「最高の」WordPress マルウェア スキャナは、あなたが思っているものとは異なります
A あなたは:
- WordPress サイトがハッキングされていないか心配ですか?
- オンラインで最高の WordPress マルウェア スキャナーをお探しですか?
- どのマルウェア スキャナ プラグインを使用すればよいかわからない場合

- WordPress の動作がおかしくなることがあります。
- だからといって、あなたのサイトがハッキングされたわけではありません。
MalCare を使用して、WordPress サイトのマルウェアを今すぐ無料でスキャンしてください。
しかし、「最高の WordPress マルウェア スキャナーは何ですか?」と質問するためにここにいる場合は、その後、読み続ける必要があります。この質問に対処するリーダーボードがあります。次はそれです。
当社のリーダーボードは、上位の WordPress マルウェア スキャナー プラグインをランク付けし、簡単に選択する方法を提供します。
- マルウェア スキャナに依存するリスクの理解
- 人気のあるマルウェア スキャナーが最も有能なスキャナーではないことを知る
- 特定のブランドにお金を使って投資している理由
誤った情報の津波があります WordPressマルウェアスキャナープラグインで。
WordPress のセキュリティに関するほとんどの記事を信頼するのは、実に有害です。
WordPress マルウェア スキャナ リーダーボード
- 業界最高のマルウェア スキャナ
- 私たちのランキングシステムで準優勝
- そして、あなたが陥ってはいけないその他のオプション
#1 MalCare

MalCare は、それが提供するスキャンの深さにより、リーダーボードのトップに立っています。リモート スキャナーよりもスマートで、サーバー スキャナーよりも軽量です。
両方の長所を組み合わせた MalCare は、次の理由で最良の選択です。
- 100 以上のスマート シグナルによるディープ スキャン
- サーバーの負荷ゼロ
- 正確なマルウェアを特定し、悪意のあるコードの削除または駆除を簡単にします
- 多様なスキャン オプション - 自動とオンデマンドの両方
- 進化し続ける学習アルゴリズム
- 誤報なし
- 組み込みの自動クリーニングおよび自動修復機能
- 無制限のスキャンとクリーニング
全体として、別のセキュリティ プラグインがインストールされている場合でも、MalCare を選択することを強くお勧めします。 MalCare は、他のプラグインが存在しないかのように回避します。
MalCare の仕組みと、マルウェア スキャナが非常に強力な理由を読む
MalCare を今すぐ購入
#2 ワードフェンス

Wordfence は、WordPress のセキュリティで最も人気のあるオプションの 1 つです。 Wordfence にもマルウェア スキャンの処理方法にいくつかの問題がありますが、この巨大な機能にもメリットがあります。
- サーバーベースのスキャン機能
- マルウェア シグネチャの更新とスキャン
- スキャンの深さ、頻度、タイミングを完全に制御
- すべてのデータベースとファイルでマルウェアをスキャン
- ウェブサイトの評判チェック
2 番目のオプションとして Wordfence をお勧めします。すでに Wordfence を使用している場合は、非常に安全かもしれません。ただし、Wordfence が検出できない脅威があります。 認識し、手動で解決する必要がある誤警報が多すぎます。
さらに、WordPress サイトに負荷をかけ、データベースを肥大化させます。簡単に言えば、しばらくするとサイトの動作が非常に遅くなります。
私たちは Wordfence に敬意を払っていますが、MalCare は常に私たちの本の中でより良い選択肢です.金銭的な投資を行う前に、Wordfence を 2 位に選んだ理由について少しお読みください。
Wordfence の仕組みと失敗する場所の詳細な内訳を読む
価格: 年額 $99 から
Wordfence を今すぐ購入
#3 スクリ

