ハッキングされた Web サイトを簡単に修復するには? (完全なガイド)
ウェブサイトがハッキングされていませんか ?私たちに連絡するほとんどのウェブサイト管理者は、ウェブサイトのリダイレクトやウェブサイトでのスパム ポップアップなどの症状を目にします。これがストレスになるのは当然です。ハッキングされた Web サイトを修正できます。
ウェブサイトのクリーニングに入る前に、あなたのウェブサイトがハッキングされていることを確認する必要があります。 セキュリティ プラグインを使用して Web サイトをスキャンし、Web サイトのハッキングを確認します。
ハッキングを確認すると、次のステップはずっと簡単になります。この記事では、Web サイト上のマルウェアを特定してクリーンアップする方法を段階的に説明します。
TL;DR: ハッキングされた Web サイトを MalCare で数分で修復します。 MalCare のアルゴリズムは、最も頑固なマルウェアを特定して駆除するのに役立ちます。ハッキングは時間の経過とともに悪化するため、迅速に行動することを忘れないでください。
ハッキングされた Web サイトのクリーンアップを開始する前に、Web サイトがハッキングされているかどうかを確認する必要があります。スキャンはハッキングを確認する最善の方法ですが、ハッキングを特定するには、ハッキングの症状にも注意する必要があります。
Web サイトがハッキングされているかどうかを常に確認できるとは限りません。マルウェアの種類によって、ハッキングの症状が異なる場合や、まったく現れない場合があります。何を探すべきかわからない場合は、マルウェアが忍び寄る可能性があります。ハッキングは時間の経過とともに悪化するため、ハッキングを迅速に特定することが重要です。したがって、Web サイトがハッキングされた場合に注意すべき症状を知っておく必要があります。以下は、ハッキングされた Web サイトが示す最も一般的な症状の一部です。
Google 検索結果を確認する
Google はマルウェアの検出に非常に優れています。彼らのボットは、検索エンジン ユーザーにより安全なブラウジング エクスペリエンスを提供したいため、Web サイトをクロールするときに常にマルウェアを監視しています。 Web サイトがハッキングされた場合、すぐに Google に表示される可能性があります。
Google 検索結果を確認するには、ウェブサイトを具体的にググってください。たとえば、Google で Twitter を検索する場合は、site:twitter.com を検索できます。検索用語の後にこれを追加することで、Web サイトで特定のキーワードを検索することもできます。ハッキングの場合、Google 検索結果に次の問題が表示されます。
ジャンク メタ ディスクリプション
メタ ディスクリプションは、検索結果の下に表示される、Web ページの内容を説明する小さな説明です。通常、それはあなたが設定したものか、あなたのウェブページからの関連するスニペットです.しかし、あなたのウェブサイトがハッキングされた場合、メタディスクリプションにはジャンク値、日本語の文字、さらには無関係のキーワードが表示される場合があります。
ハッキングにより、多くの場合、スパム ページが Web サイトに追加される可能性があります。これが発生したかどうかは、Google でウェブサイトを検索し、インデックスに登録されたページがウェブサイトのページ数とほぼ同じかどうかを確認することで確認できます。数値がはるかに高い場合、これらは Web サイトでインデックスに登録されているスパム ページであり、ハッキングの兆候です。
Google ブラックリスト
前に説明したように、Google はユーザーに安全なエクスペリエンスを提供することを約束しています。その一環として、ウェブサイトを毎日クロールし、マルウェアを検出した場合にフラグを立てる Google セーフ ブラウジング イニシアチブを開始しました。 Google のブラックリストは、検索結果の警告や Web サイトにアクセスする前の大きな赤い画面など、さまざまな通知として表示されることがあります。警告の一部は次のとおりです:
- 今後のフィッシング サイト
- このサイトにはマルウェアが含まれています
- このサイトは安全でないと報告されています
- このサイトはハッキングされている可能性があります
- 詐欺サイトの先
![ハッキングされた Web サイトを簡単に修復するには? (完全なガイド)](/article/uploadfiles/202210/2022103112113014.png)
