サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)
WordPress セキュリティ プラグインは、紛らわしい WordPress の必需品の聖杯です。
- 真の保護を提供する最も強力なセキュリティ プラグイン
- WordPress 用の最もお財布に優しいセキュリティ プラグイン
- 最高の無料 WP セキュリティ プラグイン
- あまり推奨されていないいくつかの佳作
- 価値のない非常に人気のあるプラグイン
TL;DR: すべてのベースをカバーする WordPress セキュリティ プラグインを探している場合は、マルウェア検出、マルウェア削除、WordPress 強化、ログイン保護、トラフィック ログに必要なすべての機能を備えた有料プラグインを使用することをお勧めします。
最も強力な WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン:完全なセキュリティ スイート
#1. MalCare – 完全な WordPress セキュリティ スイート
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](/article/uploadfiles/202210/2022103112095617.jpg)
MalCare は間違いなく、お金で買える包括的な WordPress セキュリティ プラグインの 1 つです。
MalCare の仕組みはまったく革新的です。
MalCare を使用すると、サーバーの負荷や Web サイトへのリスクをまったく伴わずに、サーバー レベルのスキャンの詳細を取得できます。
MalCare は、Web サイト全体を独自のサーバーにコピーします。このようにして、市場の他のすべてのスキャナーをはるかに超える複雑なマルウェア検出アルゴリズムを実行できます.
他のマルウェア スキャナーはサーバーに依存してアルゴリズムを実行するため、最終的に次の 2 つのいずれかを実行します。
- 彼らは感染の根本原因を見つけるという悪い仕事をしています;
- または、毎週何百もの誤検知にフラグを立てます。
MalCare を使用すると、完全に未知のマルウェアであっても、誤検知をスローせず、常にマルウェア感染の根源にたどり着くスキャナーを利用できます。
その後、警告が表示され、数秒で、MalCare ダッシュボードのボタンをクリックするだけで、Web サイトからマルウェアを完全に削除できます。すべてのマルウェアの 99.9% は、MalCare を使用して自動的に駆除できます。
MalCare がこのリストに値する機能:
- 完全な WordPress マルウェア スキャナ
- 悪意のあるスクリプトを即座に削除
- 強力なウェブ アプリケーション ファイアウォールとログイン保護
- 簡単なウェブサイト強化対策
- 複数のウェブサイトを管理する単一のダッシュボード
- チームのコラボレーションと管理
- ホワイトラベル ソリューション
- カスタム レポートと定期レポート
- 稼働時間とパフォーマンスの監視
- 統合されたバックアップと復元機能
- MalCare の単一の包括的なダッシュボード
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](https://mk0malcaredecgig0d6a.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/malcare.png)
一番良いところ? MalCare は、機械学習アルゴリズムで動作します。
つまり、ますます多くのサイトをマルウェアから保護するにつれて、よりスマートになるということです。現在、MalCare は毎日 250,000 以上の WordPress Web サイトをハッカーから保護しています。ご想像のとおり、それはすでに非常にスマートであり、ネットワークに新たに追加されるたびに強化されています.
MalCare を無料でインストールし、Web サイトでマルウェアをスキャンできます。プレミアム バージョンには、マルウェアの即時削除とその他の多数の機能が含まれています。
価格: フリーミアム。有料プランは年間 99 ドルから。
使いやすさ: MalCare は、最もスマートで使いやすいダッシュボードの 1 つを提供します。セットアップ全体は、すべての人にとってシンプルで使いやすいという WordPress 独自の哲学に沿って構築されています。最も重要なことは、ダッシュボードが常に更新され、新しい機能と新しい UX 基準に対応できることです。最初から最後まで、UI と UX はシンプルでクリーン、最小限です。
クリーンアップ タイプ: 自動
最終評決: 強くお勧めします。
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](/article/uploadfiles/202210/2022103112095674.png)
Jetpack は、WordPress のトップ セキュリティ プラグインの 1 つだけではありません。これは、WordPress の機能に不可欠なほぼすべての機能のコンボ パックです。管理された WordPress バックアップ サービス、セキュリティ機能などが付属しています。
これほど多くの人が Jetpack について聞いた主な理由は、WordPress を構築したのと同じ会社である Automattic によって構築されたからです。これで、WordPress をインストールするたびに Jetpack がインストールされます!
