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iOS 11のリリース以降、ここに表示されるオプションをカスタマイズできます。 [設定]>[コントロールセンター]>[コントロールのカスタマイズ]に移動し、削除するコントロールの横にある赤い丸、または追加するコントロールの横にある緑の丸をタップします。























Handoffを有効にすると、あるデバイスでPagesやKeynoteなどのアプリの使用を開始してから、別のデバイスで同じアプリに切り替えて、同じドキュメントですぐに作業を続けることができます。 iPhoneが鳴ったときにMacで電話に出たり、MacでFaceTimeを使ってiPhone経由で電話をかけたりすることもできます。





パーソナルホットスポットをオンにすると、2つの異なるオプションから選択するように求められます。 USBケーブルを使用してiPhoneをコンピュータに接続できます。これは少し乱雑ですが、バッテリーの消費量が少なくなります。または、iPhoneでWi-FiとBluetoothを有効にして、これらの接続のいずれかを使用してリンクすることもできます。

接続はパスワードで保護されており、他の人があなたの許可なしにあなたのインターネット接続を使用できないようになっています。 Yosemite以降をMacで実行している場合は、iPhoneが近くにあることを検出し、Macを使用してロックを解除しなくてもパーソナルホットスポットをオンにすることができます。



















位置情報を使用しようとするアプリはすべて位置情報サービスパネルに一覧表示されます。アプリの名前をタップすると、2つの簡単なオプションが表示されます。 「しない」オプションは、アプリが位置情報サービスをまったく使用できないようにするだけです。もう1つのオプションは、「アプリの使用中」です。これにより、実際にアプリを画面上で実行しているときにのみ、アプリが現在地を確認できます。






Touch ID

ご存知かもしれませんが、Touch IDは、iPhoneのロックを解除するときに、通常のパスコードの代わりに指紋を使用します。しかし、それはパスコードを完全に忘れることができるという意味ではありません。TouchID設定パネルに入るたびに必要になるものは別として。

これらの設定に入ったら、TouchIDを使用してiTunesまたはAppStoreでの購入を承認するようにiPhoneに指示することもできます。これは、iTunesアカウントの強力で複雑なパスワードを持っている場合に、時間の節約になります。 。


最大5本の指をスキャンできます。これはほとんどの人にとって十分なはずです。また、指を削除することもできます。 5本以上の指をスキャンできる回避策をウェブ上で確認しましたが、iPhoneのセキュリティ設定を台無しにする可能性があるため、これを行うことはお勧めしません。






また、アプリ間でデータを共有する機能は双方向であることも覚えておく価値があります。たとえば、AppleのHealthアプリでは、サードパーティのHealthアプリでデータの「読み取り」と「書き込み」の両方を行うことができます。 iPhoneにNikeRunningアプリがあり、これによりワークアウトとランニングデータをHealthに「書き込む」ことができるため、Healthは私の体調の全体像をより正確にまとめることができます。ただし、Nikeアプリは、心拍数などの他のデータをHealthから「読み取り」、少しやり過ぎたときに通知することもできます。



リセットコマンドは、実際にはいくつかの異なるオプションを提供します。 1つ目は、「すべての設定をリセット」です。これにより、すべてのアプリ、音楽、その他のコンテンツがそのまま残り、新しいキーボードや追加したVPN設定などの個人設定がリセットされます。ただし、この特定のオプションは少しバグがあると聞いているので、リセットする前にiPhoneまたはiPadをMacにバックアップする価値があります。













ここでの便利なオプションの1つは、「変更を許可しない」とマークされたエントリです。メインアプリの位置情報サービスを設定できます(私にとってはBBC Weather and Mapsです)。次に、[変更を許可しない]をタップします。これにより、これらのアプリの設定がロックされ、希望どおりに機能するようになりますが、ダウンロードする可能性のある新しいアプリが位置情報サービスにアクセスできないように自動的にブロックされます。気が変わった場合は、[変更を許可]をタップするだけで、すべてのアプリの場所の設定をもう一度変更できます。





実際、これを行うことは可能ですが、何らかの理由で、このオプションは[制限]パネルの少し下に隠されています。 「許可されたコンテンツ」というセクションが表示されるまで下にスクロールし続けます。




