Tinder の使用に関する包括的なガイド
Tinder は、Hinge、Bumble、Thursday などとの競争がこれまで以上に激化していますが、依然として世界最大の出会い系アプリであり、衰退する様子はありません。
プロフィールのアップグレードを検討している Tinder のベテランであろうと、すべての仕組みを知りたいだけの出会い系アプリの初心者であろうと、Tinder に関するすべての情報をまとめた包括的なガイドは、あなたが必要とする場所です。
Tinder とは?
Tinder は、お互いの魅力に基づいてカップルをマッチングするオンライン デート アプリです。指定された年齢範囲、性別、およびあなたの場所からの距離に該当する他の Tinder ユーザーに警告し、共通の友達がいるかどうかを知らせます。
写真とプロフィールに基づいて、その人の外見が好きかどうかを判断します。そうしないと、彼らは決して知りません。両方とも興味がある場合は、Tinder のメッセージ機能でプライベート チャット スレッドが提供され、会話をしてお互いをよりよく知ることができます。
Tinder を取得するにはどうすればよいですか?
Tinder は、Android または iOS 用の無料アプリとして利用できます。 App Store または Google Play からダウンロードするだけです。または、Web ブラウザーで使用することもできます。Tinder.com でサインアップするだけです。
以前はログインに Facebook アカウントが必要でしたが、電話番号だけでアカウントを作成できるようになりました。ただし、Facebook から写真を直接取得したり、他のユーザーと共通の友達やいいね! を持っている場合に表示したりするなど、アプリの一部の機能を使用できなくなります。
Tinder の使い方
Tinderはとても使いやすいアプリです。それをダウンロードして、アカウントを設定し、会いたい人の性別と年齢層を指定し、彼らに会うためにどこまで旅行する準備ができているかを指定するだけです. Tinder がこれらの条件に一致する人を見つけると、その人の大きな写真を表示するカードを画面に配置します。これをタップすると、プロフィール全体と他の写真が表示されます。
写真の下にはハートのアイコンと十字があります。気に入った場合はハートをタップし、気に入らない場合は十字をタップします。気に入った場合は右に、気に入らなかった場合は左にスワイプします。あなたを好きな人があなたを好きな場合、Tinder はマッチングが成立したことを知らせ、チャットルームを開きます。
また、自分のプロフィールを入力する必要があります。 Tinder は、仕事や学歴など、Facebook のプロフィールから一部の情報を引き出すことができますが、何を表示するかを選択して、自分自身の短い略歴を書き出すことができます。また、含める写真をいくつか選択する必要があります。これらの写真は、携帯電話の画像ライブラリまたは Facebook アカウントから取得できます。
Tinder は、Smart Photos と呼ばれる機能のおかげで、あなたを助けるために最善を尽くします。これを有効にすると、ユーザーがあなたの各プロフィール写真にどれだけ好意的に反応したかを継続的に評価し、最も人気のある写真が最初に表示されるように自動的に並べ替えます。

Tinder を Instagram と Spotify の両方にリンクすることもできます。前者は Instagram の最新の写真をプロフィールに表示し、後者は定番の曲を披露できます。
Tinder に関心がないのはなぜですか?
Tinder は双方向の道です。サインアップするだけではアプリのことを忘れて、人々があなたのところに来ることを願ってはいけません。両方の当事者が関心を確認した場合にのみメッセージシステムが開かれるため、あなたも好きでない限り、誰かがあなたを好きだとはわかりません.そのため、結果を確認したい場合は、Tinder アプリを開いて参加してください。
恥ずかしくて顔を隠す必要はありません。あなたが Tinder で相手を気に入ったかどうかを誰かが知る唯一の方法は、相手もあなたを気に入っているかどうかです (あなたが Super Like を使用することを選択した場合、または相手が有料メンバーである場合を除きます。詳しくは以下で説明します)。ペア同士のメッセージ機能が有効になります。ですから、あなたの目標を好きなだけ高く設定してください。誰もあなたに声をかけることはありません.