Web サイトの検索結果にこれらのフラグのいずれかが表示された場合、Web サイトがハッキングされている可能性があります。
Web サイトのハッキングの中には、まったく症状を示さないものもあります。ただし、Web サイトにいくつかの症状が現れることがあります。毎日アクセスする Web サイトの目に見える部分は、Web サイトの全体的な状態について多くのことを教えてくれます。したがって、Web サイトでこれらの症状のいくつかに注意してください。
スパム ポップアップ
Web サイトに不正なポップアップが表示された場合は、マルウェアである可能性があります。これらのスパム ポップアップは、顧客をスパム サイトにおびき寄せるか、景品を装ったマルウェアをダウンロードさせることを目的としています。スパム ポップアップはマルウェアの強力な兆候ですが、Web サイトで広告ネットワークを有効にしているために表示されることもあります。これに気付いた場合は、できるだけ早く Web サイトをスキャンしてクリーニングし、確認してください。
スパム サイトへのリダイレクト
悪意のあるリダイレクトは大きな問題です。 Web サイトの他のページと同様に、ログイン ページも他の Web サイトにリダイレクトされることがあるため、混沌としている可能性があります。これが発生すると、問題が何であるかを理解するのに十分な時間、Webサイトにログインしたり、Webサイトに留まったりすることさえできなくなります.スパム サイトへの自動リダイレクトは、Web サイトにマルウェアが存在する確実な兆候です。
フィッシング ページ
フィッシングは、スプーフィング戦術を使用してユーザーから個人情報や財務情報を取得するソーシャル エンジニアリング攻撃の一種です。通常、フィッシング ページは公式ページのように見せようとし、より説得力のある銀行のロゴやブランドを表示します。 Web サイトにフィッシング ページが表示された場合、それは間違いなく Web サイトのハッキングの兆候です。
死の白い画面は、Web サイトにアクセスしてブラウザが空白になったときに発生するものです。何がうまくいかなかったのか、それを修正する方法がわからないため、これはストレスの多い状況です。また、これが発生すると wp-admin にアクセスする方法がなく、自分の Web サイトから締め出されます
Web サイトのバックエンドは、Web サイトがハッキングされているかどうかを示すこともできます。バックエンドでも症状を監視できます。ただし、専門家やコード ロジックを理解している人でなければ、これらを検出することは不可能です。
Web サイトのバックエンドで症状を探す良い方法は、Web サイトのアクティビティ ログを調べることです。 WP アクティビティ ログなどのプラグインをインストールして、ウェブサイトのアクティビティにアクセスし、疑わしいアクティビティに気付いたかどうかを確認できます。
Web サイトはコードで構成されており、マルウェアもコードの一部として偽装されています。そのため、Web サイトのどこにでも隠れて、無害に見える可能性があります。 Web サイトのコードに変更があった場合や、Web サイトの奇妙なコードに気付いた場合は、ハッキングが悪化する前に迅速に対応して確認する必要があります。
異常なユーザー アクティビティ
ハッカーは、多くの場合、既存の Web サイト ユーザーを使用して、そのユーザーのアカウントにアクセスし、権限をエスカレートして、Web サイト全体へのアクセスを取得します。これが、権限が許可なく突然エスカレートされた Web サイト ユーザーに注意する必要がある理由です。
ハッカーは、マルウェアを見つけてほしくありません。そのため、テーマやプラグイン フォルダーなどの正当に見えるフォルダーに隠します。偽のプラグインは、マルウェアの伝播者です。偽のプラグイン フォルダには、1 つまたは 2 つのファイルしかなく、変な名前が付けられています。
ウェブ ホストからの通信を探します
サーバー上のハッキングされたウェブサイトは彼らに多くの頭痛の種を引き起こす可能性があるため、ウェブホストはウェブサイトのセキュリティに投資しています.そのため、ほとんどの Web ホストは定期的に Web サイトをスキャンしています。
Web ホストがマルウェアを検出したことを知らせる電子メールを送信した場合、またはマルウェアを理由としてサイトを一時停止した場合は、Web サイトがハッキングされたと考えて間違いありません。
もう 1 つ気をつけなければならないのは、サーバーの使用です。ウェブホストから、ウェブサイトのトラフィックに大きな変化がないにもかかわらず、サーバーの使用量が急増したと報告された場合、マルウェアが原因である可能性があります.
