ベスト アンチスパイウェア ソフトウェア 11 [2022] – スパイウェア削除ツール
最高のスパイウェア対策ソフトウェア はどれですか? あなたのPCを保護するには? 「スパイウェア」という言葉を聞いたことがあると思います。これは、私たちのデバイスに侵入し、個人データや機密データへの不正アクセスを試みる典型的な種類のマルウェアです。 .この投稿では、11 の最高のアンチスパイウェア ソフトウェアをリストしました。 主な機能、長所と短所、価格設定、およびスパイウェア除去ツールに投資する前に知っておく必要があるすべてをリストした詳細なレビューをご覧ください.
デジタル時代に生きることは、恩恵と呪いの両方です。同意しませんか?一方では、インターネットの力を利用して、ほぼすべてのものを即座に探索し、世界の隅々まで通信することができます。逆に言えば、サイバー犯罪活動、ウイルス、マルウェア、スパイウェアが多数出現しています。 この間、私たちの生活はストレスの多いものになっています。
2022 年のベスト アンチ スパイウェア ソフトウェアの評価方法
- 信頼できる: システムのセキュリティを保護することに関しては、信頼性が最初に頭に浮かびます。 スパイウェア対策ソフトウェアは非常に信頼できるものでなければなりません 、システム全体のデータ、プライバシー、および設定を処理するために簡単に信頼できるもの。
- 効率的なパフォーマンス: 小さな抜け穴でも、デバイス全体のセキュリティを一度に妨害できます。したがって、スパイウェア保護ツールを選択するときは、高速で効率的なパフォーマンスを提供し、システムのパフォーマンスを最高の状態に保つ一連のハイエンド セキュリティ機能が含まれていることを確認してください。
- 使いやすさ: スパイウェア除去ツールを個人的な目的で使用する場合でも、業務上の目的で使用する場合でも、ソフトウェアが使いやすく操作しやすいことを確認する必要があります .スパイウェア対策ソフトウェアは、すべての複雑さを排除した、わかりやすいインターフェイスを備えている必要があります。
- 手頃な価格: アンチスパイウェアは、機能が豊富であるだけでなく、手頃な価格プランも備えている必要があります。高度なスパイウェア対策への投資は、費用対効果が高く、ポケットに穴を開けることはありません。
- 独自性: お使いのデバイスに最適なスパイウェア対策ソフトウェアを探し始めた瞬間に、オンラインで無数のオプションが見つかり、すぐに困惑してしまいます。価値のある決定を下すために、スパイウェア保護ツールを他の選択肢の中で際立たせる独自の要因に注意してください。
- デバイスの互換性: これは私たちのほとんどが欠けているところです! お使いのデバイス用のスパイウェア対策ツールを選択する前に、常に適切で徹底的な調査を行う必要があります .スパイウェア除去ツールを購入する際は、デバイスの現在のシステム仕様と互換性があるかどうかを確認してください。
(2022 年)のベスト アンチ スパイウェア ソフトウェア ベスト 10
始めて、データとプライバシーを正常に保つ最も包括的なアンチスパイウェア ソフトウェアを調べてみましょう。
1. Systweak アンチウイルス – ベスト総合アンチスパイウェア ソフトウェア
- スパイウェア、ウィルス、マルウェア、トロイの木馬に対するリアルタイムの保護
- 悪意のあるスタートアップ アイテムを削除します。
- システムのパフォーマンスを向上させます。
Systweak Antivirus for Windows PC は、ウイルス攻撃、スパイウェア、マルウェア、トロイの木馬から PC を保護する包括的なソリューションです システムファイルの奥深くに隠されています。要件や必要に応じて選択できる、クイック スキャン、ディープ スキャン、カスタム スキャンの 3 種類のスキャン モードを備えています。
このツールには 60 日間の返金保証が付いています 悪意のある脅威に対してデバイスをスパイウェアのない状態に保つことを約束します。
対応プラットフォーム: Windows 10/8.1/8/7 (32 ビットと 64 ビットの両方)
長所:- デバイスの脅威を継続的にチェックするアクティブなウィルス コントロール
- 安全なウェブ ブラウジング エクスペリエンス
- システム内に隠された悪意のあるファイルを検出するエクスプロイト保護
- 優れたデザインの魅力的なインターフェース
- 60 日間の返金保証。
- Windows プラットフォームでのみ利用可能 (まだ)
- Systweak Antivirus 無料版:このツールの無料版は、ウイルス、スパイウェア、悪意のある脅威についてデバイスをスキャンする基本的な機能を提供します。
- Systweak Antivirus Premium:有料プランでは、PC のパフォーマンスの向上、エクスプロイト保護、悪意のあるスタートアップ アイテムの削除などの高度な機能を利用できます。 Systweak アンチウイルス プレミアム プランは、手頃な価格の約 1000 円で提供されます。年間 34 ドル。
2.マカフィー トータル プロテクション
- 無制限の VPN
- PC の最適化。
- パスワード マネージャー。