前回は、Siriや、Safariなど、幼児に使用させたくない他のアプリを完全に無効にする方法を見ました。 Siriをオンのままにしておくことにした場合でも、不適切な言語や素材で誤ってスリップしないようにすることができます。 [設定]の[制限]セクションに戻り、もう一度[許可されたコンテンツ]まで下にスクロールします。音楽、ビデオ、アプリの評価コントロールのすぐ下に、Siriのエントリが表示されます。これをタップすると、オンまたはオフにできる2つのオプションが表示されます。


Siriは質問に答えて大人の言葉を使うことは決してありませんが、他の人が話す悪い言葉を繰り返す可能性があります。明示的な言語オプションをオフにすると、この種の言語が画面にアスタリスクとしてブリードアウトまたは印刷されます。 Web検索オプションをオフにすると、SiriがWikipedia、Twitter、またはBingで情報を検索できなくなります。これは、Siriが現在使用を許可されている唯一の検索エンジンです。









iPhoneまたはiPadでTouchIDを使用できる場合は、指紋を使用してデバイスの電源をオンにするだけでなく、指紋を使用して購入することもできます。これはかなり安全ですが、もちろん、すべてのiOSデバイスにTouchID機能が組み込まれているわけではありません。 iPhone、iPadにTouchIDがない場合は、[制限]パネルに[パスワード設定]というラベルの付いた追加のオプションが表示されます(このオプションは、デバイスにTouchIDがある場合にも表示されますが、購入のためにオフにしています。


ここには2つの主なオプションがあり、それらはiTunes、iBooks、およびAppストアで行うすべての購入に適用されます。 [常に必要]オプションは、アプリ内購入も含め、そのデバイスで購入するたびにパスワードを入力する必要があることを意味します。 [15分後に必要]を選択すると、1回の購入でパスワードを入力し、次の15分間はパスワードを再度入力しなくても追加購入できるため、少し余裕ができます。



家族グループを作成したら(家族共有を設定する方法は次のとおりです)、グループに含めたい他の家族に招待状を送信できます。これには、各家族が独自のAppleIDアカウントを持っている必要があります。 (保護者は、年少の子供向けに特別なApple IDアカウントを作成および管理できます。)学生および年長の子供向けにAppleIDアカウントを作成するための別のオプションもあります。子供用のAppleIDアカウントの設定の詳細については、こちらをご覧ください。

これらの子供向けアカウントには、Ask To Buyと呼ばれるオプションも含まれています。このオプションを使用すると、親は子供が行う購入を承認またはブロックできます。




Ask To Buyオプションを使用すると、幼児が不適切な購入を行うのを防ぐことができます。たとえば、暴力的なアクションゲームや、ゲームオブスローンズの血まみれのエピソードなどです。ただし、ファミリーグループの1人のメンバーが購入したものは、グループ内の他のメンバーと共有できます。つまり、大人が購入したものは、子供にも表示される可能性があります。これを防ぎたい場合は、お子様の個人用iOSデバイスの制限設定を使用して、ビデオ、ゲーム、その他の素材の年齢制限を設定する必要があります。

家族グループのメンバーが行った購入を確認して、不適切なものが誤って通過していないことを確認することもできます。 iTunes Storeアプリの画面下部にある[その他]ボタンをタップすると、家族グループの他のメンバーによる購入を含む、すべての購入を表示するオプションが表示されます。










Hey Siri


前回発見したように、[一般設定]パネルはちょっとしたごちゃごちゃしているので、ここに隠されているオプションのいくつかを詳しく見る価値があります。 iOS 8で導入された新機能の1つは、「Hey Siri」です。これにより、ホームボタンを押すことなく、音声を使用するだけでSiriをアクティブ化できます。

このオプションがオンになっていて、iPhoneまたはiPadも電源に接続されている場合は、「Hey Siri」と発声するだけで、Siriをアクティブにして、質問したり、コマンドを発行したりできます。 Siriを常にオンにして、音声コマンドをリッスンできるようにすると、バッテリーの消耗が早くなります。そのため、このオプションを使用するには、デバイスを充電する必要があるとAppleは考えています(ただし、「Hey Siriの力のない仕事、これはまた別の機会に戻ってきます。




iOSデバイスの[一般設定]パネルに詰め込まれているオプションの長いリストをカバーするのにかなりの時間がかかりましたが、ここに含めない設定の完全なグループが1つあります。 Macと同様に、iOSデバイスには、視覚、聴覚、または運動能力に問題がある人々を支援するように設計された多くのユーザー補助機能が含まれています。 (別の記事で取り上げる予定です。近日公開予定です!)




