using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; public class Demo { public static void Main() { StringDictionary strDict1 = new StringDictionary(); strDict1.Add("A", "John"); strDict1.Add("B", "Andy"); strDict1.Add("C", "Tim"); strDict1.Add("D", "Ryan"); strDict1.Add("E", "Kevin"); strDict1.Add("F", "Katie"); strDict1.Add("G", "Brad"); Console.WriteLine("StringDictionary1 elements..."); foreach(DictionaryEntry de in strDict1) { Console.WriteLine(de.Key + " " + de.Value); } StringDictionary strDict2 = new StringDictionary(); strDict2.Add("1", "A"); strDict2.Add("2", "B"); strDict2.Add("3", "C"); strDict2.Add("4", "D"); strDict2.Add("5", "E"); Console.WriteLine("\nStringDictionary2 key-value pairs..."); IEnumerator demoEnum = strDict2.GetEnumerator(); DictionaryEntry d; while (demoEnum.MoveNext()) { d = (DictionaryEntry)demoEnum.Current; Console.WriteLine("Key = " + d.Key + ", Value = " + d.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Is the StringDictionary2 synchronized? = "+strDict2.IsSynchronized); } }
StringDictionary1 elements... a John b Andy c Tim d Ryan e Kevin f Katie g Brad StringDictionary2 key-value pairs... Key = 1, Value = A Key = 2, Value = B Key = 3, Value = C Key = 4, Value = D Key = 5, Value = E Is the StringDictionary2 synchronized? = False
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; public class Demo { public static void Main() { StringDictionary strDict = new StringDictionary(); strDict.Add("One", "Laptop"); strDict.Add("Two", "Desktop"); strDict.Add("Three", "Earphone"); strDict.Add("Four", "Speaker"); strDict.Add("Five", "HardDisk"); strDict.Add("Six", "SSD"); strDict.Add("Seven", "HardDisk"); Console.WriteLine("StringDictionary key-value pairs..."); IEnumerator demoEnum = strDict.GetEnumerator(); DictionaryEntry d; while (demoEnum.MoveNext()) { d = (DictionaryEntry)demoEnum.Current; Console.WriteLine("Key = " + d.Key + ", Value = " + d.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Is StringDictionary synchronized? = "+strDict.IsSynchronized); } }
StringDictionary key-value pairs... Key = five, Value = HardDisk Key = one, Value = Laptop Key = four, Value = Speaker Key = three, Value = Earphone Key = seven, Value = HardDisk Key = six, Value = SSD Key = two, Value = Desktop Is StringDictionary synchronized? = False
要素がコレクションにあるかどうかを確認するためのコードは、次のとおりです- 例 using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; public class Demo { public static void Main(){ Collection<int> col = new Collection<int>(); col.Add(10); col.Add(20); &n
Anyメソッドを使用して、リストが空かどうかを確認します。 リストを設定する- var subjects = new List<string>(); subjects.Add("Maths"); subjects.Add("Java"); subjects.Add("English"); subjects.Add("Science"); subjects.Add("Physics"); subjects.Add("Chemistry"); 次に、次の条件を設定