Jetpack の Protect モジュールは無料で、かなりの量の不審なアクティビティの発生をブロックできます。 Jetpack の無料版には、ブルート フォース攻撃に対する保護とホワイトリストも含まれています。
しかし、ご想像のとおり、Jetpack の有料版はセキュリティに関してははるかに強力です。年間 99 ドルで、マルウェア スキャン、スケジュールされた Web サイトのバックアップ、およびバックアップからのサイトの復元を利用できます。賭け金を増やしたい場合は、年間 299 ドルのプランで、オンデマンドのマルウェア スキャンとリアルタイムのバックアップを利用できます。
このリストに値する Jetpack の特徴:
- Jetpack の無料版は、まだハッキングされていない中小企業の Web サイトを保護するのに十分です
- プレミアム プランは、追加のサポートが必要な場合に備えて、バックアップ、スパム保護、セキュリティ スキャンと削除などの計り知れないメリットを提供します
- すべてのプラグインの更新は Jetpack を介して行われるため、ハッカーが利用できるプラグインの脆弱性はありません
- サイトのダウンタイムも監視できます
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](/article/uploadfiles/202210/2022103112095772.jpg)
おまけとして、Jetpack にはメール マーケティング、ソーシャル メディア、サイトのカスタマイズ、および最適化のための機能もあります。新しいサイト所有者にとって、これは夢の組み合わせです。唯一の欠点は、それらが特別なソリューションではないことと、感染した場合に手動でマルウェアを削除するのを待たなければならないことです.
価格: フリーミアム。有料プランは年間 99 ドルから。
使いやすさ: Jetpack はかなり単純です。初心者向けに構築されており、コーディング (または WordPress) の知識がゼロであることを前提としています。 UX も非常によく計画されています。
クリーンアップ タイプ: マニュアル
最終評決: 無料版を強くお勧めします。プレミアム バージョンは条件付きで推奨されます。
#3.ワードフェンス セキュリティ
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](/article/uploadfiles/202210/2022103112095706.png)
Wordfence Security は、最も人気のある WordPress セキュリティ プラグインの 1 つであり、それには正当な理由があります。フリーミアム バージョンは、堅牢なログイン セキュリティ機能やセキュリティ インシデント回復ツールなど、かなり強力な保護ツールを提供します。
ブルートフォース保護やWordPressファイアウォールなどの機能により、攻撃に対する保護をかなりうまく提供できます.有料版は、サーバーベースの非常に高度なマルウェア スキャナーが付属しているため、無料版よりもはるかに印象的です。
Wordfence が前もって言及していないことは次のとおりです。
- クリーンアップごとに料金が発生します。繰り返しのハッキングでも
- Wordfence は手動クリーンアップを提供しているため、クリーンアップの価格が急騰しています
- 無料バージョンとプレミアム バージョンの両方で、常に誤検出が報告されます
This means that Wordfence will flood your WordPress dashboard with alarms. You will then have to try and understand whether or not those alarms are serious security threats and breaches. Then, you’ll have to wait for days while their security engineers clean your site.
Oh, and if they’re in high demand, you have to fork over a boatload of cash to keep your site safe.
That said, Wordfence is still one of the most popular WordPress security plugins and does a fairly good job of protecting your site.
Features That Make WordFence Security Worthy of this List:
- If you have a small, static website with very little traffic and no online sales, then the free version is good enough for you.
- You can save a lot of money on licensing fees if you buy multiple site licenses.
- Wordfence has a full firewall suite that other WP security plugins simply don’t, and it includes features such as country blocking, manual blocking, brute force protection, real-time threat defense, and a Web Application Firewall.
- The malware scanner detects malware, real-time threats, and spam. It scans all your files for malware, not just WordPress files because it has a server-based scanner.