アクセシビリティ設定にあるもう1つの便利な機能は、ガイド付きアクセスオプションです。ガイド付きアクセスを有効にすると、iPhone、iPad、またはiPod Touchをロックダウンして、特定のアプリを1つだけ実行することができます。これは、授業中に生徒に特定のアプリへのアクセスのみを許可したい教師に役立ちます。


ユーザー補助の設定でガイド付きアクセスをオンにしてから、実行するアプリを起動することから始めます。 Quickly press the Home button three times, and you'll see the Accessibility menu, which allows you to activate either the on-screen Zoom function or Guided Access. Select Guided Access and you will be prompted to use your finger to draw around the buttons or other parts of the screen that you want to block.

We'll launch iBooks and then block the features - greyed out at the bottom of the screen - that would allow someone to gain access to the iBookstore and start spending money.


Guided Access provides a number of other useful options too, such as the ability to limit the time a child can spend playing a game. And the only way to turn off Guided Access and leave iBooks so that you can use other apps is by entering your passcode.



So, moving on from General Settings at long last, the next option that we come across is the Display And Brightness option. This is fairly straightforward, as it provides a simple slider control for adjusting the brightness of your screen. However, the Auto-Brightness option can be a bit unpredictable, so there's a couple of things that are worth mentioning here.

As the name implies, Auto-Brightness uses the light sensor in your iPhone or iPad to check the ambient light levels around you, and then automatically attempts to adjust the screen brightness for you. The aim is to maintain visibility, whilst also lowering the brightness wherever possible in order to preserve battery power. It doesn't always work, though, and some people simply prefer to turn off Auto-Brightness altogether.

However, you can modify the way Auto-Brightness works by leaving it turned on and then using the slider control to increase or decrease the brightness. The Auto-Brightness setting will then note that you prefer the brightness to be higher or lower and will use your settings rather than its automatic default setting.

Zooming in on the display


The Display And Brightness Settings also include a number of controls for enhancing screen visibility, which are separate from the more specialised tools found in the Accessibility settings. The Display Zoom allows you to choose Standard and Zoomed views of screen elements such as icons and buttons, while the text controls can be used to increase the standard size of text and to add a bold effect to the text as well.

However, these text controls only work with apps that have been written to specifically support the 'Dynamic Type' feature that is part of iOS itself. As you'd expect, Apple's own apps support Dynamic Type, so you'll see larger text in Mail, Notes and the other apps that are built into iOS. Unfortunately, there are quite a few apps that don't work with Dynamic Type, which is why Apple includes additional Zoom and magnification features within the Accessibility settings.

Set the volume level for alert


The Wallpaper settings panel is simple enough, just allowing you to change the wallpaper displayed on the background of your Home screen. You can use Apple's ready-made wallpapers, or import your own photos from your Camera Roll or photo-streams, but there are no hidden surprises in there.

The Sounds settings are largely straightforward too, as they mostly just allow you to choose which sounds play whenever your iPhone or iPad receives calls, emails and other messages that need your attention. But there is one useful option in here that people sometimes miss. It used to annoy me that turning down the volume on my iPhone would sometimes cause me to miss messages because I couldn't hear the alert sound properly. Then I realised that you can set the volume level for alert sounds separately from the volume level for playing music or listening to video in other apps.

The Ringer And Alerts setting provides a simple slider control so that you can set the volume level for alert sounds.

There's also an option called Change With Buttons. This option is turned on by default and it means that the volume level for alert sounds gets turned up and down along with the volume for everything else when you use the volume buttons on the edge of your iPhone or iPad. But if you turn this option off the volume for alerts remains fixed at the level that you set with the slider, regardless of the volume level used by other apps.