Sucuri は、WordPress セキュリティ ニッチの最大の名前の 1 つです。ただし、無料版 (Sucuri SiteCheck) はかなり制限されています。
Sucuri SiteCheck が処理できるスキャンは、サーバーベースのスキャナーが付属するプレミアム バージョンによって補完されます。ただし、Sucuri を既に購入している場合にのみ、Sucuri の使用をお勧めします。実際には、彼らのスキャナーは限られており、かなりの数の誤警報を報告しています。
また、エンジニアと一緒に Sucuri をテストしました。このメガブランドが実際にどれだけ失望させられたかに私たちはショックを受けました.
サーバー スキャナを備えたプレミアム バージョンでさえ、非常に基本的なマルウェアを検出できません。
Sucuri に期待できることは次のとおりです。
- 一般的な既知のマルウェアのクイック スキャン
- クイック スキャン用の署名スキャン
- Googlebot をエミュレートして、特定のトリガーで隠れたマルウェアを検出します
- SSL 証明書の監視
- 自動および手動スキャン
Sucuri が長年にわたってセキュリティ プラグインとしての役割を果たしてきたことは否定できません。しかし、時代は変わりつつあります。
Sucuri は単に時代遅れで、追いつけていないようです。
Sucuri を唯一のセキュリティ対策として使用することはお勧めしません。実際、Sucuri のプレミアム バージョンの価格帯を考慮すると、代わりに MalCare に切り替えることをお勧めします。
Sucuri の仕組みと失敗する理由の詳細な内訳を読む
価格: 年間 $199 から
Sucuri を今すぐ購入 (非推奨)
#4 iThemes セキュリティ

比較に使用した 4 つのプラグインすべてのうち、iThemes はリストの最後です。これは、iThemes に独自のセキュリティ アルゴリズムがないためです。 Sucuri SiteCheck の API を使用して、セキュリティ スキャナーを提供します。
iThemes の唯一の良い点は、Sucuri のアルゴリズムを搭載していることです。しかし、サーバーベースのスキャナーの深さに欠ける Sucuri の無料スキャナーしか使用していないため、それでも失敗します。
要するに: iThemes セキュリティの使用はお勧めしません。
詳細な内訳を読んで、iThemes セキュリティの制限を理解してください
価格: 年間 $80 から
サイトをハッカーから保護することは、必要なことだけではありません。セキュリティは、ビジネス オーナーとしての基本的な権利です。そして、あなたは最高のものだけに値します。
購入しようとしているセキュリティ ソリューションはどの程度安全ですか?あなたがそれに費やすお金の価値さえありますか?プラグインを使用している人数だけに基づいて、そのプラグインを信頼する必要がありますか?
私たちは MalCare です – サイバーセキュリティの専門家と WordPress 開発者のチームで、WordPress のセキュリティに真の変化をもたらすことに関心があります.
今日は、現在ある 4 つの最高のマルウェア スキャナーを比較します。
- iThemes のセキュリティ
- スクリ
- ワードフェンス
- マルケア
これらのプラグインがどのように機能するか、およびそれぞれのプラグインがどこで制限される可能性があるかについて、深く掘り下げていきます。 WordPress エンジニアのチームは、WordPress セキュリティの主要な専門家で構成されています。
私たちは一緒にプラグインを比較するこの演習を行い、このリストの他の 3 つと同じように尊敬に値することを証明しました.
最高の WordPress マルウェア スキャナーを入手することさえ気にする必要があるのはなぜですか?
100 万人のユーザーがいるプラグインが最高ではないでしょうか?

WordPress のセキュリティを実際に理解している人はほとんどいません。
シンプル – ほとんどの人は次のように考えています:
- 必須ではありません。誰が私のサイトをハッキングしたいと思うでしょうか?
- 専門的すぎます。オタクだけが知っていることです。
- トピックが広すぎます。一晩で専門家になることはできません。
- つまらないです。売り上げが上がるのを見るほどクールではありません。
- ハッカーが関心を持っているのは、財務データを盗むことだけではありません。今日、あなたのサイトがハッキングされる可能性があり、何者かのハッカーが、あなたが気付かないうちにさまざまな方法でサイトを悪用している可能性があります。
- WordPress のセキュリティを理解するために、真面目なコーダーになる必要はなく、セキュリティに関するすべての記事を読む必要もありません。あなたが知る必要があるのは、悲惨な状況から身を守り、回復するための最善の解決策を選択する方法だけです.
- 販売数は間違いなく焦点を当てるのに適したものです。また、セキュリティは、安全で健全な場所に到着するのに役立ちます。ハッカーがマルウェアをサイトに配置して、トラフィック全体を盗む可能性があります。または、Google からブラックリストに登録されます。そこでセキュリティ プラグインが登場します。
サイトがハッキングされると、ハッカーはさまざまな方法でサイトに損害を与える可能性があります。ハッカーが行う最も一般的なことの 1 つは、マルウェアをインストールすることです。
「マルウェアは、通常、システム リソースを悪用して悪意のある活動を行うコードとして最もよく説明できます。言い換えれば、マルウェアとは、Web サイトに侵入し、目立たないように隠し、組織的にビジネスに損害を与えるコードです。」
Akshat Choudhary、MalCare の CEO
あなたが技術者でなければ、あなたのサイトが感染しているかどうかを理解することは不可能です.あなたのサイトはコードでできています。 Malware is a piece of code. It’s like looking for a needle in a pile of other needles.

