using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main(){ Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash.Add("One", "Katie"); hash.Add("Two", "John"); hash.Add("Three", "Barry"); hash.Add("Four", ""); hash.Add("Five","Harry"); hash.Add("Six", "F"); hash.Add("Seven", "Tom"); hash.Add("Eight","Andy"); hash.Add("Nine", "I"); hash.Add("Ten", "Tim"); Console.WriteLine("Hashtable Key and Value pairs..."); foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in hash){ Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} ", entry.Key, entry.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Is the Hashtable having fixed size? = "+hash.IsFixedSize); Console.WriteLine("If Hashtable read-only? = "+hash.IsReadOnly); } }
Hashtable Key and Value pairs... One and Katie Ten and Tim Five and Harry Three and Barry Seven and Tom Two and John Four and Eight and Andy Nine and I Six and F Is the Hashtable having fixed size? = False If Hashtable read-only? = False
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main(){ Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash.Add("1", "A"); hash.Add("2", "B"); hash.Add("3", "C"); hash.Add("4", "D"); hash.Add("5","E"); hash.Add("6", "F"); hash.Add("7", "G"); hash.Add("8","H"); hash.Add("9", "I"); hash.Add("10", "J"); Console.WriteLine("Hashtable Key and Value pairs..."); foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in hash){ Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} ", entry.Key, entry.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Is Hashtable having fixed size? = "+hash.IsFixedSize); Console.WriteLine("If Hashtable read-only? = "+hash.IsReadOnly); } }
Hashtable Key and Value pairs... 10 and J 1 and A 2 and B 3 and C 4 and D 5 and E 6 and F 7 and G 8 and H 9 and I Is Hashtable having fixed size? = False If Hashtable read-only? = False
配列が読み取り専用かどうかを確認するには、次のコードを試してください- 例 using System; public class Demo { public static void Main(){ string[] products = new string[] { }; Console.WriteLine("One or more planets begin with 'E'? = {0}",
「読み取り専用」とマークされたフィールドは、オブジェクトの構築中に1回だけ設定できます。変更できません- 例を見てみましょう。 class Employee { readonly int salary; Employee(int salary) { this.salary = salary; } void UpdateSalary() { //salary = 50000; // Compile err