Keyboard settings

When you download a new keyboard it will appear on the Home screen of your iPhone or iPad just like any other app. However, you also need to go into Settings in order to activate each keyboard that you want to use.

Go into Keyboard settings and then tap Keyboards at the top of the screen. You'll see the standard iOS English keyboard listed, along with the Emoji keyboard that displays smiley faces and other symbols. Beneath those is the option to 'Add New Keyboard'. Tap on this and you'll see whatever keyboard apps you have installed. We've downloaded two new keyboards - Fleksy and Swype - that we want to try out.

Tap the name of the keyboard and you'll be asked if you want to give the keyboard 'full access'. Some people worry about this, as it means that the keyboard app could record everything you type and send it off to the developer of the app. But any app that did this wouldn't sell very well, so developers generally don't abuse the access that you grant them.


Shortcuts And Dictation

The next option in Keyboard settings is Text Replacement - previously known as Shortcuts in iOS 8 - which gives you a quick way to type out common words or phrases.

There's one shortcut already built into iOS 8 to help you get started - it lets you type 'omw' and then expands that into 'on my way'. You can add other shortcuts of your own for things like email or web addresses, so we'll add 'mw' as a shortcut that will allow us to automatically type out macworld.co.uk whenever we need to.

The keyboard settings in iOS 8 and 9 also include an option labelled 'Enable Dictation' that allows you to activate speech-to-text dictation on your keyboard (which used to be part of Siri). Turning this on displays a microphone icon on the keyboard, and you can then tap on the microphone to tell your iPhone to start taking dictation. Unfortunately, the microphone control only appears on the standard keyboard built into the iPhone, so you can't use dictation with other third-party keyboards that you may have installed.

The other thing to remember is that dictation requires an Internet connection while you're using it, and that anything you dictate will be send to the servers at Apple that handle the special speech-recognition software. Your location will be sent to Apple too, so just be aware that you're sharing this information whenever you use the Dictation option.

There are a few other options in the Keyboard settings as well, but these are mostly straightforward On/Off controls for things like the automatic spelling-checker and the Caps Lock button.

Lower case keyboard


I remember once complaining to Apple that the iOS keyboard always showed upper-case characters even when you were typing in lower-case, which could easily cause confusion if you were typing in a hurry.

Apple finally fixed this in iOS 9, as the keyboard now automatically switches between upper- and lower-case characters whenever you tap the Shift key or start a new sentence. But guess what? Now that we've got this feature that I asked for, I actually find it a bit distracting seeing characters switching on screen all the time.

Fortunately, you can turn it off by going into Settings/General/Accessibility/Keyboard. Just tap the button marked Show LowerCase Keys to turn this feature on or off.


There's also an option to turn off the preview display that shows a large version of each letter that you type, although this Character Preview option is found in Settings/General/Keyboard instead.

iCloud settings

The iCloud Drive App, and how to hide it


iCloud Drive is a bit like Finder on the Mac, as it allows you to view all the files and folders that you have stored within your free 5GB of iCloud storage.

That's great if - like me - you constantly need to transfer work files between multiple devices running different apps when you're on the move. However, the iCloud Drive app might be a little confusing for people who aren't familiar with cloud services such as iCloud or Dropbox. And if you ever let your kids or other people use your iPad or iPhone there's also the possibility that they could use this app to view personal files, or even delete some important work files without your permission.

To prevent this, iOS allows you to hide the iCloud Drive app so that it's no longer visible on your Home screen. Your iCloud account still works, and all your files and emails stored in iCloud can still be opened up within apps like Mail or Pages, but hiding the iCloud Drive app ensures that no files can be viewed, moved or deleted by mistake.

So, if we return to the main iCloud Settings panel once more, and tap on iCloud Drive, we'll see the 'Show On Home Screen' switch, which allows us to show or hide the app as required.

iCloud and third-party companies


And, at long last, there are some third-party apps from companies other than Apple that are starting to use iCloud Drive as well. The latest version of Excel for iOS can now use your iCloud Drive to store files - as can the iOS versions of Word and PowerPoint too.