Take a look for yourself:

Hard to understand for non-techies, right? Wait till you see the next one:

What’s even worse is that even if you are a coder, it’s challenging to find malware manually. WordPress sites have piles of code and the malware could be literally anywhere on your site.
Hackers who install malware usually take extra care to make sure that it’s hidden completely from view.
Typically, malware infects:
- Files
- Core files
- Theme/plugin files
- Existing plugin/theme
- New/fake plugin theme
- Uploads
- wp-content
- New folder
- Outside WordPress folder
- Existing files/New file
- JS
- Htaccess file
- wp-config.php
- Or any other file
- Database
- Typically in posts/postmeta tables
- Sometimes in options table
- In rare cases in any part of database
In short: Malware can infect any file or database that is on your website. Take a look:

Typically, you’re looking at damage such as:
- A hidden backdoor that makes it seem that the site is not hacked at all. Typically PHP code that allows a hacker to access a hacked site at any time.
- SEO content such as links to illicit websites in spammy comments.
- Redirect visitors (all/some/random/Google) to illicit websites.
- Serve viruses to visitors’ computers using Javascript.
- Javascript malware that steals credit card info from a WooCommerce webstore.
Over the course of this article we are going to break down the most important aspects of any WordPress security scanner plugin and help you find the best fit for your website.
Let’s dive right in.
What to Expect from WordPress Malware Scanners ?
One of the most important features in any security plugin is the malware scanner. The depth and intelligence of your scanner is what makes your site secure.
At the same time, a good scanner will pinpoint exactly where the problem areas are and how to clean up the site. But that’s a property associated with cleaners and not scanners.
What is a Malware Scanner?
The simplest way to put it is that a malware scanner scans files and databases on your WordPress website and finds malware that you can’t otherwise find manually.
The whole point and purpose of a malware scanner is to look for vulnerabilities in your site and spot the parts that have been compromised.
For the techies:
A WordPress malware scanner is a plugin that can be used to scan any WordPress website for:
- Malicious code
- Hidden iframes
- Vulnerability exploits
- Infected files
- Other suspicious activities
After performing an in-depth investigation the malware scanner reports infected files, vulnerabilities, and blacklisting status so that you can clean it up.
Why Is a Malware Scanner Important for Your Business?
If you’re new to the world of WordPress security, using a malware scanner will be unchartered territory to you.
There are many ways to improve WordPress Security. But there is no foolproof way of protecting a site from getting hacked. We feel that it’s important to be the first to know when your site gets hacked. It is important to discover that your business is under attack before Google does and bans your site.
You need the best WordPress malware scanner to identify threats even before they start causing any damage at all.
But no amount of preventive measures can fully secure any website. There will always be new vulnerabilities and exploits that your existing security won’t be able to defend against.
Having a malware scanner will help you determine if some malware has slipped past your defences.
Not Every WordPress Snag Is a Hack
Think of the panic that hits you every time WordPress behaves even a little bit weirdly. The first thing that you think of is that your site has been hacked.
The thing is:
WordPress behaves abnormally on many instances even if your site isn’t hacked.
Defuse that fear and paranoia by installing a malware scanner. This way, you’ll be able to get in front of the situation and start debugging.
Wait, what?
You’re looking for the best WordPress malware scanner for your site?
OK, then!
Let’s take a quick look at how a security plugin’s malware scanner works.
We’ll leave it to you to pick one. But we’re also giving you our honest opinion.
P.S. – If your site has been hacked and you’re looking for a full cleanup, then you should read about how to use the scanner and use cleanup options before you get into the other details.
When Should You Use a Malware Scanner?
Short Answer: Always.
The malware scanner in your security plugin should always be scanning for threats throughout your website. But with most scanners, you can set the scan depth along with the schedule of the scan. This is mainly done to preserve server resources and plan for scans ahead of time.
If you installed the plugin for the first time on your site, then you should definitely go for a full site scan immediately. This will help you get a clear picture of your website’s health. Most scanners will offer an automatic scan on installation and it’s highly recommended that you take them.
After the initial scan and cleanup, you should ideally set up a powerful firewall and keep the scanner scheduled for regular scans.
P.S. – This is true no matter what plugin you go for. You should always have a clear picture of your website’s health.
What Should You Expect from a Malware Scanner?
A malware scanner can give you a bunch of useless information just to make it “look cool” or make you feel justified in spending money on nonsense.
We’re drilling down to the features that you absolutely need in a malware scanner:
- Hack Status: A scanner will find the hack before Google does and blacklists your site. A malware scanner needs to fire a warning as soon as your site is infected.
- Pinpoint the Malware: A hacker can install malware virtually anywhere on your site. A good malware scanner will pinpoint exactly which files and databases are infected.
- Severity/Impact of the Infection: What kind of harm is the infection causing? What does it mean for your business? Is it a common malware or a rare one?
- The Difficulty of Resolution: Is it easy to clean the infected files from your website? Does that require any additional access protocols? What happens to the site after the cleanup?
- One-Click Cleanup Options: What can you do to make the cleanup process as simple as possible? Do you need some access credentials to access the cleaner from the scanner? Does the scanner even come with a cleaner?
- Ways to Prevent it in the Future: What can you do to secure your site after the cleanup so that this doesn’t become a recurring problem? What are the chances that your site gets infected by the same malware again?
How to Use a Malware Scanner on Your WordPress Site?
Ideally, you want to be able to use a malware scanner with no added action. From the moment you install the plugin, it should be up and running in the background so that you get a clear report ASAP.
You should also have access to a cleaner that will help you take clear action.
We’ll walk you through Wordfence, Sucuri, and MalCare.
Let’s take a look at each in turn.
How to Scan for Malware Using Wordfence?
For Wordfence, you simply sign into the dashboard and click the ‘Launch Scan’ button:

