right guidance. Companies providing online counseling will boom, and people facing anxiety issues due to pandemic and change in situations will open more for professional help.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

In addition to this, many other industries will also witness drastic changes. The new normal will have its challenge and effects on the mindset of people.

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか

コロナウイルス ニューノーマル – Covid-19 は世界をどのように変えるか
This clearly shows how things are changing, and people are adapting to these changes.

Now what?

Fear is a powerful motivator of human behavior. People will go to any length to avoid losing what they have, and they will do anything that could keep them away from harm’s way. Apart from going to work, people will fear meeting anyone. They will be more socially distant; no one would be able to trust anyone.

Things will change in a manner that we would have never imagined. Companies will take advantage of it and will make us a slave to technology.

Now you need to decide what you want and how you want the world to be.

All thoughts expressed in this post are of the writer. If you disagree or agree, do let us know. Your opinion and thoughts matter.

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