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freeCodeCamp.org の YouTube チャンネルでコースを公開しました。このコースでは、基本的なネットワーキングの原則とともにインターネットがどのように機能するかを説明します。

Ian Frost がこのコースを教えています。彼は経験豊富な教師であり、複雑なトピックを簡単に説明する図を作成することに長けています。




  • インターネットの仕組み
  • 基本的なネットワーク デバイス
  • 世界のさまざまな場所にある電子機器がどのように相互に通信するか
  • YouTube で動画を見ているときのバックグラウンドで何が起こっているか
  • ISP とは?
  • 基本的なネットワークの概念
  • さらに!

以下または freeCodeCamp.org YouTube チャンネルで全コースをご覧ください (2 時間の視聴)。




霜でインターネットがどのように機能するかを理解することは、Udemy で何千人もの人々を教えたように、このコースを大量のビジュアルで教えています。


しかし、インターネットとは何ですか?本気で考えたことがありますか?バックグラウンドで何が起こっているのか疑問に思ったことはありませんか?次に、Web ページに入りますか?これらすべての質問に対するあなたの答えが「はい」の場合、あなたは間違いなくこのコースの適切なコースを見ています。何も知らないと思います.



インターネットを使用するすべての人は ISP を知る必要があり、インターネットを使用するすべての人は、インターネットが開発された至る所に広がるケーブルにすぎないことを知る必要があります.











私は PC にいます。1 つは PC 7 と通信できる必要があり、私たちの PC 5 は PC 4 と通信できる必要があります。などです。


ここで、ソリューション デバイスの出番です。



そして、このシナリオはそのような状況の良い例です。オフィスがあり、このオフィスには 7 台のコンピューターがあり、それらの通信が必要です。




ただし、問題は、これら 7 台のコンピューターが現在相互に通信できるかどうかです。その答えは大きいです。

さて、まず第一に、これらの 7 台のコンピューターが何らかの方法でスイッチとやり取りする必要があるからです。




そして、これらの銅線ケーブルのタイプは、通常、狭い環境ではカテゴリ 5 ケーブルまたはカテゴリ 6 ケーブルになります。

ちなみに、カテゴリ 6 のケーブルはカテゴリ 5 のケーブルよりも高速で、カテゴリは問題ありません。

一方、銅線ケーブルに加えて、一部のスイッチは光ファイバー ケーブルもサポートしています。

また、光ファイバー ケーブルは一般に、データ伝送において銅線ケーブルよりもはるかに高速であることに注意することが重要です。


また、スイッチ デバイスについては、注意すべき重要な点があります。

環境内にスイッチがあり、コンピューターをそのスイッチに接続する場合は、一般的に銅線ケーブルまたは光ファイバー ケーブルを使用する必要があることに注意してください。



スイッチ デバイスを使用する場合は、ケーブルを使用してデバイスをスイッチに接続する必要があります。


ただし、同じ環境にあるコンピュータ同士を接続する場合は、すべてのワイヤレス技術を使用して、アクセス ポイント デバイスを使用することができます。 .

7 台すべてのコンピューターを接続するには、両方を別々に接続することもできます。

これらのデバイスの唯一の違いは、アクセス ポイントがワイヤレス テクノロジを使用し、スイッチがケーブルを使用することです。

わかりました、この環境には 7 台のコンピューターがあります。

そして、これら 7 台のコンピューターを接続できます。


または同様に、スイッチ デバイスの代わりにアクセス ポイント デバイスを使用することもできます。

また、アクセス ポイント デバイスを使用する場合、アクセス ポイントはデバイスとの通信中にケーブルの代わりにワイヤレス テクノロジを使用します。

要約すると、スイッチ デバイスとアクセス ポイント デバイスの両方が、これら 7 台のコンピューターの通信を可能にします。これは明らかですが、一方はケーブルを使用し、もう一方はワイヤレス テクノロジを使用します。


ところで、ここではアクセス ポイント デバイスではなく、ソース デバイスに焦点を当てたいと思います。



言い換えれば、これらのコンピューターが互いに通信できる理由は、それらがすべて同じネットワーク内にあるためであり、この特別なネットワークをローカル エリア ネットワークまたは略して LAN と呼びます。

ローカル エリア ネットワークは、建物、オフィス、災害などの非物理的な場所で相互に接続されたデバイスの集まりです。

先ほど言ったように、LAN を作成する場合、この場所はエリア的に制限された場所でなければなりません。つまり、米国にあるコンピューターとロシアにあるコンピューターの間に LAN を作成することはできません。

一方、このエリアは LAN を作成するのに非常に適したエリアです。


この検索検索の助けを借りて、LAN を作成したい場合は、それが WishDevice であると推測できます。

スイッチ デバイスを使用することで、ローカル エリア ネットワークを作成できます。

世界中の何百万ものローカル エリア ネットワークを考えれば、swish デバイスがいかに重要であるかを簡単に理解できます。世界中のすべての家が実際にはローカル エリア ネットワークであり、家に LAN があり、または隣人の家にも LAN があるか、あなたが働いているオフィスにも LAN があります。




PC 1 が PC 6 にメッセージを送信するとします。


オーケー、PC 1、PC 6 にパケットをセットします。



そして、PC 1 が PC 6 にパケットを設定できる場合、これは PC 1 と PC 6 が相互に通信できることを意味します。

ロジックは基本的に、コンピューターが別のコンピューターにパケットを送信できる場合、これは、これらの 2 台のコンピューターが同じネットワーク上にあり、互いに通信できることを意味します。


ただし、このスイッチの画像だけを見ただけでは、スイッチ デバイスが実際にどのようなものであるかは、頭の中で完全に視覚化されていない可能性があります。


これは、スイッチ デバイスの実際のバージョンです。

ご覧のとおり、スイッチ デバイスには多くのポートがあります。これは、ポートの数がスイッチ デバイスごとに異なることも重要です。


一部のスイッチには 10 個のポートがあり、一部のスイッチには複数のトランスポートがあり、もちろん、これは一般的に価格の上昇につながります.