Each app that uses iCloud gets its own control switch that lets you turn the iCloud storage option on or off, so you can turn it on just for the main apps that you work with, and turn all the others off in order to avoid using up extra space unnecessarily.

Some files - such as PowerPoint or Keynote presentations - can be pretty large, so there's also a switch that allows you to restrict file uploads to wifi connections so that you don't bust your mobile broadband data cap.

iCloud settings on the iPhone


The iCloud panel is a bit of a biggie. However, the essentials here are the ability to turn iCloud syncing on or off for a variety of different apps.

You can use iCloud to share photos, emails and contacts, as well as files created in apps such as Pages, Numbers and Keynote. One really useful iCloud option is Find My iPhone, which can be used to locate any device that's logged into your iCloud account. I mislay my phone around the house all the time, so I often use this feature to find it again - but, more importantly, Find My iPhone works with iPads and Macs too, and can be used to locate your devices if they get lost or stolen.

After iCloud and iTunes you'll find settings for a variety of individual apps. These include the standard apps, such as Mail and Contacts that are built into your iPhone or iPad, but there are also settings for other apps that you buy and install yourself, so these will obviously vary from person to person.

Cloud options for iPhones and iPads

It may sit quite a long way down the list of options in the iOS Settings panel, but iCloud is now one of the key technologies at the heart of both iOS and macOS. When it was first launched back in 2011, iCloud was really just designed for syncing emails and photos between your iPhone and your Mac. However, it has now matured into a sophisticated cloud storage system that can share all sorts of personal information across multiple devices.

Family Sharing allows one person - known as the 'organiser' - to create a special 'family group', and to then invite up to five family members to join that group. Family Sharing works on iOS devices, Macs, and even PCs running Windows (though you'll need to download the iCloud for Windows software from the Apple website).

The only restriction here is that the organiser has to be an adult, with a credit card linked to their Apple ID account. The organiser agrees to pay for any purchases made by members of the family group, and any purchases made by any member of the group are automatically made available to everyone else in the group. But don't worry - there are options within Family Sharing that can prevent your family going crazy with your credit card.

iCloud storage:free 5GB

When you create an Apple ID account you automatically get 5GB of free storage on iCloud, which you can use to store your photos, emails, and your device backups.

That's not a huge amount, but the music, videos and apps that you buy from iTunes or the App Store don't count towards the 5GB total, so most people can still get by with that basic amount of storage. I use my iPhone and iPad all the time, and I've still got about 4GB spare.

If you want to know how much storage you have left you can see it displayed near the top of the main iCloud settings panel.

But, as iCloud adds more new features, such as iCloud Drive and iCloud Photo Library, it gets easier and easier to fill up that 5GB of storage. Fortunately, you've got a couple of options for managing your iCloud storage, which you can see just by tapping on Storage in the settings panel.

Get more space in iCloud

The Storage Panel shows you how much storage you've got left (above). If you take a lot of photos, or use iCloud Drive to store a lot of work files then you might need to pay for some extra storage. However, there's another option that you can try first. Just tap on Manage Storage and you'll see a detailed list of everything you have stored in iCloud. Your Photo Library comes first, followed by back-ups from all your iOS devices, and then a detailed list of all the files created in other apps such as Keynote and Numbers (below).

I recently moved a load of holiday photos back onto my office Mac, so the Photo Library on my iPhone currently only takes up about 190MB. My iPad backup is bigger, though, taking up 200MB, and there's a number of files that I created in Keynote on my Mac that take up another 190MB on their own.

If you're close to your 5GB limit you can see which apps and files are taking up the most space and you might be able to grab back quite a bit of space simply by deleting a few old files that you don't need any more.

Remove data from iCloud to make more space

You actually have really fine control over the data that you store in iCloud.

Of course, you can delete individual photos and videos from Photos whenever you want, and it doesn't hurt to clear out your email Inbox now and then either. You can also delve into iCloud and delete files from other apps too. Just tap on the name of any app in the Manage Storage panel, and you will see a list of every single file created by that app, along with the size of each file.

