using System; public class Demo { public static void Main(String[] args){ var tuple1 = Tuple.Create(75, 200, 500, 700, 100, 1200, 1500, 2000); var tuple2 = Tuple.Create(75, 200, 500, 700, 100, 1200, 1500, 2000); Console.WriteLine("Is Tuple1 equal to Tuple2? = "+tuple1.Equals(tuple2)); Console.WriteLine("HashCode of Tuple1 = "+tuple1.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine("HashCode of Tuple2 = "+tuple2.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 1st = "+tuple1.Item1); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 1st = "+tuple2.Item1); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 2nd = "+tuple1.Item2); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 2nd = "+tuple2.Item2); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 4th = "+tuple1.Item4); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 4th = "+tuple2.Item4); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 5th = "+tuple1.Item5); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 5th = "+tuple2.Item5); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 6th = "+tuple1.Item6); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 6th = "+tuple2.Item6); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 7th = "+tuple1.Item7); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 7th = "+tuple2.Item7); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 rest value = "+tuple1.Rest); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 rest value = "+tuple2.Rest); } }
Is Tuple1 equal to Tuple2? = True HashCode of Tuple1 = 3247155 HashCode of Tuple2 = 3247155 Tuple1 Item 1st = 75 Tuple2 Item 1st = 75 Tuple1 Item 2nd = 200 Tuple2 Item 2nd = 200 Tuple1 Item 4th = 700 Tuple2 Item 4th = 700 Tuple1 Item 5th = 100 Tuple2 Item 5th = 100 Tuple1 Item 6th = 1200 Tuple2 Item 6th = 1200 Tuple1 Item 7th = 1500 Tuple2 Item 7th = 1500 Tuple1 rest value = (2000) Tuple2 rest value = (2000)
using System; public class Demo { public static void Main(String[] args){ var tuple1 = Tuple.Create(75, 200, 500, 700, 100, 1200, 1500, Tuple.Create("AB", 2000, "CD")); var tuple2 = Tuple.Create(75, 200, 500, 700, 100, 1200, 1500, Tuple.Create(2500, 3500, 4000, "XY")); Console.WriteLine("Is Tuple1 equal to Tuple2? = "+tuple1.Equals(tuple2)); Console.WriteLine("HashCode of Tuple1 = "+tuple1.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine("HashCode of Tuple2 = "+tuple2.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 1st = "+tuple1.Item1); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 1st = "+tuple2.Item1); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 2nd = "+tuple1.Item2); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 2nd = "+tuple2.Item2); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 4th = "+tuple1.Item4); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 4th = "+tuple2.Item4); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 5th = "+tuple1.Item5); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 5th = "+tuple2.Item5); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 6th = "+tuple1.Item6); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 6th = "+tuple2.Item6); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 Item 7th = "+tuple1.Item7); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 Item 7th = "+tuple2.Item7); Console.WriteLine("Tuple1 rest value = "+tuple1.Rest); Console.WriteLine("Tuple2 rest value = "+tuple2.Rest); } }
Is Tuple1 equal to Tuple2? = False HashCode of Tuple1 = -1121878415 HashCode of Tuple2 = -835095725 Tuple1 Item 1st = 75 Tuple2 Item 1st = 75 Tuple1 Item 2nd = 200 Tuple2 Item 2nd = 200 Tuple1 Item 4th = 700 Tuple2 Item 4th = 700 Tuple1 Item 5th = 100 Tuple2 Item 5th = 100 Tuple1 Item 6th = 1200 Tuple2 Item 6th = 1200 Tuple1 Item 7th = 1500 Tuple2 Item 7th = 1500 Tuple1 rest value = ((AB, 2000, CD)) Tuple2 rest value = ((2500, 3500, 4000, XY))
Tkinterリストボックスウィジェットを使用して、アイテムのリストを作成します。リストボックス内の各アイテムには、垂直方向に順番に割り当てられるいくつかのインデックスがあります。 リストボックスでクリックされたアイテムのインデックスを取得したいとします。次に、最初に list.curselection()を使用してアイテムの現在の選択をキャプチャするボタンを作成する必要があります メソッドを実行してから、 get()を使用してインデックスを出力します。 メソッド。 例 # Import the required libraries from tkinter import * # Crea
ネストされたタプルで一意の要素を取得する必要がある場合は、ネストされたループと「set」演算子を使用できます。 Pythonには、「set」と呼ばれるデータ型が付属しています。この「セット」には、一意の要素のみが含まれています。 このセットは、共通部分、差、和集合、対称差などの操作を実行するのに役立ちます。 以下は同じのデモンストレーションです- 例 my_list_1 = [(7, 8, 0), (0 ,3, 45), (3, 2, 22), (45, 12, 9)] print ("The list of tuple is : " ) print(my_list