![ベスト アンチスパイウェア ソフトウェア 11 [2022] – スパイウェア削除ツール](/article/uploadfiles/202212/2022120612330519.png)
高度な機能を備えた手頃な価格のスパイウェア対策ソフトウェアをお探しですか? McAfee Total Protection は、スパイウェア、マルウェア、ランサムウェア攻撃、およびあらゆる方法でデバイスに損害を与える可能性のあるあらゆる種類の脆弱性からデバイスを保護する包括的な PC セキュリティ スイートです。
マカフィー トータル プロテクションには、30 日間の無料試用期間があります プランの支払いを開始するまで。支払いの詳細を入力せずに無料試用版を簡単に選択できます。これは大きな特典であることがわかります. 2 種類のスキャン モードを提供します。 1 つはクイック スキャンで、およそ 15 ~ 20 分かかります。もう 1 つは、何千ものファイルに対して詳細なスキャンを実行するフル スキャンです。デバイスに保存されているデータの量に応じて、完了するまでに約 1 ~ 2 時間かかります。 McAfee Total Protection には、パスワード マネージャー機能も付属しています すべてのパスワード、機密情報を 1 つのスペースで管理できます。
対応プラットフォーム: Windows、macOS、Android、および iOS。
長所:- コストパフォーマンス
- 幅広い高度な機能
- カスタマー サポートに簡単に連絡できる
- ユーザー インターフェースにはまだ少し改良が必要です。
- 煩わしいポップアップ。
- 単一デバイス:年間費用として約 29.99 ドル。
- Up to 5 Devices (Ideal for couples and family):34.99$
- Up to 10 Devices (Ideal for small corporate offices):39.99
Get It here
3. Norton 360 Standard
Key Features:
- Overall system protection.
- Monitors Dark web activities.
- Online threat detection.
![ベスト アンチスパイウェア ソフトウェア 11 [2022] – スパイウェア削除ツール](/article/uploadfiles/202212/2022120612330559.png)
Norton 360 Standard is a powerful anti-spyware software that offers real-time spyware and malware protection to safeguard your device’s security. Norton is a renowned brand in terms of fighting against all kinds of viruses, malware, or spyware. Norton 360 Standard can prove out to be one of the best anti-spyware tools you ever thought of investing in that offers overall device protection.
Norton 360 Standard also offers you a unique feature known as SafeCam for PC that alerts you right away when any hacker, marketer or website tries to gain unauthorized access over your webcam. Apart from this Norton 360 Standard comes packed with all nifty features which include password manager, establishing a secure VPN connection, firewall to block unauthorized website traffic, parental control, and more. Read the complete Norton Review
Compatible Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS
長所:- 10 GB PC cloud backup storage to store your important files and data in one place.
- Real-time threat protection.
- Unlimited VPN service.
- Slightly expensive compared to other products in a similar segment.
- Does not include File Encryption.
Pricing Details:
- Norton 360 Standard:Offers single device protection and costs around 34.99$.
