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import xlsxwriter
import pandas as pd


# Function : write_data_to_files
def write_data_to_files(inp_data, inp_file_name):
function : create a csv file with the data passed to this code
args : inp_data : tuple data to be written to the target file
file_name : target file name to store the data
return : none
assumption : File to be created and this code are in same directory.
print(f" *** Writing the data to - {inp_file_name}")

# Create a Workbook.
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(inp_file_name)

# add a worksheet.
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

# Start from the first cell. Rows and columns are zero indexed.
row = 0
col = 0

# read the input data and write them in rows and columns
for player, titles in inp_data:
worksheet.write(row, col, player)
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, titles)
row += 1

# close the workbook.
print(f" *** Completed writing the data to - {inp_file_name}")

# Function : excel_functions_with_pandas
def excel_functions_with_pandas(inp_file_name):
function : Quick overview of functions you can apply on excel with pandas
args : inp_file_name : input excel spread sheet.
return : none
assumption : Input excel spreadsheet and this code are in same directory.
data = pd.read_excel(inp_file_name)

# print top 2 rows
print(f" *** Displaying top 2 rows of - {inp_file_name} \n {data.head()} ")

# look at the data types
print(f" *** Displaying info about {inp_file_name} - {}")

# Create a new spreadsheet "Sheet2" and write data into it.
new_players_info = pd.DataFrame(data=[
{"players": "new Roger Federer", "titles": 20},
{"players": "new Rafael Nadal", "titles": 20},
{"players": "new Novak Djokovic", "titles": 17},
{"players": "new Andy Murray", "titles": 3}], columns=["players", "titles"])

new_data = pd.ExcelWriter(inp_file_name)
new_players_info.to_excel(new_data, sheet_name="Sheet2")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Define your file name and data
file_name = "temporary_file.xlsx"

# tuple data for storage
file_data = (['player', 'titles'], ['Federer', 20], ['Nadal', 20], ['Djokovic', 17], ['Murray', 3])

# write the file_data to file_name
# write_data_to_files(file_data, file_name)

# # Read excel file into pandas and apply functions.
# excel_functions_with_pandas(file_name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Define your file name and data
file_name = "temporary_file.xlsx"

# tuple data for storage
file_data = (['player', 'titles'], ['Federer', 20], ['Nadal', 20], ['Djokovic', 17], ['Murray', 3])

# write the file_data to file_name
# write_data_to_files(file_data, file_name)

# # Read excel file into pandas and apply functions.
# excel_functions_with_pandas(file_name)


*** Writing the data to - temporary_file.xlsx
*** Completed writing the data to - temporary_file.xlsx
*** Displaying top 2 rows of - temporary_file.xlsx
player titles
0 Federer 20
1 Nadal 20
2 Djokovic 17
3 Murray 3
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4 entries, 0 to 3
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 player 4 non-null object
1 titles 4 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 192.0+ bytes
*** Displaying info about temporary_file.xlsx - None



def global_excel_to_db_chunks(file_name, nrows):
function : handle excel spreadsheets in chunks
args : inp_file_name : input excel spread sheet.
return : none
assumption : Input excel spreadsheet and this code are in same directory.
chunks = []
i_chunk = 0

# The first row is the header. We have already read it, so we skip it.
skiprows = 1
df_header = pd.read_excel(file_name, nrows=1)

while True:
df_chunk = pd.read_excel(
file_name, nrows=nrows, skiprows=skiprows, header=None)
skiprows += nrows

# When there is no data, we know we can break out of the loop.
if not df_chunk.shape[0]:
f" ** Reading chunk number {i_chunk} with {df_chunk.shape[0]} Rows")
# print(f" *** Reading chunk {i_chunk} ({df_chunk.shape[0]} rows)")
i_chunk += 1

df_chunks = pd.concat(chunks)

# Rename the columns to concatenate the chunks with the header.
columns = {i: col for i, col in enumerate(df_header.columns.tolist())}
df_chunks.rename(columns=columns, inplace=True)
df = pd.concat([df_header, df_chunks])

print(f' *** Reading is Completed in chunks...')

if __name__ == '__main__':
print(f" *** Gathering & Displaying Stats on the excel spreadsheet ***")
file_name = 'Sample-sales-data-excel.xls'
stats = pd.read_excel(file_name)
print(f" ** Total rows in the spreadsheet are - {len(stats.index)} Rows")

# process the excel file in chunks of 1000 rows at a time.
global_excel_to_db_chunks(file_name, 1000)

*** Gathering & Displaying Stats on the excel spreadsheet ***
** Total rows in the spreadsheet are - 9994 Rows
** Reading chunk number 0 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 1 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 2 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 3 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 4 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 5 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 6 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 7 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 8 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 9 with 994 Rows
*** Reading is Completed in chunks...


*** Gathering & Displaying Stats on the excel spreadsheet ***
** Total rows in the spreadsheet are - 9994 Rows
** Reading chunk number 0 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 1 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 2 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 3 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 4 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 5 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 6 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 7 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 8 with 1000 Rows
** Reading chunk number 9 with 994 Rows
*** Reading is Completed in chunks...

  1. Excel でデータベースを作成する方法 (簡単な手順)

    Excel で簡単なデータベースを作成する方法がわかりませんか?この記事では、わずか 7 で Excel でデータベースを作成する方法を紹介します。 簡単な手順 MS Access は、データベースとして使用するには複雑なツールだと思いますか?そのため、Excel はそのための優れたツールです。 テクニックを学びましょう。 次の練習用ワークブックをダウンロードしてください。トピックをより明確に理解するのに役立ちます。 Excel でデータベースを作成するための 8 つのステップ Excel ワークブックを正しく設計すれば、簡単にデータベースとして使用できます。主なポイントは、ワークブ

  2. Excel で質的データを分析する方法 (簡単な手順)

    質的データの分析方法を知る方法を探しています エクセルで ?それなら、これはあなたにぴったりの記事です。 データ 数えることができず、数値で説明するのが難しい場合は、 データ 質的です .この定性を収集できます データ フォーカス グループ ディスカッション、詳細なインタビュー、文の補完、単語の連想、カジュアルな会話などから。 Excel で質的データを分析するための 8 つのステップ 私たちのアプローチを示すために、調査アンケートから 3 つの回答を得ました。こちら XYZ カフェです 町のはずれにあり、学生がたむろすることもあります。 3 つの質問は次のとおりです。 まず、リッカート