Input : enter s string : I love my MOM Enter a charcter of which you want to find a frequency: M Total frequency of M : 2 Total number of vowels : 4 Total number of words : 4
START Step 1 Declare array of string, ch, i, freq to 0, vow to 0, word to 0 Step 2 Input a string and a character ch Step 3 Loop for from i to 0 and str[i]!=’\o’ and ++i Step 3.1 IF statement for ch==str[i] Post incrementing freq Step 3.2 End If Step 3.3 IF statement str[i]=='a'||str[i]=='e'||str[i]=='i'||str[i]=='o'||str[i]=='u'||str[i]=='A'||str[i]=='E'||str[i]=='I'||str[i]=='O'||str[i]=='U' Post incrementing vow Step 3.4 End If Step 3.5 IF statement str[i]=’ ’ Post incrementing word Step 3.6 End If Step 4 End For loop STOP
#include <stdio.h> int main() { char str[1000], ch; int i, freq=0, vow=0, word=0; printf("Enter a string of your choice: "); gets(str); printf("Enter a character of which you want to find the frequency: "); scanf("%c",&ch); for(i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; ++i){ if(ch == str[i]) //to find the frequency of a character { ++freq; } if(str[i]=='a'||str[i]=='e'||str[i]=='i'||str[i]=='o'||str[i]=='u'||str[i]=='A'||str[i]=='E'||str[i]=='I'||str[i]=='O'||str[i]=='U') { ++vow; //to find the number of vowels } if (str[i] == ' ') { word++; //to find the number of words } } printf("Frequency of %c = %d", ch, freq); printf("\ntotal number of vowels in a string are %d " ,vow ); printf("\ntotal number of words in a string are %d " ,word+1 ); return 0; }
Enter a string of your choice: I love PrograMMIng Enter a character of which you want to find the frequency: M Frequency of M = 2 total number of vowels in a string are 6 total number of words in a string are 3
問題 Cプログラミング言語での文字列から数値への変換および数値から文字列への変換とはどういう意味ですか? 解決策 変換に使用できる関数は2つあります。彼らは- sscanf()-文字列を数値に変換します sprintf()-数値を文字列に変換するために使用されます 文字列から数値への変換 sscanf()関数を使用して文字列を数値に変換できます- 構文 sscanf (string name, “control string”,variable list) 例 #include<stdio.h> main (){
プログラムの説明 以下に示すように、中実および中空の菱形パターンを印刷します アルゴリズム 中空菱形の場合- Accept the Number of Rows for Hollow Rhombus from the User Create a Hollow Rhombus containing the same number of Rows specified by the User. Print the first row containing the number of stars same as the number of rows. Print the second row