ちなみに、これらのポートには特別な名前があり、LAN ポートと呼ばれます。

ご存知のように、私たちは 3g デバイスを使用して土地を作成しているため、これはおそらく理にかなっています。

このため、これらのポートを LAN ポートと呼ぶのが妥当だと思います。

これらのコンピュータをこれらのポートに接続することで、LAN を作成できるからです。

これに加えて、これらの LAN ポートと同様に、コンピューターの背面またはラップトップの側面に LAN ポートがあり、右側に関連する地域が表示されます。

そして、コンピューターとスイッチ間の接続を確立するために、コンピューターの LAN ポートとスイッチの LAN ポートをケーブルで接続します。


このポートと PC から始めましょう。次に、このポートと P シアターを接続しましょう。

その後、このポートと PC 3 を接続しましょう。

最後に、このポートと PC 4 を接続します。



しかし、このコミュニケーションはどのように正確に行われるのでしょうか?スイッチの観点から、これを見てみましょう。PC 1 マスターが PC と通信するとしましょう。ファー ソーでは、PC にパケットを送信し、このパケットは最初にスイッチのこの部分に送信されます。



その後、スイッチはこのパケットを PC に接続されているこのポートに渡します。

そして最後に、スイッチはパケットを遠くの PC に送信します。


要約すると、現在、このスイッチのおかげで、これら 4 台のコンピューターが相互に接続されています。

これは、ローカル エリア ネットワークを作成したことを意味します。


それらは同じ LAN 上にあるためです。


そして、このスライドのおかげで、スイッチ デバイスは頭の中で視覚化されたスプレッダーです。




また、DOS デバイス間の通信についてのみ説明しました。





前のレッスンでは、オフィス内のコンピューターを接続する方法と、ネットワークを作成する方法について簡単に説明し、サービス デバイスを使用して LAN を作成できると言いました。

しかし問題は、現在、これらのコンピューターは相互にしか通信できず、インターネットと通信できないことです。なぜなら、スイッチのすべてのタスクは LAN を作成し、同じ土地内のデバイスの通信を可能にすることだからです。


ところで、ここに LAN があり、より快適に作業できることが理解できるので、このランプのステートメントをビジュアルから削除したいと思います。



ここで、ルーター デバイスの出番です。











ご存知のように、特別なケーブルが自宅やオフィスに届き、このケーブルはインターネット サービス プロバイダーから提供され、このケーブルに接続されます。

インターネット サービス サービス プロバイダーについて聞いたことがない場合は、インターネットに接続します。


ただし、今のところ、インターネット サービス プロバイダーが、インターネットに簡単に接続できるように、このケーブルを一定の金額で提供してくれていることだけを知っておく必要があります。


これらのコンピューターを使用して、スイッチとルーターの基本的なタスクをアニメーションで 1 つずつ見ていきましょう。

オフィス内のこれら 7 台のコンピューターは、スイッチのおかげで相互に通信できます。

たとえば、PC 1 が PC 5 と通信するとします。この目的のために、PC は PC 5 にパケットを送信します。パケットは最初にスイッチに送られます。



これが、同じ土地にある 2 台のコンピューターが互いに通信する方法です。

そして、常に覚えておいてください、同じ土地でデバイスの通信を行うには、スイッチ デバイスで十分です。

一方、ルーターは、PC 1 と PC 5 のように、同じ回線内の異なるデバイスの通信には何の役割もありません。




しかし、みんな、PC 1 がインターネットと通信する場合はどうなりますか?つまり、PC 1 が最初にインターネットにパケットを送信した場合はどうなるでしょうか。見てみましょう。





あるポイントから別のポイントにパケットを送信できれば、これら 2 つのポイントは通信できます。


しかし問題は、PC がインターネットにパケットを送信する方法です。

この最初の PC を実行できるようにするには、以前と同じようにスイッチへのパケットを開始する必要があります。なぜなら、PC がルーターを占有できる方法は他にないからです。つまり、PC 1 がパケットをインターネットに送信する場合、ルーターはインターネットにアクセスするためのドアであるため、このパケットは何があってもルーターに到達する必要があります。


したがって、PC 1 がルーターと通信したい場合、最初にスイッチへのパケットを開始する必要があります。





ところで、ご存知のように、ISP から購入したこのケーブルをこのポートに差し込んでいます。これが私たちのベースです。







その結果、PC 1 はそのパケットをインターネットに送信しました。

つまり、PC 1 とインターネットが通信しました。

そして、インターネットへの接続に役立ったデバイスが durata です。




ただし、2 つの質問をしたいと思います。

私の最初の質問は、インターネットを頭の中で視覚化できますか? 2 番目の質問は、インターネット ミームとは正確には何なのかということです。これらは、次のレッスンで説明する方程式になります。






ちなみに、このモデル USA は、コンセプトをジョン・ディア・スタットにするために設計された単純化されたモデルであることを覚えておいてください。






irata は、コンピュータまたは電子デバイスがインターネットに接続するために必要なデバイスです。この定義をご存知でしょう。

一方、ルーターは、世界の別の場所でコンピューターと通信するために使用するデバイスであると考えることができます。または、ルーターは、別の計画でコンピューターと通信するために使用するデバイスであると考えることができます。 /P>

ご存知のように、ここには LAN があります。

ここにはもう 1 つの LAN があります。これは明らかです。















実際のところ、この質問に対する答えは正誤表のコア タスクに隠されています。

異なる土地が互いに通信できるようにするために使用するデバイスは、dhiraj です。


このため、多数のルーターを使用して何百万ものローカル エリア ネットワークを接続することは完全に理にかなっています。

これらの最後の数件は、世界中の数百万のローカル エリア ネットワークのうちの 2 つにすぎません。

要約すると、インターネットが数百万のローカル エリア ネットワークに接続する必要がある場合、ルーターが必要であることは明らかです。



おそらくあなたの心に浮かぶ 2 番目の質問は、ルーターが 1 つだけではなく、なぜこれほど多くのルーターがあるのか​​ということです。




これらは、スイッチとルーターではなく、ビジュアル ワン デバイスで最後に表示されることがわかります。

では、環境にスイッチがない場合、どのように LAN が存在し、環境にルーターがない場合にどうすればよいのでしょうか?どうすればインターネットに接続できますか。ここでホーム ルーターの出番です。

ホーム ルーターは、ルーターとスイッチの組み合わせで構成される一般的なデバイスであり、スイッチとルーターの最後の 1 時間の組み合わせでこれらのデバイスを渡します。

これは、ホーム ルーターがあれば、スイッチを追加する必要がないことを意味します。



繰り返しませんが、小規模な環境ではホーム ルーターで十分です。または、環境内にデバイスがほとんどない場合は、ホーム ルーターを紹介しました。ホーム ルーターを使用してインターネットに接続します。


ただし、環境内のデバイスが多すぎると、ホーム ルーターが不足することに注意してください。


それでは、私たちの質問に戻りましょう。なぜルーターが 1 つではなく、これほど多くあるのかということです。

世界中に数千のルーターが分散しているのではなく、世界の真ん中に 1 つのルーターがあると想像してください。


これは明らかです。これは、この 1 つのルーターに数百万の部品が必要であることを意味しますね。



それに加えて、ルーターが 1 つしかない場合、世界中のすべてのデバイスのすべてがそのルーター上にあるわけではありません。


コンピューター サイエンスでは、1 つの点に多くのことを言いたくないからです。






ルール 2 が崩壊し、インターネット全体が崩壊しました。




ここまでで、2 つの重大な問題について話してきました。


世界の真ん中にすべて 1 つの巨大なルーターがある場合、ケーブルの長さを想像してみてください。特に、巨大なルーターから最も離れた LAN には非常に長いケーブルが必要になります。












結局のところ、この構造では、2 つのルーター間に何キロメートルもある可能性がありますが、これは合理的ですが、これは世界の一端から他端までケーブルを敷設することでは決してありません.