I wrote an article on Keynote for MacWorld recently, and I've still got a number of large Keynote presentations files that are taking up space in my iCloud storage. But if I tap the Edit button at the top of the screen I can delete individual files that I no longer need, or just use the Delete All command to delete every file created by Keynote.

You can also control which files will be included in future backups. If I tap my iPhone in the Backups list I can see a list of every app that I have on my iPhone, and how much data each app will store when I back up my iPhone to iCloud. You can click the green button to turn off back-ups for individual apps, and as you do this you'll see an updated count of how large the next back-up will be.

Removing backups to make more space

After your Photo Library, one of the biggest items that most people upload to iCloud is the daily back-up of their iPhone or iPad data. By default, iOS automatically backs up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud once a day (as long as the device is turned on, connected to power, and connected to a wifi network). But if those back-ups take up too much space on iCloud you can simply turn off the back-up function altogether.

Tap on Delete Backup and you'll see another little window pop up that asks if you want to 'Turn off &Delete'. If you go ahead and do this you will delete any back-ups from that device that are already stored in iCloud, and also turn off any future back-ups as well. You can still back up your iPhone or iPad by connecting it to your Mac or PC and using the automatic backup option in iTunes, but those back-ups are stored on your computer's hard disk so they don't take up any of your iCloud storage.

Upgrading iCloud storage


If these space-saving tricks still don't stop you from hitting that 5GB limit then you might just have to bite the bullet and pay for some more storage. Apple's pricing for iCloud storage used to be ridiculously expensive - which is why so many people still use rivals such as Dropbox or Microsoft's OneDrive. However, Apple cut the prices of iCloud storage quite drastically last year, following the introduction of iCloud Drive.

Go back to the main Storage panel and tap Buy More Storage, and you'll see a price list for the different iCloud storage options. You can upgrade to 50GB - and that's 50GB total, not 50GB on top of the original 5GB - for just 79p a month. There are also plans for 200GB at £2.49 per month, and 1TB for £6.99.

Rivals such as Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft's OneDrive are still cheaper - with Microsoft and Google both offering a really handy 15GB of storage for free - but the simplicity of iCloud and its ability to seamlessly share all your important files and data across multiple devices is really useful if you own a lot of Apple products. And, of course, you can use more than one cloud storage service if you want.

I mainly use iCloud for syncing photos and emails across my devices, but I also have a free Dropbox account that I use as an emergency backup for important work files on my office Mac.

iCloud and Apps

Keeping an eye on your iCloud Storage is even more important when using new features such as iCloud Drive and iCloud Photo Library.

However, the iCloud Settings panel also includes a number of options that determine how iCloud works with individual apps on your iPhone or iPad. If you want to share your Mail messages, Contacts info and Calendar events across all your devices then you need to make sure that you turn on iCloud for each of these apps here.

You can also use iCloud to share information from other apps too, such as Reminders and Notes, bookmarks that you have stored in Safari, and the Passbook app that stores information about airline tickets and for now is your link to Apple Pay.

It's worth being selective here, as not all apps really need to share data and info across your devices. I have lots of web pages bookmarked on the iMac in my office, but I don't want to mix them up with other web pages that I view on my iPhone, so I tend to turn off iCloud sharing for Safari most of the time.

Mail options

Although there's a simple switch that allows you to turn iCloud On or Off for Mail there's also another set of Mail options that are hidden further down in the iCloud Settings panel.

Scroll right down to the 'Advanced' section and tap on the entry for Mail. That opens up a page that contains options for managing multiple email accounts. Scroll down again, and tap on 'Advanced' again, and you'll now see a window that allows you to control how Mail handles different mailboxes. You can actually change which mailboxes are used to store emails that you send and receive. If you're an email obsessive - or Hillary Clinton - you could specify that emails that you discard are archived for future retrieval, rather than going straight into the Trash and being deleted.

You can also specify how long deleted messages stay in the Trash before they are completely removed. You can keep them for one day, one week or one month, or select the 'Never' option which leaves messages in the Trash until you decide to delete them yourself.


iCloud Backup

Important apps like Mail and Safari get their own individual controls for iCloud, but there's another option in here, simply called Backup, that allows you to store data from a number of additional apps too.