- Wordfence traffic insights can separate Google crawl activity, logins and logouts, human visitors, and bots for better insights on your site traffic.
- You can sign in with your mobile phone as a form of WordPress two-factor authentication.
- While most people use the Akismet Spam Protection plugin that comes with almost every WordPress installation, Wordfence has its own comment spam filter as well. This means that you won’t have to use multiple plugins for spam protection.
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](https://mk0malcaredecgig0d6a.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/wordfence.png)
One of the most unique features of Wordfence is that it can keep track of the WordPress plugins that you are using on your website. If your plugins are no longer being updated, have been removed from the repository, or if they have known hacks, then Wordfence raises an alarm.
Price: Freemium with Premium Plans starting at $99/year + Base cleanup price of $179/cleanup
Ease of Use: The interface can be seriously complicated for a novice user. It crams in all the features, and it becomes tricky to keep track of everything right from the get-go. However, once you get the hang of it, the only problem that you may have is requesting a cleanup. For a company that makes most of its money through paid malware removal, it sure is difficult to find that option on the dashboard!
Cleanup Type: Manual
重要: Wordfence can significantly slow down your website. Wordfence creates its own tables in your database which store the entire scan history. It also records all actions taken. Over time, this database will grow to a considerable size, and reach the point where it adds to site bloat.
Every time Wordfence runs a new scan, it loads the old database as well. Add this to the overzealous scanner that keeps flagging false positives, and you have a real bandwidth issue on your hands.
Wordfence also acts on a server level. While this means that you get more powerful features, it also means that Wordfence will use your server resources to operate.
In conclusion, Wordfence is a solution that will hog your server resources and slow down your website as time goes by.
#4. Security Ninja
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Security Ninja is among the OG WordPress security plugins. It’s been around for over 7 years now and it has some of the most comprehensive features ever. Security Ninja started out as one of the first plugins on CodeCanyon.
Now, it’s got a freemium model and has 50+ security checks built into the malware scanner, including file integrity checks, MySQL permissions, and PHP settings.
The plugin also does a brute-force check to suss out weak passwords like ‘password’ and ‘1234’ – passwords like that are not helping anyone.
The best part is that it has both automatic and manual patches for its users. If you want a one-click solution, you can have that. Or, if you understand code, you can get the patch and manually fix the website yourself.
Features That Make Security Ninja Worthy of This List:
- The free version comes with 50+ security tests that can thoroughly assess your security status.
- You can fix security issues instantly with one click.
- It comes with a dedicated file integrity checker. While this method has its problems, it’s still a fairly common way to root out simple malware.
- The plugin automatically blocks a long list of known malicious IP addresses.
- Logs all user and login activity on your WordPress site.
- It comes with regular scanning capabilities.
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](https://mk0malcaredecgig0d6a.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/wordpress-security-ninja.png)
Price: Freemium with paid plans starting from $39.99/year
Ease of Use: Unlike all the other plugins on this list, Security Ninja actually makes the user work for the fix. This does not necessarily make it more difficult to use. It only adds a layer of awareness and education about security for the user. For the most part, it’s easy to use.
Cleanup Type: Automated, but with limitations
#5. SecuPress
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](https://www0ce1.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/secupress.png)
SecuPress is new to the scene, but it’s stacking much green. The plugin comes from the same house as WP Rocket and Imagify, and lives up to its reputation.
SecuPress has a great UI and easy to use interface. The free version of the plugin offers anti-brute force login, IP blacklisting, and a firewall. You can also change your WordPress security keys from the plugin itself.
The premium version includes features such as security alerts and notifications, two-factor authentication, GeoIP blocking, PHP malware scans, and PDF reports.
Features That Make SecuPress Worthy of This List:
- The UI in SecuPress is third only to MalCare and Jetpack in terms of the sheer ease of use.
- The premium version gives you one of the few WordPress security plugins ideally suited for defense.
- You can change the URL for your WordPress login page so that bots can’t brute force it.
- Includes a decent malware scanner.