この構造では 2 つのルーターを 1 本のケーブルで接続するだけですが、もう一方の構造では数百万のランプを巨大なルーターに接続します。

そのため、一点に多くのハロン ケーブルが必要になり、非常に混乱します。







一方、ルーターが 1 つしかない場合、このルーターが壊れると、インターネット全体が崩壊し、これは非常に悪いことでした.






単純化されたモデルとは異なり、インターネット上のすべての国際通信の 99% は、これらの 468 本のケーブルが水面下に敷設されて提供されています。


これらのケーブルの中には、長さがわずか 131 キロメートルのものもあれば、長さが約 20,000 キロメートルのものもあり、もうすぐです。

そして面白いことに、これらのケーブルの 1 つが壊れると、大陸全体のインターネットが一瞬のうちに消滅する可能性があります。

実際、2018 年にはそのような出来事がありました。



これは、フランスから始まり、アフリカの 3 番目に到達する、ほぼ 17,000 のブログ ケーブルです。

このケーブルは、ヨーロッパとアフリカの西海岸にある 2 つの国を互いに接続し、インターネットに接続します。

そして、これらの 10 か国のインターネットは、効率的なポートが誤ってケーブルを切断したときにクラッシュしました.


これに加えて、これがケーブルに発生する唯一の問題ではないことが想像できます。なぜなら、世界中に広がる約 400 万キロメートルの長さのケーブルについて話しているからです。

したがって、実際にはもっと何かがあるに違いなく、毎年 200 件近くの問題が発生しています。


そして、私が実質的な言葉を使用することを好む楽しい理由があります。2007 年に説明させてください。タイ、ベトナム、香港を相互に接続する 11 キロメートルのケーブルの海賊版を見てください。









また、水中のこれらすべてのケーブルが光ファイバー ケーブルであるとは限りません。

最速のデータ伝送ケーブル タイプは光ファイバー ケーブルだからです。


また、銅線ケーブルを使用しないもう 1 つの理由は、銅線ケーブルの長さが長くなり、データ伝送のエラーの可能性も高くなることです。

一方、光ファイバー ケーブルが非常に長くても、ほとんどエラーなしでデータを宛先に送信します。

これが、光ファイバー ケーブルが長距離で使用されるもう 1 つの理由です。








In this way, you will understand how to devices in different countries communicate with each other, wewill see this on an example, let's say this computer in LAN one was to communicate with this computer in Atlanta.


In other words, let's assume that this computer first to send a special packet to this computer.

So, this packet must go to this router to exit from the land one you know, because our destination is theart of land one I mean it is a different network, our destination is Atlanta, and we can set our packet over the Internet to land and now, we are going to do this exactly first, this computer sends the packet to the switch after the switch receives the packet, this switch looks at the destination address of the packet and understand that it has to send the packet to the router and after the raw to receive the packet.

Reuter looks at the content of it and learns his destination address.

Hence, it understand that it must send the packet to the internet because the destination of the packet isin a different network than LAN one.

So, router must start the packet to this router that is connected because this router is the key routerfor LAN one to connect to the internet, I mean, if this router needs to send a packet to the internet, it must send the packet to this router no matter what there is no other option right and you can think of this link is the connection of land one to the internet.

And if this link is cut somehow the devices in land one cannot access the internet.

It's that simple.

After this point, things will get a little complicated.

So please listen to me very carefully.

After packet reaches this router, the packet has three options to go this path, this path or this pathright this is obvious but the question is which path is better option to go for the packet? And in order to answer this question, first we need to discuss what what the table is each router must have a special table inside called routing table.

And after receiving a packet, a router looks at its routing table to learn which path it must send thepacket.

For this router, it should be this path, this path or this path.

right this is obvious.

And if you're aware, firstly, draw to receives the packet from one of its ports.

I hope that you can imagine all these cables that come to the router are plugged into a port on therouter.

And after the raw to receive the packet rotor learns the destination of the packet and sends the packet toan appropriate port according to the information on the routing table.

And we call this operation forwarding is the result every router needs to look at its routing table tolearn which part it must forwards the packet.

In other words, we can easily understand that routing tables need to have information that which part apacket will got okay.

It is very important to know this fundamental task of the rhotic table.

Each router has a special processor.

And information in the routing table is created by this special processor using many different algorithms.

These algorithms determine the path that's a packet mascar.

And the results of these algorithms are added to the routing table.

Okay, is the result.

This router will look at its routing table or learn which path the packet must be forwarded one, two, orthree.

Meanwhile, when a router makes this decision, it always ignores the path that the packet came from,because it makes no sense to forward the packet back the way it came from.


And let's say according to the routing table of this router, the packet must be forwarded over path tree.

And there we go.

After that, this router needs to look at its routing table to decide Which paths the packet mascot? Assumethat routing table save the packet must be forwarded over patter.

So the packet will go to this route, right.

And there we go.

If you are aware, the event is always the same.

And it will continue to be the same in every router until the packet reaches lanter.

Anyway, let's get going very left off this router must look at its routing table to determine which paththe packet will be forwarded, let's say router choose patwon.

So the packet will go to this route, right? Wonderful.

And at this moment, please listen to me very carefully because there is a tricky part here.

When you look at the packets for the current position of the packet, you probably think of the mostreasonable option as pactor.

Because the shortest path to be able to access this router that is connected to this router seems to bepatter, right.

And if we choose path one, for example, we have to go to this router first.

From here, we can go to this route.

Or if we choose path three, we will go to this router first.

And from here, we can go to this router similarly.

But if we choose path two, we can go directly to this router.

And this is what we want.

But is this really the case? Let's see together.

First of all, never forget that routers always want to deliver the packet to its destination as fast aspossible.

So if this router chooses path three, instead of patter, it may seem unreasonable to you at the beginning,I understand that because you decide with a very simple logic, you are just using your eyes.

However, routers use many algorithms when creating the routing tables.

And these algorithms have many variables, I mean, routers have to take into account many situations whenthey are creating routing tables, for example, let's call every router is a point in this structure, okay.

So when routers create the routing tables, they are not only concerned with the number of points whenchoosing the shortest route to the destination, this is really, really important.

And I want to give an example to you to understand this subject better.

In some cases, routers control the traffic of the links they are connected to.

And if a path is still busy in terms of packet density, rotor will not set the packet over that part.

I mean, for instance, there may be an excessive density on the path to line, even if it seems the bestoption.


And syst Road who knows this line is too busy that creating its routing table, it may decide that it ismore convenient set the packet or pantry instead of Patra.

And we call this situation congestion control.

Okay, I think that I could get to the point.

As a result, the router says the packet over pantry.