場合によっては、ハッカーが特に Web サイト管理者からマルウェアを隠すことがあります。そのため、上記の症状は見られないかもしれませんが、訪問者には見られるかもしれません。訪問者がサイトのスパム ページやサイトの動作が不安定であることに不満を持っている場合は、このフィードバックを真剣に受け止め、できるだけ早くスキャンを実行してください。
訪問者は、Web サイトからスパムメールを受信したり、サイトにアクセスしたときにリダイレクトされたりするなど、管理者が見逃している症状を目にすることがよくあります。フィードバックが Web サイトの読み込み速度が遅いという苦情であっても、ほんのわずかな症状でもマルウェアの兆候である可能性があるため、調査する必要があります。
ウェブサイト分析は、顧客の行動や CTR 以外のことも教えてくれます。何を探すべきか分かっていれば、Web サイト分析でマルウェアの兆候を見つけることができます。以下に、注意すべき点をいくつか示します。
![ハッキングされた Web サイトを簡単に修復するには? (完全なガイド)](/article/uploadfiles/202210/2022103112113093.png)
Google 検索コンソールは Web サイトを断続的にスキャンし、Web サイト上のマルウェアを検出できます。 If it finds malware, it will flag it and you can see the details under the ‘Security issues’ tab.
Spike in traffic from specific regions
If you suddenly see a spike in your traffic from specific regions or countries that are not necessarily a part of your target geographies, this could be a sign of malicious traffic on your websites, like bots or hackers. Spikes in traffic can be a forerunner to malware, or an indication of traffic going to spam pages. As a rule of thumb, it is just better to check these out regularly.
Pay attention to performance issues
When your website is hacked, you may not always get a big red notice that tells you it has been hacked. Sometimes, it shows up as smaller, less visible symptoms. These symptoms can be of any nature, but performance issues in your website are easy to miss if you aren’t vigilant. Pay attention to the following issues, as their presence could be a sign of malware on your website.
Site is slow
When your website is hacked, it is injected with malicious code and files. While malicious code in itself can wreak havoc on your website, its presence itself can cause issues. With the additional data of the malware, your website servers can get overwhelmed and your website’s loading time may be affected.
Certain hacks, like bot attacks, can riddle your website with requests and increase the loading time even more.
Site is inaccessible
Malware can make your site inaccessible for users and visitors alike. DoS attacks or redirect hacks can make it impossible to access your website or sometimes parts of it. Although it is impossible to not notice that your site is inaccessible, it is an added concern to gain access at the earliest so that you can clean it up.
Emails from the website go into the spam folder
Email services want to offer their users a safe experience, so they filter the incoming mails and send emails to spam if they notice anything suspicious about them. Hacked websites compromise their users’ online security. Therefore, any emails coming from hacked websites go directly to the spam folder.
While there are other reasons such as spam keywords or overtly promotional messaging for ending up in the spam folder, malware is a big reason. If the emails being sent from your website are regularly ending up in spam folders, this could be because your website is hacked.
Scan your hacked website
Just suspecting a hack is not enough, you need to confirm the hack before you can go ahead and clean it up. Scanning is the best way to diagnose your website and confirm a hack. There are a few ways in which you can scan your website.
Scan your website with a deep scanner
A deep scanner such as MalCare thoroughly scans your website and looks for well-concealed malware. Deep scanners are the perfect way to locate malware as they crawl through every nook and corner of your website and find even the slightest hints of malware, even if it is hidden in the most unlikely spaces.
In order to scan your website with MalCare, you need to install MalCare on your website. You can do that through the WordPress repository or the MalCare website directly.
![ハッキングされた Web サイトを簡単に修復するには? (完全なガイド)](https://www0ce1.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/image3.png)
Once you install MalCare, MalCare will scan your website automatically the first time. After that, you can set up an automatic scan schedule, or click on the scan button to scan your website.
In a matter of minutes, you will know if your website is hacked.
Scan your website with an online scanner
Online scanners such as the Sucuri Site Check scan the visible parts of your website for malware. While this is not completely effective, it can be a good first step in your diagnostics process.
Certain types of malware such as the pharma hack or the Japanese keyword hack can show up on the visible code of your website as these hacks alter the frontend code of your website.