Price: Freemium, with paid plans starting from $59/year for a single-site license.
Ease of Use: SecuPress is very simple to set up and use. The way it is built makes it a much cheaper substitute for Jetpack. Of course, Jetpack has way more features overall, but if you want to find focused WP security plugin, then this is a safer bet.
Cleanup Type: Manual
#6 Sucuri SiteCheck and Premium
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Sucuri has both free and premium versions:Sucuri SiteCheck, which is the free version, is a web-based scanner. Malware removal is not included in this version.
To be candid, Sucuri SiteCheck is absolutely useless in most cases, because it can only find malware that manifests itself in the HTML of the website. More importantly, it fails to pinpoint the origin of the malware because it has no access to the server.
The premium version comes with a server-based scanner that includes:
- File integrity monitoring;
- Blacklist monitoring;
- Security notifications;
- And security hardening.
![サイトを安全に保つための 5 つのベスト WordPress セキュリティ プラグイン (サプライズ ボーナス 1 つ)](https://mk0malcaredecgig0d6a.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/sucuri.png)
The premium plans open up customer service channels and more frequent scans. The funny part is that Sucuri does not charge for malware removal, but charges for scanning your website instead. You get a fixed frequency of malware scanning with a package.
Now, let’s put this into perspective.
Sucuri Premium relies on manual malware removals which can take days if not weeks. During that time, the hacker can keep on wreaking havoc on your website. And you keep losing your traffic, revenue and brand value during that time.
In fact, you could get slapped with a Google blacklist and lose 95% of your organic traffic overnight!
Features That Make Sucuri Premium Worthy of This List:
- It offers multiple variations of SSL certificates. You do have to pay for them, but they’re available as part of the packages.
- Customer service is available in the form of instant chat and email.
- You receive notifications when something is wrong with your website.
- Advanced DDoS protection is available through some plans.
Even if you don’t want to pay any money, you will still receive valuable tools for blacklist monitoring, malware scanning, file integrity monitoring, and security hardening.
Price: Freemium with Premium Plans starting at $199/year
Ease of Use: It is very easy to use the free plugin. The prompts are simple to follow and you can find most of the features easily enough.
Cleanup Type: Manual
重要: Our engineers tested Sucuri SiteCheck (free) and the premium plugin against some common malware. We were pretty shocked to see that most of them did not even register as malware by the server scanner in the premium version.
Ranking Parameters for WordPress Security Plugins
If you got all the way here to read about the ranking parameters for the WordPress security plugins listed above, then:
- You are either looking to understand why some of the features are important;
- Or you are confused if the one you like really is the right fit for you.
Either way, this section will clear that up for you.
Factors to Consider When Choosing WP Security Plugin
There are nine things to consider in general when choosing WordPress security plugin.
Here we go:
1. Detecting Malware in Both Files &Database
A good security plugin will scan every file and database to ensure it’s not missing any hidden malware.
When security plugins were first developed, they were designed to look into particular files and databases for malware. But nowadays, hackers have way more skill. They find ways to place malware anywhere on your website.
Some WordPress security plugins still rely on outdated methods of scanning. This way they end up missing malware hidden in uncommon locations (like the WP-VCD malware).
2. Scanning Without Using Your Site Resources
Your website needs resources to run its daily activities. A security scan will be a resource-heavy process. Your resources are being split and this can affect your website severely.
Scanning every WordPress directory can really hog server resources.
During the scanning process, your website will become extremely slow. The solution is to choose plugins that don’t run scans using your web server’s resources. Find a plugin that uses its own server.
3. Instant Malware Removal
If a hacker exploits your WordPress vulnerabilities you risk losing traffic and paying customers. And further, your website can be blacklisted by Google or suspended by your hosting provider.
Many WordPress security plugins require you to contact their support team to fix the hack. It can take from a few hours up to a few days to clean an infected website.
You need a plugin that cleans your website instantly.
4. Unlimited Cleanups
A website can be targeted and hacked more than once. Most average security plugins offer an expensive one-time cleanup service.