And here we go.

As you can see, the number of points that the packet went through has increased.

However, with the selection of path three, the packet can probably reach its destination faster.

Don't forget this.

And after this moment, let the packet go to this right and there we go.

And this router knows that the packet will go to the lamp and it sends the packet to the router in thehalf.

Okay, by the way you can think of this line is a straight line like that.

And this router knows that the packet came to this computer.

So it sends the packet to the related computer.


As you can see, two devices located in this study areas basically communicate with each other.

Thanks to the internet, we can communicate in milliseconds with a device on the other side of the belttext to the internet.

I'm talking about milliseconds, guys, this is a huge thing.

And that's the main reason of why the internet is one of the most important things that mankind created.

I hope I was able to explain intuitively what the internet represents.

However, there is also something else very important that I have to say.

I want to tell you the bookish definition of the internet.

The internet is the network of networks.

Let me repeat the internet is the network of networks.

I believe that you got this but I would like to make this definition more meaningful to you.

Firstly Think about your own heart, maybe you have a lot of devices that can connect to the internet, forexample, computers, mobile phones, televisions, game consoles, tablets, and many, many more.

Similarly, most people have many devices with an internet connection in their home, just like you, right?In the same way, you can think about a company or an enterprise that has a huge number of devices.

And you know that there are many companies and enterprises in all over the world.

So as you notice, there are many small or medium sized labs spread all over developed.

And all these lands on the visual represent these networks.

As a result, the combination of all these networks stand for the internet itself, this is very important,the combination of all these networks stands for the internet itself.

In other words, we are talking about a huge system in which almost all electronic devices in the worldused to communicate with each other.

By the way, there is a very important part here to understand on the visual, we call this the structurethat is in the middle of the visual as the Internet, and you will see such a representation.

In many resources, you can usually see a club logo in order to represent the internet.

But in fact, the internet is the spec structure, you say, formed by a combination of all these networksand this structure in the middle.

Okay, this is very crucial guys.

What I'm trying to say is, when you only see such a representation, you should think that there aremillions of ladders that are connected to it, even if these lands don't appear individual, okay.

And the internet is a huge system that includes all lands in the world.

So I hope that you understand better reason have to bookish definition of the internet, the internet isthe network of networks.


And you can think of this attractor is the heart of the internet.

For example, when we connect this land, to the heart of the internet, with this cable, this LAN will beincluded in the internet, and it can communicate other devices that are connected to the internet, you catch the idea.

So far we have learned what the internet is and how important routers are.

But what exactly does connecting to the internet look like from a computer's perspective? And we are goingto discuss this question in the next lesson.

See you guys soon.


Now, we are going to discuss the meaning of connecting to the internet from the computer's perspective.

And I believe that it is very important to understand this event, assume that we are in a home instead ofan office and we have only one computer.

Therefore, to be able to connect to the internet.

What we only need is a home router, isn't it, there is no need for a switch.

Since we don't have other devices to connect to each other in this home.

Wherever it by the way, if you want, we could use a router device instead of a home router device.

Because if you are aware, we want to use only the router feature of the home router.

We don't need to use the switch feature of the home router right because there is only one computer in theenvironment.

I believe currently you know which device actually does what this should be logical to you.

Therefore, I will assume that you know what basic networking devices are doing from now on.

And so far, you have learned that the connection situation of the internet is determined by whetherrelated computer can send a packet to the internet or not.

And now, I will try to make this situation more meaningful to you.

You are watching this video on the udemy.com website.

右? I mean, let's say you are turning on your computer and entering udemy.com on your favorite webbrowser.

Then you click on the video you are watching right now or any video you want to watch.

And as soon as you click on one of these videos, your computer creates a packet and says this packet toudemy.com over the internet.

The packet firstly is sent to home router.

And then the home router says the packet is To udemy.com over the Internet, and we can think of this greenpacket as your request message to use the.com request message gives information to udemy.com about, you want to watch the related video, okay, this is very crucial.

And after udemy.com receives your request message about watching a specific video, it's naturally realizesthat you want to watch every year hands you the muscles, the related video to you over the internet.

And there we go.

These red Packers represent the pieces of the video that you may sell to you.

In other words, the video you are watching right now, by the way, there is a very important thing aboutthis process.

Let me explain.

While you are watching any video on Udemy Udemy sells it to you piece by piece.

And we call this process streaming.

I think you have heard of this concept before.

And with the help of streaming technology you can most videos uninterruptedly are without any problem.

And to be able to solve this piece by piece sunning process better.

Now, I have opened a random video on udemy.com you can see that the video is being sent to my computerfrom udemy.com piece by piece.

Thanks to the ability to send videos piece by piece, we can most video without requirement for all thevideo to reach our computer.

For example, imagine you want to watch a one hour video and assume that your internet speed is so slow.

If you couldn't watch this video, before the whole video reached your computer, it will be very bad foryou, right? Fortunately, the process doesn't work like that.


And in addition, this transmission time varies depending on the speed of our internet.

The first or our internet speed is, the sooner the video will reach our computer.

It's that simple.

I hope in this way you have a better understanding of what these red packets are great is a resultconnecting to the internet refers to you can send some packets to the Internet, and you can receive some packets from the internet.

And here, the water or home router in this situation plays a very important role.

The home router gives the packets it receives from the computer to the Internet, and gives the packets itreceives from the internet to the computer.

In summary, packet transmission is the basis of connecting to the internet or communicating with acomputer on the other side of the world.

Meanwhile, when we enter udemy.com, we communicate with very powerful computers that actually belong tothe udemy.com.

And we call these special computers, server servers do not differ fundamentally from normal computers.

However, since the servers will exchange packets with 1000s of normal computers at the same time, serversmust be much more powerful computers in terms of hardware compared to normal computers.

Because as you know, too many people access udemy.com at the same time.

I mean, too many people access servers of udemy.com at the same time.

And at this moment, let me tell you what I mean, when I say servers after you demand, if you remember, wetalked about the importance of the single point of failure and load balancing before.

And this is true for servers, a few Demeter, there is not a single Udemy server in the world.

Udemy has a lot of servers distributed around different parts of the world, the location of one of theseservers is the best for you and you communicate with this best suited server.

It's that simple is the result, when you want to enter udemy.com you are actually communicating with oneof the suitable Udemy servers for you.

So while some of you communicate with the same server, some of you will communicate with a differentserver.

But at the end of the day, you will all get the same content, therefore takes the distributed serversUdemy prevents single point of failure and provide load balancing.

Please think about it lol.


By the way, of course, there are many details behind the transmission of packets.

But you can think of it in this way is the simplest logic and That's all I need to say in this lesson.

See you guys soon.


In this lesson, we will shortly talk about the white area network or briefly van, which is a veryimportant type of network for the internet in a simple manner, you can think of van is a network consisting of a combination of different plants.