- Norton 360 Deluxe:Up to 5 devices protection and price starts from 39.99 as a yearly subscription cost.
- Norton 360 with Life Lock Select:5 devices protection + Identity Theft Protection + 100 GB of cloud backup storage space. You can get all this at a mere cost of 99.99$ per year.
4. Bitdefender Total Security
- Secure banking transactions via SafePay.
- Multi-layer ransomware protection.
- Monitors the microphone so that nobody can snoop into your conversations.
Bitdefender Total Security ensures a high-range, premium class of digital security to keep your devices free off spyware, viruses, and malware. Bitdefender Total Security is ideal for pursuing secure banking transactions online. It comes with a unique “SafePay” feature that makes sure your online shopping and banking experience stays pleasant. Read the complete Bitdefender Review
Compatible Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
長所:- Offers WiFi security.
- Easy to use interface.
- Allows you to stay anonymous on the web.
- Safe and sound online shopping and banking experience.
- Might hamper your PC’s performance in rare circumstances.
Pricing Details:
- Bitdefender Antivirus Plus:Ideal for Windows PC and costs around 24.99$ as yearly cost.
- Bitdefender Total Security:Protects up to 10 devices and comes with a price range of 50$ per year.
- Bitdefender Internet Security:Costs around 40$ as yearly subscription fees and protects up to three devices.
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5. Avira Antivirus
Key Features:
- Keylogging detection.
- Ad-blocker.
- Detects suspicious software that may harm your device.
Next on our list of best anti-spyware tools comes Avira Antivirus Pro. Avira Antivirus Pro offers best in case spyware protection and comes packed with a wide range of Internet security features. Avira comes with an advanced scanning engine that quickly detects your device for any suspicious threat or spyware.
Avira Antivirus Pro features smart keylogging detection that ensures no one is recording your private and sensitive info , including credit card details, passwords, etc. This nifty, light-weighted security tool that makes sure that your online identity stays secure. Avira Antivirus Pro also features a PUA shield that identifies potentially harmful applications and malicious files that come hidden along with legitimate software.
Compatible Platforms: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android.
長所:- Establishes a safe VPN connection.
- Ransomware protection.
- Password manager.
- Fast installation.
- Slightly expensive.
Pricing Details:
- 45$ for a single PC protection.
- 135$ for up to three devices.
- 225$ yearly cost for protecting up to 10 devices.
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6. TotalAV Antivirus
Key Features:
- Real-time spyware detection and removal.
- Blocks phishing URLs for a safe browsing experience.
- Remote firewall access.
TotalAV Antivirus might sound a little new to you, especially compared to other security brands like Norton, McAfee, and Bitdefender. Although, it is capable of offering a wide range of useful features along with a simple, easy to use interface. So, whether you’re working on your PC, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, TotalAV Antivirus offers you real-time protection to safeguard your digital privacy.
Compatible Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
長所:- Encrypted browsing.
- System tune-up.
- Password vault to store all your passwords in one place.
- Browser manager to clean up cookies and junk data.
- The Mac version of TotalAV Antivirus Pro needs a little fixing and re-touch.
Pricing Details:
- TotalAV Antivirus Pro:Comes at the cost of 29$ a year, protects up to three devices. Includes features like ransomware protection, eliminates viruses, trojans, and spyware, tunes-up your PC’s performance, and more.
- TotalAV Antivirus Internet Security:This pricing package will cost your approximately 80$ per year offering up to 5 devices protection. Opting for this plan will give you an additional feature of safe VPN browsing.
- TotalAV Internet Total Security:This premium plan will cost you around 59$ per year, along with six device protection. In additional feature set, you will get VPN browsing, ad-blocker, and a secure password vault.
Get It Here
7. Adaware Antivirus Total
Key Features:
- Parental Controls.
- Complete web protection.
- Multiple levels of file encryption to keep your sensitive data safe.