Theme and plugin vulnerabilities in WordPress are really common. In fact, the WordPress security that you opt for needs to be up for a stiff battle against malicious code.
So, it’s better to opt for one that gives you unlimited malware removal.
5. Firewall Protection to Block Malicious Traffic
If you own a website, you know that the more traffic you get, the better. Your website will begin ranking for relevant keywords, sales will increase, and your revenue will shoot up.
While traffic is great, not all kinds of traffic is good. Some traffic has malicious intent and wants to hack your website. Fortunately, you can track such traffic with a firewall plugin.
Everyone who is visiting your website is using a device like a laptop or a smartphone. Each device is linked with a unique code called an IP address. A web application firewall is able to track these IP addresses.
A firewall rule can identify an IP address that has carried out malicious activities before. It then flags it as bad traffic and prevents it from accessing your website.
But what happens if you don’t use firewalls?
Simple – you can get blacklisted by Search Engines such as Google.
There are many WordPress security solutions that have in-built firewalls. But to protect yourself against security vulnerabilities, you need a tool for blacklist monitoring as well. We recommend finding a plugin that takes care of this for you.
6. Login Page Protection
The WordPress login page is often targeted more than any other page of the website. The login page gives direct access to the WordPress user account. So, login protection is a critical component of security plugin for WordPress.
Hackers program bots to guess the username and password to break into the website by using more than one login attempt. This is called a brute force attack.
Combating this type of attack is possible by limiting the number of failed login attempts. Choose brute force protection that enables you to limit the number of failed login attempts.
7. Website Hardening Measures
Besides using a firewall and protecting the login page, you can take more steps to protect your website against hack attacks.
In fact, WordPress recommends certain site security hardening measures like preventing PHP execution, disabling theme editor, etc.
But implementing security hardening measures for people without any technical knowledge is difficult. An ideal security plugin should enable you to implement these measures with the click of a button.
8. Single Dashboard for Managing Multiple Sites
Managing multiple websites can be really exhausting. A centralized dashboard will enable you to carry out multiple tasks from one place.
Choose a plugin that enables you to carry out multiple tasks and also manage multiple websites from a single dashboard.
9. Excellent Customer Support
No matter how good a security plugin is, there are going to times when you need assistance. Ensure that the plugin you choose has an agile customer support team.
At times of trouble, you wouldn’t want to wait for hours or days to receive a response from the support team on a major security issue.
WordPress security plugins offer scanning, cleaning, and protection:
- Scanning checks your site for malware.
- Cleaning removes malicious code.
- Protection measures prevent hacks.
And that’s all there is to it.
Now, let’s check out the ranking parameters in detail.
Comprehensive List of Features
For comprehensive security, you want your WordPress security plugin to have certain features.
Let’s talk about what these features are and why you might need them.
We’ll start with the most important one and we’ll work our way down to all the others, shall we?
A security plugin should offer you a minimum of 3 basic services – scanning, cleaning, and protection.
- Scanning is a process that involves checking your website for malware. If the scanner finds malware present on your website, you need a cleaner.
- The cleaner helps remove malicious codes found on your site. This may be manual or automatic malware removal. Manual removal is generally time-consuming and very risky. After cleaning your site, you will need comprehensive protection against future hacks.
- And protection involves taking measures that will prevent hacks. This includes login protection, brute-force protection DDoS protection, and WordPress hardening.
That said, the approach to scanning, cleaning, and protection differs from one WordPress plugin to the other.
As a general rule, you want:
- A scanner that offers server-level scanning and goes beyond the usual keyword checks, signature checks, and file integrity checks. You also want it to scan both the files and the database tables for malware.
- An automatic malware removal for instant malware cleanup. This makes it easy for you to clean the website yourself without having to wait for weeks on end for a security professional to clean your site for you while the hacker destroys your business.
- As many different options for WordPress hardening and protection as you can find. Typically, you will get 2FA, bot protection, firewall, and hardening. Traffic and login logs are a bonus point.
Not to sound salesy, but MalCare ticks all the boxes on that list! Seriously, we are constantly developing and adding more features to offer better and smarter security for your website.