For example, with the combination of these two lands, we can create a van, or combination of this land,this land, and this lesson, we can create another van.


And in order to understand better the logical van, we can talk about the company example.

Let's say we have a growing company, and reopened some offices in different parts of the world.

And we want these offices to be in the same network, even if they are far apart.

And this is where the wide area network comes into play.

By using van, we can create a special network for our requirements.

Let's say this is one of our land.

And this is our another land.

And they are located in different parts of the world.

And we want to create a van for our company by using these two lands.

But the question is, how do we do that? Let's see.

Let's say our boss wants us to establish a special network for these lands.

I mean, he wants the computers in these two different offices to work as if they are in the sameenvironment.

So our guy is van, if we create a van, these lads can communicate as if they're in the same environment.

But there's an important point to consider here.

Thanks to the internet, we can already enable these last two communicate right? If you know the internetstands for the network of networks.

This means that the internet itself represents connecting millions of flats together.

Hence, if these last are already connected to the internet, computers in land one and computers in landtwo can already communicate over the internet.

This is obvious, sir, the question is if these offices can already communicate with each other over theinternet, why we need another special network is a van.

Please be careful communication over the internet directly.

And communication over a special van belongs to a company is a whole different tank.

So I want you to think about that question for a short time and try to answer it.

If you have noticed, the internet is a public network.

I mean, the internet has no owner and it belongs to everyone.

Any person can connect to the internet whenever and wherever he wants.

For this reason, it is obvious that this public and huge network can have security related problems ininformation transfer between different locations.

You know, hackers are everywhere, and they are in this public and huge network.

And to be able to answer the question I just asked better, I want to give you a very good example.

Let's say this computer wants to send an important file related to the company to this computer.

And after the file is sent to this computer, there will be no problem.

Because this transmission process took place within this land.

This land is a private network for this office, an outsider cannot read access this land without yourpermission.

This is very important.

Hence, file transmission operation in this land is a secure operation.

in general.

Everything is good so far.

But what will happen if this file was sent to the other office over the internet.

Let's see.

Now the scenario is the same again, we need to send a file related to the company but this time, we mustsend this file to the other office of the company.

As we can see the file persists through the public network, isn't it? And this is where the problemsappear.

Just think about it.

This part of the internet is an absolute public network.

This means that if you sell the file over the internet like that, there is no guarantee that no one fromthe outside sight can't see this file or worst, no one from the outside can change this file.

As I said before, hackers are everywhere and the possibility of these issues are generally not low.

Hence, it is important to remember that there is a possibility for a problem when you send this file aboutthe company over the internet directly, especially, if it is a very important file about the company, it is very vital to be careful, and a special man for the company is a solution to such problems.

In general, setting up a van is a costly and not easy task.

But fortunately, there are various methods of setting up a van.

And now, we will only talk about the most popular and cost effective van methods and this method is van byusing VPN.

I am sure that you have heard of VPN before.

It stands for virtual private network.

And people usually use VPN to access restricted websites, because we pn ensures our anonymity, and itencrypts our data before sending the packet Hance.

This gives us high security in general.

And while creating grants by using VPN technology, we take advantage of these features of VPN.

But the most important feature you should know about VPN is the tunneling.

This feature of VPN provides privacy and anonymity and security to us by creating a special networkconnection over a public network.

This is really, really important.

I want to repeat this again.

VPN tunnel link provides privacy, anonymity and Security Trust by creating a special network connectionover a public network.

However, frankly speaking, a physical tunnel isn't created here.

This is very crucial.

tunneling technology makes the packet acts as if it is going through a physical tunnel.

But I won't repeat it.

Again, this is not a physical tunnel.

This tunnel visual just represents the high security connection between land one and lanter.

You can think of it in this way.

This tunnel visual just stands for the high security for the connection between these routers.

It's that simple.

By the way, of course, the packet will pass through many routers on the internet in order to reach itsdestination, just as you have learned before.

However, since VPN uses tunneling, it will be almost impossible to interfere with this packet from theoutside.


I hope that you get the tunneling conceptually, but I want to take a closer look at it.

So first, we start our file to the right.

And there we go.

And at this moment, there will be some changes on the packet.

But before doing these changes, first of all, you should know that VPN tunneling is set up between theserouters, this is very crucial.

And we call this site to site VPN.

This method is very popular while creating a van between offices and take the tunneling our file safereaches lanter.

You know, but the question is, if tunneling is not a physical tunnel, as shown in the picture, whatexactly is it? Let's see, I will use an analogy.

To explain this.

Let's say you need to send a letter from land one to lanter.

So, you should give the letter you wrote to a postman, right, the postman can take this letter to itsdestination.

And suppose you are not putting this letter in an envelope.

This means that the postman can read the letter if he wants.

This is obvious, you can think of the postman in this example, is the public Internet.

On the other hand, if you had put this letter in an envelope first and gave it to the postman in this way,the postman wouldn't be able to read it.

This is obvious.

Hence, the process of putting the letter in an envelope represents the tunneling itself.

So in the real scenario, we had to put this yellow packet into another packet.

And there we go.

Assume that the yellow packet is in the red packet is just like putting glitter in an envelope.

That's the whole idea about tunneling wanderful.

And in this moment, I want to ask you a question.

And my question is that is this packet, really in safe right now? I mean, kept the postman open theenvelope and find out the information in it.

If he really wants to just think about it.

He got the point right.

Even though We have increased the security of the packet by applying tunneling, there are still someproblems.

And this is where encryption comes into play.

Suppose that you encrypt your letter in a way that only people working in your company can understand.

In this case, even if the postman opens the envelope, he cannot obtain the information, because he willsee none understandable data, he will not understand the encrypted information.

So, what we have to do is very simple, right, we must encrypt the original packet before putting it intoanother packet.

So, let me back one step on Dynamesh.

And for this scenario, we encrypt the yellow packet before putting it in the red packet.

And then we put this encrypted packet into the red packet.

Now, finally, this packet is sent to them to over the internet safely.

And there we go.

It's that simple guys.

We encrypted the origin of packets and put it in another packet.

Thus, we maximized the security of the pact, okay.

The term of tunneling comes from here, because packet is safe is if it was moving in your own privatetunnel.

I hope that I made this concept understandable to you.

And at this moment, the writer needs to get the original packet.

And to be able to do this router first eliminates the outside packed right and then it needs to decryptthe encrypted packet so that it cannot be in the original packet.

And after the router gets the original packet, it looks inside the packet and loves his destination andsays the packet to his destination.

And there we go is the result with the help of the van.

By using VPN, we can securely search company related information from one LAN to another.

But never forget that there is no such thing as 100% security.

This means there may be always a security vulnerability for every system.

However, currently, Van networks built by using VPN technology are quite satisfactory, in terms of bothbudget and sacred.


I believe everything is good so far.

But some of you curious can think about equation, you probably think like, I constantly use the internetin daily life.