But bear in mind that online scanners cannot be the only tool you use for diagnosing your website. If you get a positive result for malware, you can rest assured your site is hacked. Conversely, though, a clean chit doesn’t mean that your site isn’t hacked.
Scan your website manually
You can scan your website for malware manually. But we absolutely do not recommend this course of action. We are including this section so that you know all your options, but unless you know exactly what you are doing, it is unwise to do so. Chances are that you will miss something or potentially flag legitimate code as malware.
Additionally, there is no blueprint for malware. Junk code could be anything and hide anywhere on your website. So you have to be well acquainted with the code in the first place to detect malware.
Having said that, the first step to identifying malware manually is to look up the recently modified files on your website. You can do this through the File Manager. If you haven’t made the changes to the file that shows up, it is most likely malware.
The best course of action, as we have previously mentioned, is to use a security plugin like MalCare. MalCare is thorough and fast, which is necessary because hacks should be dealt with quickly. Once you have a definitive answer to whether or not your site is hacked, all you need to do is upgrade to clean it.
Some simple diagnostics to run
While scanning is the best way to confirm a hack, there are also some other simple ways in which you can diagnose a hack on your website. These diagnostics are not as accurate as security scanners but can give you a good insight into the health of your website.
- Visit your website from an incognito window , and check if any symptoms show up.
- Check the number of pages on your website when you run a site search on Google. If the number is much higher than the actual number of pages, it could be an indication of spam pages being indexed on your site.
- Check the activity log for sudden user privilege escalation or ghost users.
- Check for fake plugins in the wp-content folder. Fake plugins usually have odd names and only have one or two files.
- Check if any plugins or themes you use have reported vulnerabilities. If yes, update these at the earliest.
These diagnostics can show up symptoms and give you a fair idea regarding the security of your website. But you should still use a security scanner to confirm the hack and be thorough.
How to repair a hacked website?
At this stage, you should have a confirmation of the hack. This information is what is going to help you with the next step i.e. cleaning your hacked website.
There are various ways to fix your hacked website and we have listed the three most common ways in which you can do it.
[RECOMMENDED] Fix hacked website with MalCare
The most effective and quickest way to repair your hacked website is to use MalCare. MalCare is designed by security experts after painstaking research and development. This expertise allows you to clean up every trace of malware from your site with the click of a button.
If you have already installed MalCare on your website, all you need to do is upgrade your account and click the auto-clean button, and voila! Your website is clean.
![ハッキングされた Web サイトを簡単に修復するには? (完全なガイド)](https://www0ce1.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Screen-Shot-2021-10-07-at-3.49.35-PM-2.png)
If you haven’t installed MalCare yet, go to the MalCare website, install MalCare, and auto clean your website. It’s as easy as that.
Hire a security expert
Another way to repair your hacked website is to hire a security expert who can manually clean your website for you. While this is not the best course of action, it is still preferred to a DIY clean-up.
Cleanup services by experts take time, as they do it manually. And consequently, they are expensive. While we cannot guarantee the quality of the services provided by every security solution, MalCare offers an emergency service with your subscription, if you require additional support along with the plugin clean-ups.
This also applies to repeated hacks or malware, where experts usually charge a fee per clean-up, but MalCare’s services are covered throughout the year within your subscription.
Repair your hacked website manually
Manual cleanups are not the most effective or quick, because unless you are a security expert, a lot of what you do will be trial and error. This takes time, which can worsen the hack. But if you accidentally make a mistake, it can actually worsen your situation.
We often deal with frantic calls from website admin who have tried to clean up their website manually and broken their website by accident. This takes way more time to fix than if you use any other method in the first place.
If you still need to repair your hacked website manually for any reason, here is how you can do it.
In case your web host has suspended your account, and you have lost access to your website, the first thing to do is regain access. You can email your web host and request them to grant access for cleanup purposes. If they do not comply, you will have to use FTP to get a copy of your website, so you can clean it locally.
You can also ask your web host for the list of malware on your website. To know more about how to deal with a web host account suspension, you can go through our guide.
- Take a backup of your website
The next step is to back up your website. It may be hacked, but at least you still have a website. In case something goes wrong during the cleanup, you can always restore it. But without a backup, you may lose all your website data if everything doesn’t go according to the plan.