Now that we understand the features that you should look for, let’s move on to the pricing.
Pricing is one of the principal objections of almost every business.
“How do I know which of these WordPress plugins for security will do the job?”
“Am I overspending on security?”
“My website isn’t even hacked. Why would I spend my money on a paid plugin?”
“Do I even need this many features?”
These are all objections based on pricing.
Here’s the short answer to all of these questions:
- Invest in a plugin that gives you a good blend of protective services and covers all bases.
- You should ideally be spending less than $100/year for a single site license. Cheap plugins and free ones rarely do a good job.
- Ideally, you want something with zero hidden costs.
- And even if your site isn’t hacked right now, you should install a good security plugin.
It’s as simple as that.
Think of value over pricing. You are surely going to lose a hell lot more than $100 if your site does get hacked.
Ease of Use
This may not seem like a big deal, but if you buy security plugin and you have no idea how to use them – that’s a BIG problem.
You need a plugin that is:
- Easy to set up
- Optimized so that you can find all the important functions quickly
- Built to require as little involvement on your part as possible
If you are spending too much time on configuring the plugin or if you have to end up consulting an expert on how to do it, the plugin has failed you.
The next factor is what kind of cleanup you are getting. Again, that’s a biggie.
So, let’s dive in.
Cleanup Type
The way in which plugins remove malware from your website…
… is a very important factor.
Simple – there are way too many popular WordPress security plugins that do not offer malware removal まったく。 They basically offer a firewall, login protection, and WordPress hardening features.
Some of the ones that do offer cleanups, will most likely offer a manual cleanup. This is not inherently bad. The only problem is that manual cleanup requires a LOT of time and effort by very expensive WordPress security experts unless it’s a very small problem. So, the cost of cleaning is also usually very high.
Wordfence, for instance, has a surge pricing to deal with this bandwidth issue.
Sucuri pushes back on demand by limiting the number of scans.
You get the gist…
What you want is ideally an automatic cleaner that instantly removes malware from your site.
But features aren’t the only important factor. Those features have to be viable for long-term use. We’ll understand what that means next.
If you’ve found the right plugin for you, we’re really happy for you. If you still can’t make your mind up about which WordPress security plugins to trust, you have two options now:
Option #1: Trust us when we say that MalCare is one of the most powerful plugins for wordpress security built with all the ranking parameters in mind. And then install MalCare.
Option #2: You can tweet specific questions that you may have to us at @malcaresecurity. Our engineers will respond to you with answers that actually help instead of bombarding you with sales pitches as you get everywhere else.
Another measure that we always advise is…
Seriously, a little knowledge goes a long way.
We recommend that you start by reading our article on how to deal with a WordPress hacked site.
Until next time!
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サイトを保護するための Wordfence の代替案 10 選
WordPress Web サイトのセキュリティ ソリューションを探しているなら、間違いなく WordFence を検討したことでしょう。 WordFence は、今日入手可能な最も人気があり、広く使用されているセキュリティ ソリューションの 1 つです。 しかし、WordFence はあなたに適していますか? 各サイトは、セキュリティに関して、必要なものに関して独自のものです。 e コマース サイトと趣味のサイトの両方に同じ種類のセキュリティを与えることはできず、予算も同じではありません。そのため、Web サイトによっては、WordFence が最適な選択肢ではない場合があり
データを安全に保つための 19 のベスト WordPress バックアップ プラグイン
WordPress Web サイトで問題が発生した場合の準備はできていますか? WordPress Web サイトは、ユーザー エラー、プラグインやテーマの更新が正しく処理されない、悪意のある攻撃などが原因でオフラインになることがあります。インシデントが発生した場合、Web サイトのバックアップを使用してできるだけ早く Web サイトを復元することが重要です。 Web サイトのバックアップにより、何か問題が発生した場合に、WordPress のデータベースとファイルを復元して、Web サイトをすばやくオンラインに戻すことができます。そのため、優れたバックアップ戦略は、すべての WordPr