I sent mail to my friends, I use e commerce website, and I do all of these over the internet.

So since the internet is a public network, are all these operations insecure? The answer is both Yes.

And now, let me explain.

Assume that you want to make an operation on amazon.com.

And let's say you had to enter some information about your credit card.

While purchasing a product says this information will be sent as a packet over the Internet to one of theservers of amazon.com.

We absolutely don't want anyone from the outside to see the information about our credit card is asolution to this.

And add to add encryption method is used between our computer and the destination server.

And since the packet is encrypted, nobody from the outside can see the information about our credit cardsexcept the server of amazon.com.

This is the main logic behind the answer and encryption.

All of the endpoints can decrypt the packet and obtain to original data.


However, this kind of encryption was not used in the past.

And this situation made it easy for hackers.

Imagine that the information about your credit card was directly obtained by a hacker in pure text.

This is terrible, right? But text to add to add encryption, we eliminate this problem.

And finally, I'm going to ask you a question.

And then I'm going to finish the lesson.

Now, you know what when is right, in summary van repossessed the networks we create by combining differentplans in this case.

My question is, what is the largest wide area network in the world? The answer comes to your mind rapidlyisn't it? The internet itself is the largest wide area network in the world.

However, I want to remind you again, please note that a company's van created with VPN is different fromthe internet.

While one of these vans is completely special to the company.

The internet is owned by everyone in the world.

And yeah, that's all I will say about Ron.

See you guys soon.

We have learned a lot of information about network devices until now.

And in this lesson, we will look at a few more cases, by using these devices.

Let's say we have two offices belongs to the same company.

And suppose that there are 100 meters between these offices.

If you are aware, this distance is very short.

In this case, what I'm wondering is whether or not we can connect switch one and switch two directly toeach other to create a LAN.

And the answer is, we can definitely do this because as you know that we use switches to create a class.

Therefore, we can create a LAN by connecting these switches to each other, even if they are not in thesame environment.

But please note that the distance is very short between these offices.

If this distance, were not too short, it is impossible to connect these switches and create a LAN.

Meanwhile, these types of lands can be called campus Area Network, or briefly can since these types ofnetworks are generally used on university campuses, okay.

On the other hand, you know that we can also connect these two offices by using van with VPN.

But please note that when our LAN or different kinds of network types, this is important, and you can seethe packet sent with tunneling in the animation.

And there we go.

Yep, I believe so far, everything is good.

But I want to ask you a question.

Which one do you think is more secure? When which VPN or LAN created by connecting villages directly?Please think about that for a short time and try to answer it.

The answer is source.

Simple, isn't it? a LAN is always more secure than a van.

Because in the communication within the land, the packet never passes over the internet, the packet alwaysmoves on our own cable.

On the other hand, even if the packet is protected in the van, the packet still persists over theinternet.

And as you know, there is never such a thing as 100% security, even if the packet is protected with tunnellink and encryption.

So to summarize, both of these methods are secure.

But LAN is more secure.

This is obvious.

However, there is a condition that event is almost a secure SLR and we call private van for this type offan.

By the way, we haven't talked about this van type before.

I mean, this is different from manmad VPN, because the line between offices is dedicated for the company,you request this line from the ISP and give a special money for this line does.

The ISP gives you a private line that only your company can use? We call the van created in this way, hisprivate van.


And please remember that we were using public internet network environment VPN.

And that's why we also call them each VPN is public van This is very crucial.

In addition, even if private van sounds great, it the first glance, it can be quite costly.

For this reason, it makes sense for an average company to prefer a public van instead of private van, youknow, public van provides us security that we definitely cannot underestimate right, wonderful.

Now, I want you to pay attention to one point.

Some of you may have already noticed this, but it will be good to mention.

In any case, we will switch devices to create a LAN while we use routers to create a van.

This is very vital.

I want to repeat this again, we use switches to create a LAN while we use Rogers to create a van.

This means we cannot create a van by using service devices.

Because a van fundamentally represents connection of different plans with the help of Van different glasscan act as if they are in the same environment.

And you know that if you want to connect different plants, we definitely need a router for this task.

He's got the point.

And now I want to talk a little bit about ratar o until now.

I have always explained the router is an internet related device.

However, it isn't the main task of the router is to connect different networks.

That said, you should realize that these networks may be in different parts of the world, or maybe in thesame office, it really doesn't matter.

And in this slide, you can see that two different plants in the same office are connected to each otherthanks to the router device.

Suppose that one of these networks is related to the marketing unit of the company, and the other relateto the software unit.

And as you know, if we want different networks to communicate with each other, we should use erasure inthe animation, you can see that land one Outland, through communicate through Roger, and there we go.


And here, I want to give you additional information about Roger, I want you to focus on the cables of therouter.

If you are aware, each cable is connected to a different network.

I mean, one of the cables is connected to LAN one, one of the cables is connected to and to and one of thecables is connected to the internet.

This is the case for the router.

The router connects different networks, you know, for this reason, each cable connected to a port on therouter represents a different network.


By the way, you may have wondered why different networks are needed within the same office.

As a matter of fact, this is a common situation in real life.

I mean, you may want different units in the office to be in different networks.

This might be absurd for an office suite for computers.

However, imagine an office with 50 computers in it, dividing these computers into units increaseshierarchy and order never forgot.

That is you can see the basic principles are the same everywhere.

By using these basic principles, we can enable devices in different parts of the world to communicate.

And we can enable devices in the same office to communicate, both of them represent the same task.

I think you understand this concept very well.

And that's all I want to say in this lesson.

See you guys soon.

In one of our previous lessons, I told you, we purchased this cable that came to our home from ISP, but Ihaven't mentioned what exactly ISP is.

And in this lesson, we are going to discuss what is the ISP and why it is so important.

The internet service provider or briefly ISP is responsible for the transmission of packets from onelocation to another.

If you remember, we have learned that there are a lot of routers in the heart of the internet and talkingabout this structure.

And you can think of the ISP as the mechanism that controls all these routers in this structure.

For example, there are actually many routers in this globalized.

Similarly, there are many routers in this region last year.

But to simplify the concept, I didn't visually show routers within the ISP s.

However, I want you to imagine that the routers distributed around the world are controlled by these ISVsThis is very crucial.

Think of it as of each ISP controls specific routers, and packets are sent from one location to anotherlocation over these routers.

We previously talked about how the packet travels from one point to another era others understanding thissituation is the first condition to understand the ISP.

What I am trying to say is certainly SPS are responsible for certain routers, I want you to imagine thatevery ISP you see in this picture is responsible for certain routers, okay, but I am removing them from the visual for the simplicity of the concept.

In addition, the ISP model you see here is a simplified model.

But even if the model is simple, it is enough to understand the most important parts of the concept.

Let's start with basic definition of the ISP.

ISP s represent companies that serve us so that we can connect to the internet.