同様に、Tinder は、あなたのことを好きな人に、その気持ちが相互的ではないことを伝えません。その人は、数週間が経過し、一致が得られなかったときに最終的に解決する可能性がありますが、その時点で数人の人が好きで、すべての希望をあなたに向けているわけではない可能性があります.これは、相手の気持ちを傷つけることなく、興味のない相手を失望させるとても優しい方法です。
あなたが好きな人だけがTinderであなたに連絡することを許可されているので、完全に未承諾のメッセージを大量に受け取る可能性はありません.許可したユーザーは、迷惑になったり少し気味が悪い場合はブロックできます. The only exception is that Platinum members have the option to send an unsolicited message – but only one, and only 140 characters, so the risk is still limited.
But you do still need to apply the same rules on Tinder as you would with any online dating site:you’ll never really know who you’re agreeing to meet until you do so.
If you want to know more, check out our guide to Tinder’s safety features below.
Tinder features
In addition to the basics we’ve detailed above, Tinder has added more complex options to fill out your profile and meet new people. Here’s what you need to know.
One of Tinder’s more recent additions is Prompts. These are quick conversation-starters that can be added directly onto your profile – much like many older dating sites and few other dating apps use.
Examples include:
<オール>You can pick a few prompts to add to your profile, and write your own answers to them for matches to argue with you about in chat. They’ll appear mixed in with your photos on your profile, so people will see your prompts as they swipe through your pics.
To find prompts, tap the profile icon in the top-right of the app, then go to ‘Add media’ and ‘Text prompt’. Tinder will also keep adding new prompts over time, so check back every now and then for new options.
For a while Tinder allowed users to upload two-second ‘Loops’, but it’s now replaced these with the option to add longer videos to your Tinder profile – up to 15 seconds.
You can add up to nine videos, which sit on your profile within your photos and prompts, and you also upload them from the ‘Add media’ section of your profile settings.

You’ll get the option to trim and crop your video as you upload it, so don’t worry if the video you want to use is a little too long, or if it needs to be cropped to fit a phone screen well.
Super Likes and Boosts
Since Tinder launched it’s added a few new features to give hopeful singles some more options. First up are ‘Super Likes’ – you can Super Like someone by tapping the blue star icon or swiping up on their profile – unlike a regular attempt to match, this will immediately send them a notification that they’ve been Super Liked and the chance to see your profile.
It’s a more upfront way to try and match with someone, but be warned that some users can see it as slightly too 前方。 With a free account you can also only use one Super Like per day, so use it wisely.

One of the other features is Boost. This is a paid option that pushes your profile to the top of the queue of every Tinder user nearby for 30 minutes, making it much more likely you’ll get matches over the next half hour. Boosts aren’t cheap, but you can get them at a discount by buying packs of five or ten. You can find the Boosts by tapping the purple lightning bolt icon.
Explore is a newer section of the Tinder app, only introduced in 2021 – though it includes some slightly older features. You’ll find it to the right of the main swipe tab on the bottom bar.
The Explore section gives you new ways to find matches beyond simply swiping. It includes limited time events like Vibes and Hot Takes – more on them below – but also ways to access more focussed queues of potential matches.
The first is by interest – you’ll see stacks of users based on terms like ‘Foodies’, ‘Thrill Seekers’, or ‘Early Birds’, giving you the chance to only swipe through users that match specific interests or personalities.
You’ll also have the option to only swipe through profiles that have gone through photo verification in case you’re worried about getting catfished. You’ll still see all users in your main feed, but at any time can go through exclusively verified users through Explore. If you don’t see this option, it may just be because you aren’t verified yet yourself – so get on that.
Another similar filtering option is Tinder U – or Tinder Uni here in the UK. It lets you search specifically for fellow university students, though to take part you’ll have to verify your own student status by adding your university to your profile and then confirming it with an official email address (such as .edu or .ac.uk, with other options for other countries). Then just pick the Tinder U option within Explore and swipe through students to your heart’s content.
Another option is Music Mode. Available only to users who’ve enabled Tinder’s integration with Spotify, this mode plays people’s Anthem – the song they’ve chosen to ‘define them’ – automatically when you land on their profile, giving you an immediate sense of your musical compatibility. You’ll have to have picked your own Anthem for your profile if you want to browse others’ pages with Music Mode enabled though.