- Download WordPress core, plugins, and theme files from the repository
Before you can start cleaning, you need a reference. For this, you need to download clean installs of the WordPress core, plugin, and theme files. You can download them from the WordPress repository. But make sure that you download the same versions as the ones on your website. Otherwise, there may be differences in the code and you won’t be able to compare files.
- Reinstall WordPress core
Now comes the tricky part. You will have to reinstall the core files to your website. Start with the wp-admin and wp-includes folders. You can directly replace these two folders as they do not contain any user content.
Once this is done, check the wp-uploads folder. This folder should not have any malicious PHP files. So if you come across any, delete them. Now you have to start looking for strange code in the files. Look into these files specifically:
- index.php
- wp-config.php
- wp-settings.php
- wp-load.php
- .htaccess
We realize that strange code is a vague explanation but there isn’t one specific code that constitutes malware. So you will have to be extra careful. Especially since these are core files, do not delete anything unless you are absolutely sure it is malware.
Moving on, it is time to clean up the plugin and theme files. You will find these files in the wp-content folder. You will have to compare the clean installs with the files on your website. This can take a significant amount of time, so we recommend using an online diffchecker for this. This will help you find any differences in the two files. You can start by looking for the following active theme files:
- header.php
- footer.php
- functions.php
Note:Given that themes and plugins are customizable, the customizations can show up as additional code. So in case you are deleting any code that is different from the clean installs, it might wipe out the customizations or stop the plugins and themes from working.
The final step in the core clean-up process is the database. To clean up the database tables, you will require phpMyAdmin with which you can download and open the database tables and take a look at the code.
Now take a look at the database tables and see if you find any odd code or scripts. Start with your existing pages and posts because you know how they are supposed to look. You can find them in the wp-posts table. Also, look for newly created pages and posts, and see if you find any that were not created by you. Next, you can look into the wp-options table. These two tables often carry malware.
The cleaning of the files is only half the battle won. The malware came from backdoors in your website, and as long as the backdoors are still there, your site is still at risk. So the next step is to remove all the backdoors.
Backdoors can be present anywhere on your website so you need to look for them thoroughly. You can look for popular backdoor keywords such as eval, base64_decode, gzinflate, preg_replace, or str_rot13.
Note:These keywords are often present in backdoors but they also have some legitimate uses in plugins and themes and deleting these could cause problems in the functioning of the extensions.
It is now time to reupload all your cleaned files back onto your website. You need to first delete the existing files and database and then re-upload all the files that you have cleaned. You can use File Manager and phpMyAdmin for this.
Given that this process is exactly like restoring a manual backup, you can take a look at our comprehensive guide on how to do that.
The last thing to do is to clear the cache on your WordPress website. Cache is used to create copies of your website in order to load it faster. But if your website is hacked, chances are that the cached versions of it also have traces of malware. So even after the cleanup, your website might still have malware.
So to remove malware entirely from your website, clear the cache entirely from your website.
The worst is over, the clean-up is done! Now all you need to do is use a security scanner to confirm that your website is malware-free. This step is important because it tells you if your attempt was successful. If yes, you can move forward. But if not, you will have to recheck everything again. In this case, it is best to invest in a security solution.
What is the impact of a hacked website?
A hack can get your website blacklisted, your web host account suspended, and leave you with no website. But is that all? The impact of a hacked website is a lot more profound than the immediate effects. If not fixed in time, the consequences of a hack can get exponentially worse. These are some of the ways in which a hack can impact you:
- Loss of revenue
- Loss of traffic
- Plummeting SEO rankings
- Loss of customer trust
- Damage to brand reputation
- Clean up costs
- PR costs
- Legal issues
This list is not exhaustive in any way. Depending on your website, the nature of your business, and the data on your website, the impact of a hacked website can be far wider.
How to revert the damage of a website hack?
A website hack affects your business, and users in many ways. Once the website is hacked, there is already a ton of damage, as we discussed earlier. You will need to take steps to revert this damage. Here are a few measures you can take to recover from a hacked site.
