public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main() { Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.Push("Inspiron"); stack.Push("Alienware"); stack.Push("Projectors"); stack.Push("Monitors"); stack.Push("XPS"); stack.Push("Laptop"); stack.Push("Notebook"); Console.WriteLine("Stack elements..."); foreach(string val in stack) { Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.WriteLine("Count of elements = "+stack.Count); Console.WriteLine("Element Speakers is the stack? = "+stack.Contains("Speakers")); stack.Push("Headphone"); stack.Push("Keyboard"); stack.Push("Earphone"); Console.WriteLine("\nStack elements...updated"); foreach(string val in stack) { Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.WriteLine("Count of elements (updated) = "+stack.Count); Console.WriteLine("\nElement Alienware is the stack? = "+stack.Contains("Alienware")); Console.WriteLine("Is the Stack synchronized? = "+stack.IsSynchronized); Stack stack2 = (Stack)stack.Clone(); Console.WriteLine("\nStack elements...cloned"); IEnumerator demoEnum = stack2.GetEnumerator(); while (demoEnum.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine(demoEnum.Current); } Console.WriteLine("Count of elements (updated) = "+stack.Count); } }
Stack elements... Notebook Laptop XPS Monitors Projectors Alienware Inspiron Count of elements = 7 Element Speakers is the stack? = False Stack elements...updated Earphone Keyboard Headphone Notebook Laptop XPS Monitors Projectors Alienware Inspiron Count of elements (updated) = 10 Element Alienware is the stack? = True Is the Stack synchronized? = False Stack elements...cloned Earphone Keyboard Headphone Notebook Laptop XPS Monitors Projectors Alienware Inspiron Count of elements (updated) = 10
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main() { Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.Push(150); stack.Push(300); stack.Push(500); stack.Push(750); stack.Push(1000); stack.Push(1250); stack.Push(1500); stack.Push(2000); stack.Push(2500); Console.WriteLine("Stack elements..."); foreach(int val in stack) { Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.WriteLine("Count of elements = "+stack.Count); Console.WriteLine("Element 750 is the stack? = "+stack.Contains(750)); stack.Push(3000); Console.WriteLine("\nStack elements...updated"); foreach(int val in stack) { Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.WriteLine("Count of elements (updated) = "+stack.Count); Console.WriteLine("Element 5000 is the stack? = "+stack.Contains(5000)); Stack stack2 = (Stack)stack.Clone(); Console.WriteLine("\nStack elements...cloned"); foreach(int val in stack2) { Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.Write("Count of elements (updated) = "+stack2.Count); Console.WriteLine("Is the Stack synchronized? = "+stack.IsSynchronized); Stack stack3 = Stack.Synchronized(stack); Console.WriteLine("Is the Stack synchronized? = "+stack3.IsSynchronized); } }
Stack elements... 2500 2000 1500 1250 1000 750 500 300 150 Count of elements = 9 Element 750 is the stack? = True Stack elements...updated 3000 2500 2000 1500 1250 1000 750 500 300 150 Count of elements (updated) = 10 Element 5000 is the stack? = False Stack elements...cloned 3000 2500 2000 1500 1250 1000 750 500 300 150 Count of elements (updated) = 10Is the Stack synchronized? = False Is the Stack synchronized? = True
C#のConsole.KeyAvailable()プロパティは、入力ストリームでキーを押すことができるかどうかを示す値を取得するために使用されます。 構文 構文は次のとおりです- public static bool KeyAvailable { get; } 例 ここで、C#でConsole.KeyAvailable()プロパティを実装する例を見てみましょう- using System; using System.Threading; class Demo { public static void Main (string[] args) { &n
C#のConsoleクラスは、コンソールアプリケーションの標準の入力、出力、およびエラーストリームを表すために使用されます。 C#のコンソールクラスプロパティの例をいくつか見てみましょう- Console.CursorLeftプロパティ C#でコンソールのCursorLeftを変更するには、Console.CursorLeftプロパティを使用します。 例 例を見てみましょう- using System; class Demo { public static void Main (string[] args) { Cons