The Backup option is a little confusing, as it overlaps with the iCloud Photo Library to some extent. Turning on iCloud Photo Library stores your entire Photo Library in iCloud and updates it continuously whenever you shoot any new photos and videos. The Backup option works slightly differently - in fact, it's a bit more like doing a Time Machine back-up on your Mac.

When you activate Backup in iCloud Settings your iPhone or iPad will automatically perform one complete back-up every day - but only when the device is locked and not in use, and is being charged and connected to a wifi network at the same time. That daily back-up includes photos and videos, just like the iCloud Photo Library, but it also includes data from other apps too, such as text messages, health data that is stored in HealthKit apps, and even details of how you've organised all your apps on your Home Screens.

Turning off the iCloud Backup option doesn't affect important apps, such as Mail and Contacts, so your most important data is still protected even if this option is turned off. It's still worth using Backup every now and then, though, just in case anything goes wrong with your iPhone or iPad. If you don't want to use Backup via wifi - which could take a while - you can also perform a manual back-up by using a USB cable to connect your iPhone or iPad to iTunes on your Mac. That's a good option too, as it allows you to store the back-up on your Mac's hard disk, rather than taking up the limited space in iCloud.

iCloud Security Code

There's one other important type of data that can be stored on iCloud. The iCloud Keychain stores private personal data, such as passwords for email accounts and web sites, and even credit card numbers that you use on sites such as Amazon or eBay. This is very important information, obviously, so you can keep this information extra safe by creating an iCloud Security Code. If someone gets hold of any of your Macs or iOS devices without your permission they would need to know both your normal iCloud password and the extra iCloud Security Code before they could access your Keychain.

I tend to keep Keychain turned off on my iPhone, so that some important passwords that I have on my office iMac aren't shared with the iPhone when I'm away from the office. But if you want to turn Keychain on then you can simply tap Keychain in the iCloud Settings panel and then click the On/Off button that appears. Underneath that button you'll also see the 'Advanced' option, which allows you to set up the additional iCloud Security Code.

There are two options here. You could choose to use your normal iPhone Passcode as the Security Code too. But, of course, if someone manages to get hold of your passcode then your iPhone is completely defenceless. It's better to create a separate Security Code that has no connection with your normal passcode. You can either opt for a simple four-digit security code or let your device generate a longer, random code number for you.

Apps &downloads

Control Background App Refresh


One option that it's useful to know about is the Background Refresh panel. Many apps, such as newspapers and magazines, or weather and stock prices, can automatically update themselves with new information even when you're not actually using them.

Allowing apps to download data in the background can save time if you're a real news junkie or if you want to make a killing on the stock market, but it can also drain your battery more quickly, so you might want to turn this option off for some of your less essential apps.

You can turn background refresh on or off for each individual app, but there's also a master switch at the top of this panel that allows you to change the setting for all your apps at once.

iTunes settings


The next two settings panels provide controls for iCloud and your iTunes account. The iTunes options are straightforward enough, although you might want to turn off the Use Mobile Data option that uses your mobile broadband to automatically download items purchased on other devices - downloading the full eight-hour version of Max Richter's Sleep album could bust your mobile broadband data cap in no time flat.

Turning the Mobile Data option off does still allow you to download purchases using wifi. You can also turn the automatic download option on or off for different types of content, such as music, apps and books. I tend to buy music using iTunes on my Mac, but I like to have all my music stored on my iPhone as well, so I keep Automatic Downloads turned on for my music purchases. I don't really read books on the iPhone, though, so that one gets turned off.

WiFi Sync options


When iTunes was first launched more than a decade ago, the idea was that you would buy music and video using iTunes on your Mac and then download your purchases onto ye olde iPod using a USB cable connection. Nowadays, though, many of us do everything on our iPhones and iPads, including buying apps, music and videos, and we often forget to back up our purchases on to our Macs.

But, just below the Keyboard settings you'll see an option called iTunes Wifi Sync. Somewhat ironically, you still have to use a USB cable to connect your iOS device to your Mac and then select the Wifi Sync option within iTunes on your Mac in order to activate it on your iOS device. However, you only have to do that the first time, and after that you can sync all your purchases back to your Mac via wifi. However, Wifi Sync only works if your iPhone or iPad is being charged at the time, is on the same wifi network as your Mac, and you have iTunes open on your Mac.