And of course, they charge a certain fee for this service.

You cannot connect to the internet without an ISP.

Think of ISP is the structure that allows you to connect to the internet and ISP is not a singlestructure.

There are hundreds of 1000s of ISVs in the world, and all these isbs come together to form structure yousee individual, there is few ISP individual I know that.

But I can say that there are hundreds of 1000s of ISP s in real life.

The most common ISP type in default is local ISP.

And now, I want to start with it.

The first step of connecting to the internet is to communicate with the local ISP.

And local ISPs are generally responsible for small area communications, for example, the communications oftwo different plants in the same neighborhood, or communication of less located in neighborhoods close to each other.

Let's say we live in the USA, and these two homes are located in the same neighborhood.

If this computer wants to communicate with this computer, the connection is provided directly over thislocal ISP.

This is obvious, you can see this on the animation.

The packet passes through different routers at local ISP and reaches its destination.

But in general, since the local ISP is responsible for the communication of small areas, the packet canalso pass through all the one router before reaching its destination.

You can think of this local ISP is the ISP that only connects lands within a neighborhood.

Of course, a local ISP can connect different neighborhoods.

But in this scenario, let's say it doesn't, therefore, one router can be enough to connect them, you gotthe point.

And in this visual, you can see an example of a small local ISP office.

And we call these offices Point of Presence or briefly pop.

In fact, effect routers distributed over the internet are included in these paths.

And in this fab.

In other words, in this office, routers are on the left side.

In addition, you have probably noticed that there are other devices than routers, because sometimes wemust do different configurations with different devices.

Hence, EPA must save routers, switches, servers, and so on.

But the device we use to connect different networks to each other is the right you know, for this reason,we will only focus on routers.

And in our previous lessons, Reuters on the internet visual, were actually representing paths, separateover divulge.

And in order to explain this better, I want to talk on a different image.

But in this image, I want to think of different houses and offices connected to local SB two and local SBthree.

I mean, you both talk about the thoughts, you got the point.

And there we go.

As you can see, a home and small office connect to a pop over local SB saw this pop is the first point tobe able to connect to the internet for this home.

And this office.

This should be clear to you.

By the way, if you are aware, locally, SB two has four paths, you might think that takes to these fourpaths.

Locally SB two connects different neighborhoods.

And in this way, lands in different neighborhoods can communicate over local SB two effectively.

And from here, we can draw the following conclusion.

Some local asbs can have more than one path.

However, some localized space can only have one path.

This depends on the size of the localized sphere.

For example, if a local ISP connects four different neighborhoods, it may have four different paths.

But if a local ISP connects all the one neighborhood, it has all the vamp up, you catch the idea.

And if you want to do more detailed studies on this topic, you will see many resources on the internet.

with raw trackers, you should be aware that these icons actually represent water within the pop.

There are many pops distributed all of our developers and routers are in these paths.

It's that simple.

At this moment, I want you to imagine that there are hundreds of 1000s of local SPS in the world.

And these local SPS Connect regionally space that are larger than this means that different localizedspace communicate over regionalized space.

For example, local SP to communicate with local SP three over the regional SP one.

As a matter of fact, you can think of local asbs Connect neighborhoods and regional SPS Connect cities ina country.

It's that simple.

I want to repeat this again, you can think of localized space, connect neighborhoods or small areas andregionally space Connect cities.

In a country, okay.

Meanwhile, there is one regional SP in this simplified model we use.

But in real life, a country can have many regional airspace and all local SPS and regional SPS, combinedin order to create a network of a country.

In summary, the first step to connecting to the internet is local ISP.

And this line represents the line we purchased from the local ISP, right? every home or office mustpurchase such a line from the relevant ISP to connect to the internet.

And if you examine your home router carefully, you can see the cable coming from your ISP.


Now, let's suppose that this computer and this computer want to communicate with each other.

By the way, these two homes are located in the USA, but they are in different cities.

As a result, they are connected to different local ISP.

So this is our base.

so in this situation, how will this local SV communicate with this local ISP, let's say in fact, this iswhere the regional SB one comes into play.

In general, the regional SP is engaged in the communication of devices in the same countries, but indifferent cities.

If you look carefully at the animation, local asbs communicate over the region laceby is obvious, right?And there we go.

And at this moment, some of you may be wondering why there is no direct link from local SB two to local SBthree, this is not expected question.

Just think about it.

If we connect, localize these directly, the hierarchy is broken.

I mean, you see very few localized these in the scenario, but in real life, there can be middleclasspeace, even in the same city.

And if we connect them all together, complexity will definitely occur.

And we don't want to increase the complexity of this system, it is already quite complex, isn't it.

And that's why we use a central hierarchical ISP structure is you see individual with the minimum numberof connections between ISP s, we ensure that all ISP is communicate with each other.

It's that simple.

So far, we have talked about the local ISP, and regionalised.

Also, the computers that communicate with each other, were always in the USA.

But what if computers in different countries want to communicate with each other.

And this is where the global SP comes into play, you may think that the global ISP connects devices indifferent countries in general, is, you know, there is an ocean between the USA and China.

So if a device in the USA, and a device in China wants to communicate, it must be a global ISP thatprovides this connection, you cannot connect these two devices with only local ISP, and regional ISP.

And as you can see in the image, there are multiple global asbs.

And these globalists, these are the part of the hierarchy.

And by using them, these two computers can communicate with each other.

Let's assume that this computer wants to communicate with this computer.

In this case, the packet will first go to the local ISP, Peter, you know, and then go to the regional ISPone.

And the packet has two options at this moment, this path or this path.

In other words, globally, SB one or global SB three, I hope you understand that this selection isdetermined by the routers in the regional SP one, each router makes a choice.

And as a result of these choices, the Reuters path is determined.

Let's say the packet will be forwarded to global SB one.

And there we go.

By the way, another packet that will pass through regionalize v one may go to the global SB three nexttime.

Who knows you catch the idea.

Anyway, afterwards, let's say that the packet will be sent from global SB one to global SB two.

And there we go.

And at this stage, the packets can be sent to local ISP six, or directly to the regional SB two or globalSB three.

Either way, it will reach its destination.

What I'm trying to say is the packet can follow different paths.

And I won't show you some of these paths.

For example, from global SB two to local SB six, regional SB two, local SB seven and this nation or fromglobal SB two to three regionally SB two, locally SB seven and this nation or from globally SB two To globally SB three, regional SB two, local SB seven and this nation again all of them are suitable paths.

You should also have noticed a situation here.

If the destination of the packet was this harm, the packet could reach his destination directly over localSB six without going over regionalist feature.

This means that some localized space can connect with global ad space.

Without a regional ISP.

This is very important is enough, local ad space represents small companies.

And in some cases, these small companies may want a direct connection with a global ASV to provide afaster internet experience to its customers.

Actually, there are two ways for this kind of connection.

in general.