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Adaware Antivirus Total gives utmost priority in keeping your personal information safe . It can prove out to be one of the best anti-spyware tools that can prevent any kind of spyware from stealing the sensitive data stored on your device. Adware Antivirus tool can easily detect spyware, viruses, and malware, and offer you a premium quality PC security.
Adaware Antivirus Total keeps your PC free from any kind of threats, viruses, and spyware infections. It keeps a constant check on your sensitive info to ensure that your data is not sabotaged at any cost.
長所:- Fast and efficient spyware scanning.
- Automatic threat updates.
- Data encryption and file-shredding.
- Parental Control features still need a little working.
Pricing Details:
- Single device protection costing you around 36$ per year.
- Up to three devices protection for a bare cost of 54$ yearly.
- Up to five devices protection, two-year license for 115$.
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8. Bull Guard Internet Security
- 100% money-back guarantee.
- Advanced machine learning algorithms that quickly detect spyware, viruses, and malware.
- Game Booster.
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Bull Guard Internet Security anti-spyware software offers complete all-round protection to your devices. Its advanced machine learning algorithms are smart enough to quickly detect the presence of any spyware or threat, as soon as it hits your device. Alongside, Bull Guard Internet Security also delivers a custom-built safe browsing experience to make sure that your online transactions are pursued via an established secure connection.
One of the unique features that you will find in this anti-spyware tool is the “Game Booster” that allows you to enjoy an optimum gaming experience while the software blocks all the notifications, pop-ups meanwhile.
Compatible Platforms: Windows, macOS, and Android.
長所:- Guards all your devices efficiently while keeping viruses, spyware, malware, and intruders at bay.
- Easy to use interface, ideal for both beginners and professionals.
- Advanced Parental Control features that block access to suspicious websites.
- Minor security issues.
Pricing Details:
- Bull Guard Antivirus:Costs around 23.99$ per year, covers 1-device protection with essential functions.
- Bull Guard Internet Security:Offers you the best value for money, costs around 44.99$ with multi-device protection. Additional features include a firewall, parental controls, cloud-integrated backup, PC tune-up, and more.
- Bull Guard Premium Protection:Costs around 59.99$ with multi-device protection. Additional features that come along with this package include identity theft protection, home network scanner.
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9. Panda Antivirus
- Scans external devices, including portable hard drive, USB sticks.
- Identity theft protection.
- Encrypts confidential and sensitive data.
Panda Anti-spyware software comes with an easy to use interface, offers you best in class spyware protection to safeguard your devices against any threat. It also scans the external devices against infections to make sure that the spyware doesn’t penetrate through your system via any medium. Apart from this, Panda anti-spyware tool also allows you to establish a safe VPN connection to keep your browsing activities secure. It is one of the most light-weighted spyware detection tools that will take minimal space on your device of just about 2.99 MB.
Compatible Platforms: Windows, macOS, and Android.
長所:- Free VPN services for up to 150 MB bandwidth per day.
- Protects your WiFi network from intruders and hackers.
- Protection against ransomware attacks.
- Fine-tunes your PC’s performance.
- 30-day money-back guarantee.
- 24/7 email customer support is only available if you opt for the premium plan.
Pricing Details:
- Panda Dome Essential:The basic package will cost you around $44.24/year for the 1-year subscription with features like anti-virus protection, free VPN, WiFi network protection, etc.
- Panda Advanced:$53.24/year for the 1-year subscription with additional features like parental control, identity protection, ransomware attacks protection.
- Panda Complete:The Panda Complete plan will come with a price tag of $80.24/year for the 1-year subscription and includes advanced features like data shield, password manager, clean up tool, and more.
- Panda Premium:Panda Premium will cost you around 125$ per year and includes all of the above features. Also, you will get 24/7 email support and unlimited VPN.
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10. Comodo Antivirus
Key Features:
- Easy to use and setup.
- Reliable 24/7 customer support.
- Secures your online transactions.