That’s pretty much it. Before you start scanning, you have to setup the plugin on your WordPress website, though.
How to Use Sucuri to Scan for Malware?
For Sucuri, you want to login to the dashboard and click on ‘Enable Scanner’ before anything else.

This will allow you to connect the site via FTP/SFTP:

That’s pretty much it:

You keep getting automated scans as you go.
How to Use MalCare to Scan for WordPress Malware?
For MalCare, you want to:
Sign In>> Click on ‘Sites’ on the top menu bar>> Select the site you want to scan>> Head over to the ‘Security’ section>> Click on the ‘Details’ button.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll see this screen:

Click on ‘Scan Site’ and you’re done!
Just a heads up:MalCare automatically scans your website once a day even if you don’t scan manually.
How Do Malware Scanners Work?
There are two ways in which malware scanners typically work:
- Plugin-based Server Scanners
- Remote Scanners
Both of these have very different approaches to malware scanning along with their unique pros and cons.
But in essence, both types try to achieve the same end goal – scan your website and find if it has been hacked. But they do it in very different ways and have completely opposite approaches to security.
For instance, the scanner may find malicious scripts that redirect your website traffic to another site without your permission or knowledge. It may also find files that have been edited to carry out malicious activities.
Let’s take a look at each in turn:
Plugin-Based Server Scanners
Plugin-based server scanners will go through the servers with full access from the server. This means that they have the ability to do really deep searches to identify problems even in site performance.
The downside is that they tend to hog a lot of server resources. This ultimately slows down your website’s speed and can burn a hole in your budget for using server resources that are billed based on usage.
Remote Scanners
Remote scanners mostly use cloud technology to scan websites and look for malware. The biggest advantage of using a remote scanner is that it exerts almost zero database bloat and negligible server load.
Typically, a remote scanner sends a request to the homepage of the site. It then scans the HTML elements, Javascript files, and content for known malware infections and anomalies against a huge database of known malware signatures.
Remote scanners have limited access to your website and server. Most remote scanners only look into the code that is visible on the browsers. But most malware aren’t that visible. In fact, most malware infects files and databases which cannot be seen by browsers.
This is not really ideal for security. However, the scanner operates on a cloud server instead of your servers. So, the load is significantly lower than the plugin-based scanners. As a result, the site operates smoothly and the scanner keeps running without affecting the performance at all.
Now that you understand a little more about what a malware scanner is and why you need it, it’s time to compare the top dogs in the WordPress security market.
Why We Avoid iThemes Security Like the Plague ?
iThemes Security simply licences uses Sucuri Sitecheck’s API to scan for known malware. It does not have its own tech to scan for malware.
Being a plugin scanner would have given it a lot of depth into each of its scans. However, the plugin uses a remote scanner to detect malware and does not have any of the advantages of Wordfence or MalCare.
So, it might be a better idea to get right into Sucuri and how it works.
Why Sucuri Was a Severe Disappointment ?
There are security plugins that use both types of malware scanners. For instance, Sucuri offers a cloud-based scanner called SiteCheck for free and a plugin-based server scanner with its premium version to complement SiteCheck.
Sucuri SiteCheck typically sends a request to the homepage to check the content against known signatures – this could be any content and not just comments. It also emulates Googlebot to try and understand if there is any malware that caters only to Google traffic.
Here’s how Sucuri SiteCheck works:
- Visit the homepage and crawl all the links, javascript files, and iframes present on it
- Check 8-10 of these links and visit them using different user agents and referrers
- Extract and scan all javascript files and iframes
- Check the links for malware against a database of known malware signatures
- Compare the results for different referrers and user agents to check for hidden malware
- Revisit the home page as Googlebot and reiterate this process
- Check the blacklisting status against blacklisting agencies such as Google and Norton
In short, if the malware doesn’t render anything on your browser, then Sucuri SiteCheck won’t be able to see it. The real pride and joy of Sucuri SiteCheck is really their signature matching database.
Now, signature matching is based on historical data and it can’t recognize new malware, which is a huge problem.
Also, it only sees malware that affects HTML. This is flawed because the vast majority of malware do not manifest themselves in the HTML. In fact, most malware manifests itself in either the files or the database of WordPress.
The bottom line is that: Sucuri SiteCheck fails to spot almost all major malware that is even slightly complex in nature. It also does nothing to take action and repair hacked files.
Why We Feel that Wordfence Tries Hard, Means Well, But Fails ?
Wordfence takes the hardliner stance of only being a plugin-based server scanner. It has full access to your site and has clear visibility of all your files and your database.
This automatically means that it can offer a deeper scan than any remote scanner out there. But is that necessarily a good thing?
Here’s how Wordfence works:
- Wordfence scans the WordPress core files and checks if it has been modified. WordPress is open-source software. So, anyone can compare to see if the contents of the files have been changed from the original files.
- Wordfence also checks theme and plugin files against the WordPress repository
- Wordfence also goes for signature scanning against known malware.
- Wordfence then looks for certain keywords in the code such as BASE64DECODE or EVAL and marks the code as malware.