Only officially introduced in 2021, Vibes is a silly name for a pretty straightforward features:quizzes. Every now and then users will get a notification that a Vibes event has started in their area, and you’ll also see it in the Explore feed. If you take part, you’ll get to answer a series of personality questions – all with a slightly silly tone – but you only get 48 hours to do so.

If you decide to Vibe, your answers will appear on your profile for the next 72 hours, and they’ll also pop up in the chat window when you’re talking to someone else who took part, giving you a quick ‘n easy conversation starter.
Hot Takes
Hot Takes are pretty similar to Vibes, but there are a few key differences. Available worldwide for English language users, they’re available between 6pm and midnight every day, found in Explore.
If you take part, you’ll see a Hot Take prompt pop up. Let your opinion be known, and you’ll be thrown into a chat with someone else who answered the same prompt – though they won’t have necessarily opted for the same answer.

The catch is that chats are timed, so you’ll have to act fast to impress your chat partner and figure out if you’re a match – otherwise they’ll be gone forever.
Face to Face video chat
2020 brought with it one major addition to Tinder:video chat. Dubbed Face to Face, the new option is designed to offer a Covid-safe way to chat directly to new matches without ever leaving the Tinder app. Plus, it offers a few safety features you won’t get if you just switch straight to WhatsApp.
First up, like matching, both of you have to agree to enable video chat before it becomes an option. There’s a toggle you can hit once you’re comfortable video chatting with a specific match, and they won’t know when you’ve hit it. Once you’ve both enabled it Face to Face unlocks. Oh, and you can also turn this toggle back off whenever you like too, for those days when you know you don’t want to be on camera.

At the start of every call you have to agree to specific behaviour guidelines, and at the end of every call there’s the chance to review it and flag any unwelcome behaviour. The app also requires both of you to enable camera access, so there’s no fear it’ll be one-sided.
To learn more, check out our in-depth tutorial on how to video chat on Tinder
Block your ex
Tinder has also added the option to avoid awkward encounters with your exes (or family &friends…) by blocking specific contacts based on their phone number.
To block someone, simply go to your profile settings within the app and select from your phone contacts which people you don’t want to see within the app – whether it’s exes you don’t want to run into again, or friends &family you’d simply be a bit embarrassed to see on a dating app.
Any contacts you block won’t appear as a potential match for you in the future (or vice versa), so long as they signed up to Tinder using the matching contact info. This will even work if they’re not currently Tinder members, but sign up in the future.
Tinder Online
Tinder may have been one of the first dating apps to move people away from clunky websites, but things have come full circle as Tinder itself moves into your browser.
The company launched Tinder Online, a web-based version of the app designed to give people access to Tinder even if they don’t own a smartphone – or just don’t happen to have access to one at the moment. Just head to Tinder.com and sign into your account and you can use all the normal Tinder features – including Super Likes, Boosts, and Rewind – chat with your matches, and even edit your profile.
Best of all, there’s ‘work mode’ – a button that brings up a semi-convincing imitation of a Google Drive document in case your manager picks just the wrong moment to walk past your desk.
Is Tinder Plus worth it?
If you’re serious about trying to use Tinder to make a match, you might want to consider investing in Tinder Plus. This is a premium, paid tier, which offers a few advantages in exchange for a monthly fee.
There are a few benefits to Plus:for one, it makes Tinder ad-free. It also gives you one free Boost per month, and five Super Likes per day, rather than just one.
Plus-exclusive features include a ‘rewind’ button so that you can re-do your last swipe in case you accidentally went the wrong way, and Tinder Passport, which lets you change your location – this is useful if you’re planning a trip and want to match with a few people before you arrive.
Arguably the biggest benefit of Tinder Plus is that it lifts the ‘right swipe limit’. Normal users can only swipe right on so many users per day before they have to wait 12 hours – a way of discouraging people from trying to match with every profile they come across. There’s no fixed number of swipes you’re allowed, as it’s determined by an algorithm based on your typical behaviour, but either way, Tinder Plus users can swipe to their heart’s content.
So how much does Tinder Plus cost? Again, there’s no easy answer. Pricing is determined for each user by Tinder’s algorithm, with prices based in large part on your age:the younger you are, the cheaper it costs. It can reportedly range from as low as $1.49/£1.49 per month right up to $14.99/£14.99 per month – with discounts if you commit to six months or a year in advance.