Comodo Antivirus is next on our list of 11 best anti-spyware tools. It offers you powerful spyware protection to your devices as it automatically detects malicious or suspicious files from breaking in. Comodo Antivirus tool features a simple, easy to use interface where everything is perfectly lined up exactly where you need. As soon as you’re trying to download any suspicious file from the web, Comodo antivirus will alert you so that the file doesn’t affect your PC’s performance.
Compatible Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
長所:- Auto Sandboxing technology.
- Cloud-based anti-virus protection.
- Game mode.
- Advanced features are only available with the paid plan.
Pricing Details:
- Comodo Antivirus Free Version:Comodo Antivirus free version comes with basic functionalities that include spyware protection, sandbox technology to spot suspicious files.
- Comodo Antivirus Full/Paid Version:The full version will cost you around 17.99$/ per year/ per device. It includes advanced features like web filtering, cloud-based antivirus, secure shopping, firewall, and more.
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11. Avast Antivirus
- Network Security Inspection.
- Protects you from accessing suspicious URLs.
- Password Manager.
Avast Antivirus can undoubtedly offer you the best spyware protection against all sorts of viruses, malware, ransomware, and other threats. Apart from shielding your device against spyware, this nifty tool also allows you to detect out of date software, weak passwords, network issues, and more.
Compatible Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
長所:- Ease of use.
- Avoids you from downloading suspicious files while installing third-party applications.
- Value for money.
- Browser protection only supported on Chrome and Firefox.
Pricing Details:
- Avast Free Antivirus:Blocks viruses, malware, and spyware. Also offers WiFi network security to keep hackers and intruders away.
- Avast Premium/ Single/ Multi-Device:Additional features include secure online transactions, sandbox technology, advanced firewall, blocks spams, and phishing emails, avoids webcam spying, file shredder, and more.
- Avast Ultimate:Apart from the above-mentioned feature set, also, you will get Avast Clean up utility to get rid of junk files, free up disk space, and a secure VPN connection.
Get It Here
How We Tested Anti-Spyware Software
An anti-spyware needs to be tested on various parameters ranging from how efficient it is in detecting spyware to how it will impact your system’s performance. Relying on a useful spyware protection tool is like taking a giant leap of faith, ensuring that the tool will take care of your system’s security while causing no harm to your device’s overall performance. No matter how effective a tool may be in spotting spyware on your device, but if it’s in any way messing with your system’s performance, your system is better off without it.
Cost of Good Anti-Spyware Software
A cost of an excellent anti-spyware software with a rich feature set of built-in spyware protection should typically range between 25-50$. This should include all basic functions, including spyware detection and removal, safeguarding your device from any potential threat, real-time device analysis. However, if you’re looking for an advanced spyware protection tool with an extended set of features, then you should invest around 60-80$ as a yearly subscription cost. The additional cost that you’re paying will get you more premium features like system optimization, VPN and Identity Theft protection, file encryption, and so on, depending on which spyware removal tool you pick.
What is spyware, and what is anti-spyware software?
![ベスト アンチスパイウェア ソフトウェア 11 [2022] – スパイウェア削除ツール](/article/uploadfiles/202212/2022120612330777.png)
Spyware is a type of malware that gains unauthorized access to your system and tries to steal or gather your personal or sensitive information. If not getting into the technical jargon, think of spyware as a burglar who attempts to break in your house to steal all your resources. An anti-spyware software detects the infection, creates a firewall, and protects your system from any further damage.
How do I Detect Spyware?
The most common symptoms depicting that your system is infected with spyware include degraded system performance, frequent app crash, irrelevant or unwanted pop-ads crawling on the screen, disk space getting clogged up without your knowledge, and more. Watch out for these warning signs before it’s too late, and invest in a good quality spyware protection tool.
Do I Need an Anti-spyware?
This is as simple as asking do you lock the door before leaving the house? Of course, yes!ではない? In the same way, to protect your device from any potential threat, it’s a wise decision to use anti-spyware software that keeps a close check on your device’s security. A spyware protection tool will thoroughly scan your entire device on time to time basis to make sure that all sorts of viruses, malware, and spyware are at bay.
Are anti-spyware and antivirus software the same thing?