But what does this mean?
Checking Core Files
Checking the core WordPress files is a step beyond what you get from Sucuri SiteCheck. This can find a lot of hacked files that might have been hacked because of an older version of WordPress.
On the surface, this seems to give Wordfence the edge.
But managed hosting services and WordPress installations in languages other than English often have different core files. For instance, Flywheel modifies wp-settings.php for improved functionality. This mismatch leads to Wordfence raising a false alarm.
Checking Theme and Plugin Files
Wordfence can look at public plugins and themes and check against the WP repository. It’s the exact same thing as checking the core files against a repository. Naturally, it has the same drawbacks for checking plugin and theme files.
- For premium themes, there is nothing to compare against as the files are privately held.
- Custom or child themes will have a different set of files that Wordfence won’t be able to recognize.
- Premium plugins may have the same directory structure as the free version but with added or modified files.
All these will trigger false alarms from Wordfence.
In fact, here’s a popular example:
Different coding languages can have different syntaxes and grammar for something as simple as the new line feed.
But Wordfence doesn’t see what was modified – only that the files were modified and raises an alarm. In other words, if a new file is created it does not know if the file is good or bad.
Is that the extent of Wordfence’s protection?
It checks the signature, remember?
Checking Known Malware Signature
A signature is essentially a piece of code that forms the bedrock of the malware. But there is an infinite number of signatures that may exist. So, it misses the right signature quite often.
Signature checking is even more complex for JS because signatures are a lot more difficult to curate or even develop in Javascript.

The worst part is that certain signatures can be part of good code or bad code. Again, Wordfence fails to understand the overall code and can end up flagging even benign code as malware.
Checking for Keywords
Keywords can certainly help narrow down the search for known malware.
But the problem is: Those keywords are present in normal code also. The mere presence of the keyword proves absolutely nothing. Also, there are lots of malware that don’t use keywords.