- Scan your website for vulnerabilities
- Request Google to take your website off the blacklist
- Change all your passwords and ensure that strong passwords are used
- Review all user accounts and check for any privilege escalations
- Never use nulled themes or plugins
- Use a security plugin with a strong firewall
How to prevent your website from getting hacked again
Your website is now malware-free. But did you know that a hacked website has a higher chance of getting hacked again? You might have spent hours or days cleaning up your website and still see another hack in a few weeks. This can be disheartening, but there are ways to avoid any future hacks.
Use a security plugin
The easiest way to make sure that your website is secure is to install a security plugin. Of the many basic and advanced plugins available online, MalCare is one of the best. MalCare does a stellar job of scanning and cleaning hacks, but it also works in a protective capacity.
Plugins like MalCare can protect your sites from a variety of threats, including bots, spam links, and more. By using advanced firewalls and intelligent threat detection, Malcare’s plugins can make sure that your website is defended, even from new threats.
Update your website
Update everything on your website, no exceptions. Your themes, your plugins, your WordPress core, whatever you have installed on your website should be updated to its latest version as soon as possible.
The reason behind this is simple—updates patch critical software vulnerabilities. If you ever take a look at the changelog of your latest updates, you will notice a list of bugs and vulnerabilities that have been patched in that update. These vulnerabilities are usually discovered by security researchers, who inform the creators of that theme or plugin, allowing them to patch it immediately. Once the patch has been released, the vulnerabilities are made public, enabling hackers to target any website running the vulnerable code.
Unfortunately, many websites aren’t updated regularly, since the owners worry that the updates might break something. While this is true, the fact remains that not updating your website is far more likely to cause you losses than any delays caused by updating it.
Also, there are ways to update your website safely. You can take regular backups of your website that can be restored if an update breaks your website. But the safest way to update your website is using a staging server. You can safely test out new updates and features on a staging server before you deploy them on your website, this way updates are taken care of without compromising your website.
Harden your WordPress website
WordPress recommends a list of measures that website admin should take in order to secure their websites. This is known as WordPress hardening and includes a list of things such as using strong passwords and two-factor authentication. Take a look at how to harden your WordPress site in order to get detailed instructions for the same.
Use two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication allows you to add an extra line of defense on your login page, which deters attacks on your login page such as brute force attacks. Two-factor authentication will usually ask you for a one-time password after your login credentials so that your website is extra secure from hacks.
Install SSL
SSL is basically encryption that protects any communication happening with your website. By installing SSL on your website, you make sure that none of the data is intercepted by hackers while sending or receiving requests from other servers.
SSL also helps you improve your SEO efforts as Google has started actively penalizing sites that do not use SSL.
Use strong passwords
This may seem like a common-sense measure, but even today weak passwords are one of the most common reasons for websites getting hacked. Admins usually pick an easy password so that they can remember it. But doing so can affect your website security.
We recommend using a password manager so that you can pick a strong password without having to memorize it for logging in every time.
Reset user accounts
User accounts are often responsible for hacks. Hackers gain access to one account and make their way towards the rest of your website through the account. So in order to make sure that your accounts are secure, change the credentials for all the accounts every once in a while.
How did your website get hacked?
Given that your website is made up of code, hacks are common. Because code cannot be foolproof, and there is no such thing as a 100% secure website. But that does not mean you cannot prevent hacks at all. In fact, with the right measures, you can secure your website really well.
So if you’re wondering how your website got hacked, it is probably one of the following reasons.
Undetected backdoors
As we discussed in a previous section, backdoors are a big risk. Backdoors are basically loopholes in the website code that hackers exploit in order to gain access. These backdoors are usually injected through malware in one way or another. Since hackers design malware so that it stays hidden, backdoors often go undetected unless you have a strong security plugin.
Vulnerabilities in themes and plugins
Your themes and plugins files may have vulnerabilities that are exploited to hack your website. Vulnerabilities are mistakes or oversights in the website code that occur due to human error. Vulnerabilities, by themselves, are inevitable. But hacks can be prevented by frequently updating your website.
Developers patch vulnerabilities as soon as they are discovered, but in order to get the patch, you need to update your themes and plugins. If you have a strong security plugin like MalCare, it will detect vulnerabilities, as well as help you update themes and plugins from the dashboard itself.
