Begin Function median() with both the arrays and the start and end indexes of each array, which have two arrays and their respective elements as argument. A) first calculate the array length as e1 - s1, here e1 nd s1 are the end and start indices. B) If the length is 2 or 1, calculate the median of arrays according to even or odd length, print the result. C) Check if both the individual medians are equal, if yes, then print the result. D) If above two conditions are true then check if m>m2 then the combined median will either be in first half of the first array or in the second half of the second array. E) If m1<m2 then the combined median will either be in second half of the first array or in the first half of the second array. F) Call median() recursively, with updated start and end indexes. End
#include<iostream> using namespace std; void median(float a1[], int s1, int e1, float a2[], int s2, int e2) { float m1, m2; if((e1-s1+1)%2 == 0) { if(e1-s1 == 1) { m1 = ((a1[s1]<a2[s2]?a1[s1]:a2[s2])+(a1[e1]>a2[e2]?a1[e1]:a2[e2]))/2; cout<<m1; return; } m1 = (a1[(e1+s1)/2]+a1[(e1+s1)/2+1])/2; m2 = (a2[(e2+s2)/2]+a2[(e2+s2)/2+1])/2; if(m1 == m2 ) { cout<<m1; return; } else { if(m1 > m2) median(a1, s1, (e1+s1)/2+1, a2, (e2+s2)/2, e2); else median(a1, (e1+s1)/2, e1, a2, s2, (e2+s2)/2+1); } } else { if(e1-s1 == 0) { m1 = (a1[s1]+a2[s2])/2; cout<<m1; return; } m1 = a1[(e1+s1)/2]; m2 = a2[(e2+s2)/2]; if(m1 == m2 ) { cout<<m1; return; } else { if(m1 > m2) median(a1, s1, (e1+s1)/2, a2, (e2+s2)/2, e2); else median(a1, (e1+s1)/2, e1, a2, s2, (e2+s2)/2); } } return; } int main() { int n1,n2,i; cout<<"\nEnter the number of elements for 1st array: "; cin>>n1; float a1[n1]; for(i = 0; i < n1; i++) { cout<<"Enter element for 1st array"<<i+1<<": "; cin>>a1[i]; } cout<<"\nEnter the number of elements for 2nd array: "; cin>>n2; float a2[n2]; for(i = 0; i < n2; i++) { cout<<"Enter element for 2nd array "<<i+1<<": "; cin>>a1[i]; } cout << "Median is "; median(a1, 0, n1-1, a2, 0, n2-1) ; return 0; }
Enter the number of elements for 1st array: 5 Enter element for 1st array1: 6 Enter element for 1st array2: 7 Enter element for 1st array3: 9 Enter element for 1st array4: 10 Enter element for 1st array5: 11 Enter the number of elements for 2nd array: 5 Enter element for 2nd array 1: 60 Enter element for 2nd array 2: 70 Enter element for 2nd array 3: 90 Enter element for 2nd array 4: 100 Enter element for 2nd array 5: 110 Median is 35
ここでは、C++を使用して楕円の面積を取得する方法を説明します。楕円にはさまざまな部分があります。これらは以下のようなものです。 キーポイント 説明 センター 楕円の中心。また、2つの焦点を結ぶ線分の中心でもあります。 主軸 楕円の最長直径 nmemb これは要素の数であり、各要素のサイズはサイズです。 バイト。 短軸 楕円の最小直径 コード tを指す線分 フォーカス 図で示されている2つのポイント ロータス直腸 蓮の直腸は、焦点を通り、楕円の主軸に垂直な線です。 楕円の面積はΠ𝜋 ∗𝑎a∗b𝑏 サンプルコード #include <iostre
これは、二分探索木を使用して配列の最大要素を見つけるためのC++プログラムです。このプログラムの時間計算量はO(log(n))です。 アルゴリズム Begin Construct the Binary Search Tree using the given data elements. Next traverse the root pointer to the rightmost child node available. Print the data part of the node as the maximum data element of the given data