Checking the Database
But enough about files. Let’s tell you a little bit about the database.
The way signature matching works is something like this:
- Load all known signatures on the website database
- Keep sending database queries to check for matching signatures
- Save the results of each database query in the database
As a result, your database will get bloated. Also, most decent managed WordPress hosting providers will charge you based on the resources consumed by your site.
So, you will end up with a slower website and pay a lot more for a slow site while you use Wordfence. This is a classic example of replacing a problem with another problem.
For these exact reasons, it offers four different scanning options based on the depth of the scan. If you have limited resources, then you should opt for the “Limited Scan” type. But then, you end up having a very superficial check.
The bottom line is that: Wordfence is that overhyped WordPress security plugin that fails to catch complex threats and cries wolf all too often. The plugin not only has some gaping holes in its security logic, but also slows your website down.
Why MalCare’s Scanner is Way Better than the “Industry Leaders “?
MalCare which takes a unique approach and brings you the best of both worlds. Because we started much later in the game than most industry leaders, we already knew exactly what they were doing wrong and how we could do better.
Hybrid Scanning WordPress site
MalCare syncs your website with its own servers and creates a copy of it. It then scans each file in the copy that it creates. This way, you get the depth of a plugin-based scanner with no load on your website because of the remote scanning.
Why MalCare Uses Its Own Servers?
On our servers, we can run more complex algorithms than any other plugins in the market with 100+ security signals. We can do this because it’s on our servers and not yours.
Our servers are dedicated to running some pretty powerful algorithms.
If you run the same scanner on your WordPress site, it will slow down quite a bit. But since we do it exclusively on our servers, you get none of the baggage and all of the benefits!
How Does MalCare Detect Malware?
A signal can be as simple as the time when a file was modified. This alone is simply suspicious and we use it as a red flag to examine against other signals. We typically check how often the signal occurs on our network of 200,000+ sites for a better understanding.
MalCare has a learning system running that keeps getting smarter to pinpoint the most complex malware with zero false positives and high accuracy.
Let’s give you an example of how we do things better any other WordPress malware scanner in the market:
Since different versions of plugins exist, most plugins update/modify the files without updating the version.
This confuses plugins such as Wordfence.
Since Wordfence spots and flags false positives too often, you will get inundated with alarms. Imagine if you were an agency with 20+ sites all running Wordfence!
Chances are, you’ll simply start ignoring the alarms after a while because it’s a tiresome job monitoring all the malware alerts that aren’t even a real threat.
And when you get infected by a real malware, chances are that you’ll either ignore that threat too or take at least a week to resolve it.
The bottom line is: MalCare only raises an alarm only when something is wrong. So, when we send you a notification, you KNOW there’s a real threat to your site.
We scan the site once a day and send an alarm on email or Slack only when something is really wrong with your site. This way, you get notified of malicious activities before the hosting service or Google blacklists you or before the hacker does major damage to your site audience.
The best part is that MalCare gives you a one-click option to clean up your site. But that’s a whole other story.
The Final Verdict
We took on this project to decide for ourselves exactly what our competitors are doing. What we realized was that our team is in the right direction. Our network of 200,000+ websites exists because of the work we put into making MalCare the most powerful WordPress security plugin there is.
The outcome?
We can say with 100% certainty that MalCare not only serves the most important features in WordPress security but also skips the B.S. to provide real security. You know, the kind that helps our clients sleep better at night.
So, if you’re worried that Wordfence picked up on some malware that MalCare didn’t, chances are that it’s a false alarm.
Take a moment to try out our free malware scanner on your website. You may very well save your business from a hacker.
We mean it when we say that we protect your businesses. Let us do it for you.
P.S.:Have questions? Check out our FAQs page. If that sounds like a chore, talk to our amazing support team instead. We’re happy that you took the time to read our thoughts.
広告はサイトの生命線であり、WordPressサイトに広告なしで行くことはほとんどできません。テーマに広告コードを手動で含めることもできますが、プラグインを使用して広告を挿入および削除する方がはるかに簡単で柔軟性があります。このタスクを支援する7つの優れたWordPressプラグインを次に示します。 1。広告インサーター おそらく、すべてのWordPress広告プラグインの中で最も人気があるのはAd Inserterであり、これには理由があります。それをWordPress広告プラグインの重砲と呼んでも過言ではありません。 Ad Inserterには非常に多くの機能があるため、別の広告プラグイ
ベスト 10 の WordPress マルウェア除去プラグイン (2022 年更新)
優れた WordPress マルウェア除去プラグインの条件 Web サイトでマルウェアを見つけましたか?価値の高い Web サイトは、労力、労力、および細部への注意の時間の産物です。そのため、Web サイトでマルウェアを見つけた場合、すべてを失う可能性があると、非常にストレスがたまる可能性があります。 WordPress Web サイトの場合、マルウェアの除去プロセスはいくつかの重要な方法で実行できます。手動でマルウェアを削除することもできますが (絶対にお勧めしません)、専門家を雇ってサイトをクリーンアップするか、最高の WordPress マルウェア削除プラグイン を使用すること