Is Tinder Gold worth it?
If Plus isn’t enough for you Tinder has a second paid tier called Tinder Gold, which offers all of the features of Tinder Plus, and two big additions:Likes You and Top Picks.
Likes You does what it sounds like – it lets you see who’s already swiped right on you, so you can make sure to pay special attention to the profiles of people who you know like you before you commit to swiping in return. You can see a full list of every profile that’s liked you so that you can browse through and swipe either way on them while knowing they’re interested in you.
Top Picks is a more recent Gold feature, which shows you a daily selection of profiles selected specifically for you by the Tinder algorithm. You’ll see a few picks each day (but they disappear after 24 hours), with each including a highlight drawn from their profile – things like ‘Doctor’ or ‘Adventurer’. You can also pay extra to access additional Picks each day.
Beyond those two big features, Gold also offers a few more granular controls to who you see, and who sees you. You can use the default algorithm to pick profiles or ask the app to prioritise accounts who’ve been active recently. In turn, you can also restrict your profile so that it doesn’t show your age or distance, and even restrict it so that only people you’ve already Liked see your profile in the first place.
As for pricing for Gold, expect to pay an extra $4.99/£3.49 per month on top of Tinder Plus, with discounts for longer commitments – and, again, variations depending on age.
Is Tinder Platinum worth it?
For the real big spenders, there’s an even higher tier available:Tinder Platinum.
As you’d expect this includes everything you get with Tinder Gold, but also throws in another two features:Priority Likes and Message Before Match.
Priority Likes essentially guarantee that your Like will be seen before non-Platinum subscribers, pushing you to the top of the stack for any potential matches, meaning your profile is more likely to be seen.
Message Before Match is a bigger change for Tinder, and allows you to attach a short message – up to 140 characters – to your Super Likes. Note that you can still send Super Likes without a message, and that this only allows you to send the one message, not bombard someone with chat-up lines before they even Like you back.
Safety features
In 2020 Tinder added several new safety and security features to the app to help users feel comfortable using the app without risk.
First up, accounts can now have their photos verified, with a blue tick appearing next to the user’s name if they have been. Verification is optional, and sees users asked to recreate a series of poses in new photos to prove who they are, with ‘human-assisted AI’ then checking that those photos match the photos on the user’s profile.
It won’t solve the problem of users who’ve changed a bit since their photos, but it should help reduce the risk of catfishing on the service.
More advanced ID verification is also rolling out worldwide. This involves checking people’s photos and details against government ID, for an extra level of reassurance that they are who they claim to be.
Tinder says that ID verification will remain optional for now – acknowledging that for some marginalised communities verification may be a genuine safety risk – except for countries and regions that require it.
Depending on what country you’re in – it’s only in ‘select markets’ – Tinder has also added a feature that will try to detect offensive messages. If you’ve received a message flagged by the system, it will ask you if the message bothered you, and if so will report the user.
Finally, in the US Tinder has paired with Noonlight to give Tinder users free access to the security app. You can access Noonlight through the same menu that lets you attach GIFs or images to messages, but will need to register and connect your accounts. Once you do, it will allow you to record any plans to meet a new partner within Noonlight from Tinder.
If an emergency then comes up during the date, you open the separate Noonlight app and hold a button to trigger the emergency. The app will ask for a PIN to delete the alert, and also try to call and text you, and if there’s no response then the app phones emergency services. Users with Noonlight connected also get a Noonlight badge on their profile – hopefully a deterrent for anyone who would be a threat.
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Discord テキストフォーマットの総合ガイド
Discord は、ゲーム コミュニティを永遠に変えた最高の VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) アプリの 1 つです。友達や志を同じくする人々とつながることができる素晴らしいプラットフォームです。チャット、通話、画像やファイルの共有、グループでの集まり、ディスカッションやプレゼンテーションの実施など、さまざまなことができます。機能がぎっしり詰まっており、非常にクールなインターフェイスを備えており、基本的に完全に無料で使用できます。 Discord での最初の数日は、少し圧倒されそうです。理解するのが難しいほど多くのことが起こっています。あなたの注意を引い