Although these two terms may sound similar yes, they’re different. Best Antivirus software is designed to look for viruses and threats. On the other hand, spyware is a relatively broader term that needs dedicated attention. Anti-spyware software is engineered in a way that looks explicitly for spyware or malicious programs that are created to steal your personal information.
There may be a possibility that even if your system is installed with antivirus software, it might not be able to detect certain kinds of spyware. Hence, you should always choose a dedicated spyware removal tool that excels in its functions and purpose.
How Does Anti-Spyware Software work?
An anti-spyware tool performs various functions simultaneously, which include:
- Scans your entire device to detect spyware, and removes the infected file.
- Keeps a close check and stops you from downloading any malicious file from the web like emails, downloads, etc.
- Works in a proactive approach to detect threats.
- Instantly alerts you whenever a threat or spyware is found on your device.
- Monitor URLs to ensure your browsing activities are safe.
- Encrypts user data.
- Offers overall system protection to keep your data safe and secure.
Summary of Top 11 anti-spyware Software
Before you leave, here’s a quick recap of all the anti-spyware tools in a nutshell.
S.no. | Anti-Spyware Tool | Best Known for |
1 | Systweak Antivirus for PC | Comprehensive protection against virus attacks, spyware, malware, and trojans. |
2 | McAfee Total Protection | Powerful spyware protection with an extensive array of advanced features to safeguard your devices. |
3 | Norton 360 | Monitors dark web activities along with offering overall system protection against viruses, malware, and spyware. |
4 | Bitdefender Total Security | Excels in securing your online shopping and transactions via its unique “SafePay” feature. |
5 | Avira Antivirus | Advanced Keylogging detection that stops hackers and intruders from stealing your private information. |
6 | TotalAV Antivirus | Remote firewall access, fine-tunes your PC’s performance. |
7 | Adaware Antivirus | Keeps your private and sensitive information safe with its 256-AES file encryption technology. |
8 | Bull Guard Internet Security | Advanced machine learning algorithms that quickly detects the threat from penetrating your devices. |
9 | Panda Antivirus | Scans external devices like portable drives and USBs for infections. |
10 | Comodo Internet Security | Auto sandboxing technology that avoids you to download malicious files from the web or while you’re installing any software. |
11 | Avast Antivirus | Network security inspection and offers complete browser protection, blocks spams, and phishing emails. |
This wraps up our guide on 11 best anti-spyware software that can make sure that your device’s security never goes out of hand.
Let these tools do all the heavy lifting in keeping your device and spyware-free!
売り上げを伸ばすための最高の MLM ソフトウェア
マルチレベル マーケティング ソフトウェア ネットワークを通じてより多くの人にリーチし、売り上げを伸ばすための管理ツールと定義できます。これは、支払いとネットワーク ステータスのエンド ユーザー向けの自動更新を作成するのに役立ちます。 MLM ソフトウェアは、企業がそれぞれの製品やサービスの売上を追跡するのに役立ちます。さらに、そのようなソフトウェアで使用されるさまざまな方法で、マルチレベル ネットワーキングまたはピラミッド ネットワーキングがビジネス オーナーを支援します。 市場にはそのようなソフトウェアがたくさんあり、それらはすべて異なる機能を備えています。したがって、ビジネス用に 1
ラップトップでソフトウェアを更新する方法 [2022]
ラップトップ ソフトウェアを更新する方法を探している場合は、作業を簡単にする簡単な手順を見つけることができます。 Windows 10 ラップトップでソフトウェアを更新する方法はいくつかあります。 1 つは手動の方法で、もう 1 つは組み込みのヘルプ センターを探す方法で、最後の方法はサードパーティのプログラム アップデーターを使用する方法です。 ラップトップのソフトウェアを手動で更新する方法を使用すると、お金を節約できますが、長いプロセスを経る必要があります。アップグレードに複数のソフトウェアが必要な場合、このプロセスにより制限時間が延長されます。別の方法では、ソフトウェア自体を開いて、特