If a local ISP connects directly with a global ISP, its location can be very suitable for this purpose.

I mean, related global ISP can already have an infrastructure on this location.

However, if the related global ISP doesn't have an infrastructure in this location, a lot of extra moneymust be paid for disconnection by the local ASB company to the global ASB company, you catch the idea.

And for this packet on the global ASB through, let's say it will go to the regional ISP instead of localSB six or global SB three.

Okay, from here, packet will go to the local SB seven.

And there we go.

As you can see, locally, SB seven is connected directly to the destination LAN.

Therefore, locally, SB seven knows that where it will send the packets.

And finally, to home rats receiving the packet sends it to the destination computer Wallah.

As a result, you have learned how computers in two different regions of the world communicate over theinternet.

You also learnt the relationship between the internet routers and ISP with each other.

And in the next lesson, we are going to cover two more scenarios related to the ISP concept.

See you guys in a moment.

Let's say we are in Belgium.

This is our home.

And we want to connect to enable establish website called ABC x.com.

The owners of the website have limited financial power.

For this reason, they have all the answer we're on the USA.

So to be able to reach ABC x.com our request message must pass over at least one global ASP This isobvious, you can see the whole process on the animation.

And after the server of the ABC x.com receives the request message in exchange for it, ABC x.com creates aresponse message.

This response message contains information about the web page we want to enter.

It includes images, videos, HTML file, and everything related to the web page.

Meanwhile, if you don't know what an HTML file is, you can think of it as the skeleton of a web page in asimplest manner, and after generating the response message, the server must send it to us.

However, the path preferred by the response message will be different from the path preferred by therequest message.

Please pay attention to this on the animation.

There is no way to know the exact path of a message beforehand.

Since routers can make different choices each time I'm in the park for a message is always determined onthe way.

Never forget that.

And as soon as we received the response message, the website appears in our web browser.

In summary, then you want to enter a website, you first sent a request message to the server off website.

And the web server receiving your request message sends you a response message which contains allinformation about the web page you want to enter.

And then this message comes to you.

your web browser learns all information from this response message and displays the related web page inyour web browser.

And the surprising thing is, every time you want to enter a website, this process happens again.

However, since this process takes place in milliseconds, you don't realize that there are complexoperations in the background.

And now let's try to enter google.com instead of ABC x.com and see what happens.

You know, Google is quite different from ABC x.com.

Since it is a giant company, for instance, unlike ABC x.com, Google has many servers distributed allaround the world.

And with this distributed server structure, Google provides a much more efficient and fast service to itscustomers.

And let's say one of these servers is not far from our heart.

Therefore, when you want to enter google.com, or when you want to get any service from Google, we willprobably connect to this server, which is close to us, okay? For this reason, the process failed way much faster.

In fact, this is the main reason why big companies put many servers in different locations around theworld.

They want customers to communicate with them in the fastest and most efficient way.

And the distributed server structure is a great solution for such a desire.

I believe you catch the idea.

So then we want to request a service from Google, our request message will go to this server clusters.

You'll know that how the packet reaches the related server with the help of ISP.


And you know that what will happen after this stage, Google sends us a response message related to theservers we request.

However, the time for Google to communicate with the customers is sometimes not satisfactory for Google.

And Google wants to increase this a bit in general.

Fortunately, Google has a very good solution for this kind of issue called peering.

But what exactly is peering? Let's see, peering is the technique, which Google establishes a directconnection with an ISP to provide faster access to eat servers.

As you can see on the animation, Google connects directly with the local asbs.

Thus, when we want to get a service from Google, you will be able to communicate directly with Googleservers without using ISP infrastructures.

In this way, Google can communicate with the customers much more effectively and quickly.

At this moment, everything is good.

But what about security, since the number of public pop that packets pass through decreases, takes theperiod, security increase a saw much I'm in the packet goes directly to Google via local ISP.

In other words, the packet does not use public ISP infrastructures to communicate with Google.

Remember that security is very important to large companies.

And it is obvious that this direct connection decreases the possibility to be obtained for the packagefrom the outside.


And last, but not least, I want to give you an example is you know, YouTube is owned by Google.

So when you want to watch a video on YouTube, you are actually using Google's distributed servers aroundthe world.

And you are all aware that YouTube works very efficiently by you want to watch a video on YouTube, you canwatch it very well, you will be interrupted whatsoever.

The main reason for this is the distributed server structure and the appearing infrastructure of Google.

On the other hand, you may sometimes see freezes and interruptions, while watching videos on Udemy.

Because Udemy infrastructure is not as strong as Google in general.

Of course, Udemy also uses a distributed server structure.

But this number is probably not as many as Google This is obvious.

In addition, Udemy doesn't use peering.

And you know that peering is a very efficient technology, especially it increases the streaming qualityand speed a lot.

But I can say that Udemy did a significantly Good job overall, because serving millions of people at thesame time is a really challenging engineering problem.


In summary, peering is a very effective structure is used by giant companies like Google, Amazon, and soon.

He's got the point.

And finally, I want to give you some general information about ISP is you know, global ASB are responsiblefor the international communication.

I can't say that, although definitely not as many as the regional ISP.

There are a few global ISP in the world.

And you can guess that the technical reasons for not having only a single global ISP in the world.

We have talked about similar things before but in addition to these reasons, like load balancing Andefficiency.

There are also some financial reasons for this.

I mean, setting up a global ASB company is a very costly business at the beginning, but it makes its honora lot of money.

あなたは私が言っていることを知っていますよね? If you have a lot of money, establishing a global ASB company is a goodchoice, it will probably make you smile with time.

By the way, we also call the internet backbone to the network that global ASB set up with each otherfamiliarity to internet backbone term can be useful for you in the future.

In addition, there are structures called internet exchange points, in order for the internet backbone towork synchronously for global a space to communicate with each other more efficiently.

And we brief the call these structures I XP, or I x never forgot that.

And the last thing I want to mention is that you don't have to connect to a local ISP.

In order to connect to the internet, you can directly connect to a regional ISP, or global ASB if theseISP have a service for your location.

This means that you can learn which ISP is our serving value live and make your choice.

According to this information, it is absolutely your decision to choose the ISP service you want.

わかった? For example, let's say this is our home and we connect to the internet via local ASB.

However, if you request, we can also connect directly to the internet via regional SP one, this ispossible.

What I am trying to say is if you want to get your ISP service from a certain company, and if this companydoesn't serve your location, you can contact the company and talk about what you can do.

If you give the required money to the ISP company, most regional ISP and global ISP can provide you theservice you want that set.

But for normal users, this is where unnecessary normal users only need to choose one of two ISP servicesin their location and benefit from it.

On the other hand, if you want to set up a local ISP company, such a move may make sense.


And we talked about the ISP in general, I think you got a lot of good information.

But if you want you can do more research about the ISP on the internet.

However, that's all I have to say in this course.

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