Poor user management
If your users all have more access than they require, or their accounts aren’t secured, it can lead to a hack. The best course of action is to follow the principle of least privilege and hand down the access only as needed.
Also, it is important to delete old or inactive user accounts as they can be exploited by hackers to gain access.
Web host issues
While a rare occurrence, your web host could be responsible for a hack on your website. This hack could originate in the cPanel itself or one of the software that your web host uses. When this happens, all the websites on the web host’s servers are vulnerable to hacks.
If you find no other reason for your website getting hacked, look for the recent communication from your web host. Most web hosts usually inform their customers in case any issues arise from their end.
Unsecured communication
If your communication is unsecured, it can be intercepted by hackers or anyone on the same network as you. In order to avoid this, it is important to use SSL on your website.
SSL encrypts the communication to and from your website, so that no data or information falls into the wrong hands.
Why do websites get hacked?
Attackers and malicious actors hack websites for several reasons. But the primary reason that websites get hacked is that every website is valuable. Websites have resources that can be exploited if they are hacked. Even small websites can be used as a part of a botnet or their data can be exploited for phishing scams.
With bots being easy to use, brute force attacks are not even high effort. Hackers have to do very little to try and break into your website, and the payoff is still pretty good. Some hackers also hack websites for confidential information or financial data that can be exploited.
Given that hackers have nearly nothing to lose when they attack your websites, the onus of security falls onto the website admin. It is best to use a security plugin like MalCare to secure your website from any potential attack.
Website security is not a one-time task. You need a security plan that is frequently updated and worked upon. In order to do this, you also need to stay informed on website security.
One of the best ways to secure your website, in the long run, is to use a security plugin like MalCare. MalCare’s firewall protects your website from attacks and alerts you in case it finds anything suspicious on your website.
My website is hacked, what should I do?
If you think your website is hacked, scan your website to confirm. Use a deep scanner such as MalCare’s which will scan your entire website and notify you of any malware if detected. If the scanner detects a hack, all you need to do is click the ‘auto-clean’ button and MalCare will take care of the cleanup for you.
What happens if your website is hacked?
A hacked website can have far-ranging consequences, including but not limited to, customer loss, revenue loss, legal issues, data loss, business interruption, loss of brand reputation, loss of customer trust, and plummeting SEO rankings. These consequences can seriously affect the survivability of a business if not addressed in time.
How did my website get hacked?
There are several reasons for a website to be hacked, like:
- 検出されないバックドア
- Vulnerabilities
- 脆弱なパスワード
- ウェブホストの問題
- Unsecured user accounts
Can a hacked website be fixed?
Yes, you can fix your hacked website. Depending on the malware and the extent of the hack, you will need to assess the damage and then take steps to clean it.
Here is how you can repair hacked website:
<オール>Repair Your Hacked WordPress Website With MalCare !
Joomla マルウェアとハッキングの除去に関する完全ガイド – ハッキングされた Joomla Web サイトを修正する
Joomla は、WordPress に次いで 2 番目に人気のある CMS であり、定期的にハッカーの標的になっています。下のグラフは、XSS が WordPress のような Joomla の攻撃者によって悪用される最も一般的な脆弱性であることを示しています。 Joomla がハッキングされるその他の理由は、コード インジェクション、SQLi などです。 このガイドは、ハッキングされた Joomla Web サイトからマルウェアを削除するためのリソースを探している場合に役立ちます。お探しの場合は、以下のリンクをたどってください Joomla セキュリティ ガイド ハッキングされた
ハッキングされた Web サイトを修復するには? DIY でハッキングされた Web サイトを修正
Web サイトのセキュリティは、あらゆるオンライン ビジネスの拡大において重要な役割を果たします。近年、サイバー攻撃が増加しており、ランサムウェアや仮想通貨マイナーの新しい亜種が毎月発見されています。これは、中小企業がオンライン ビジネスを安全に保ち、ハッキングされた Web サイトを修復するために、より多くのお金を払う必要があることを意味します。 Juniper Research のレポートによると、 Cybersecurity Ventures による別の年次犯罪レポートによると、 最近、4,600 以上の Web サイトが、支払い情報やその他のユーザー データを盗む悪意のあるコー