Downloads and Updates:Automatic Downloads

When the iPhone and iPad were first introduced they were initially very dependent on iTunes running on a Mac for making purchases and transferring files. You'd use iTunes on the Mac to buy apps, music and video, and then download them on to your iOS devices using ye olde USB cable.

However, our mobile devices are now much more sophisticated and self-contained, which means that people can end up making purchases on several different devices. I still tend to buy music on my iMac at home, but I download apps directly onto my iPhone all the time, and buy books and magazines on my iPad when I'm slumped on the sofa at home. To help keep track of all your purchases, iOS includes an option called Automatic Downloads, which is tucked inside the iTunes And App Store section of the main Settings panel.


There are four options here, for music, apps, books and software updates. Turning any of these options on ensures that items you purchase on one device are automatically downloaded on to other devices as well.

I recently bought a Muse album, Drones, using iTunes on my Mac. It's not their best album, but it has its moments so I've turned on the Music option in Automatic Downloads, which ensures that the album is automatically downloaded on to my iPhone without me needing to plug it into my Mac.


There's no option to automatically download video files, as the downloads take up too much time and storage space on your mobile devices. However, even smaller audio files and app downloads could still bust your phone's monthly data cap, so this settings panel also includes an option to turn off 'cellular data' (mobile broadband) for automatic downloads. This ensures that you only download purchases when your device is connected to a wifi network.

There's a corresponding option in iTunes on the Mac, hidden away in the Store tab of the iTunes preferences panel. This will automatically download any purchases that you make on your iOS devices onto your Mac - and your Mac can also download video purchases that may be too big to keep on your iPhone or iPad.

Downloads and Updates:Suggested Apps


Right at the bottom of the iTunes And App Store settings panel is a not-very-well-known option called Suggested Apps. If you're out and about with your iPhone, this option can use GPS to keep track of your location and can suggest apps that might be useful in that location. If you turn on My Apps, your iPhone will just look at the apps you already have installed - such as a Starbucks app for ordering and paying for coffee - and display the icon for that app on your lock screen so that you can launch it right away.

The App Store option also allows your iPhone to check on the App Store to see if there are other apps available that might be useful, such as airline schedules when you arrive at an airport.

Downloads and Updates:App Settings

The next section in Settings is for the Passbook and Apple Pay, however we've already looked at Apple Pay in detail so we won't repeat that info here. That leaves one final section within Settings, which consists of a long list of the individual apps that are installed on your iPhone or iPad.

These are divided into two categories - Apple's own apps, and the third-party apps that you have bought and downloaded from the App Store. The third-party apps will obviously vary from person to person, but it's worth taking a closer look at some of Apple's pre-installed apps as we sometimes take these for granted.

Some of the options here are pretty straightforward - for instance, the Maps app allows you to display distances in either in miles or kilometres, while Compass lets you switch between 'true' north and magnetic north. However, there are a number of key apps that many of us use every day, and which provide a number of useful options that you may not know about.


Downloads and Updates:Mail, Contacts, Calendars

The three key apps here are the Mail, Contacts and Calendars apps, which are grouped together within a single settings panel. That's a little untidy, but they're probably all put together like this because these are the three main apps that give you the choice to either 'push' or 'fetch' new data.

Most apps go to sleep when you're not actually using them, and only 'fetch' new data when you launch the app once more. When I launch my BBC News app it will check to see if I have an Internet connection and then connect with the BBC servers to see if there are any new headlines that it can 'fetch' for me to read. However, some apps also have a 'push' option that allows new data to automatically be 'pushed' straight into them as soon as it becomes available.

What happens with an app like Mail is that your email server does all the work, and automatically pushes new email messages straight onto your iPhone or iPad without waiting for the app to wake up and fetch the messages for itself. When the app receives a new email it wakes up - even if it's not running on screen at that moment - and can pop a notification on screen to tell you that the message has arrived.


That's obviously very useful, but some people argue that using push technology continuously can drain your battery more quickly, so the Mail, Contacts, Calendars settings panel includes an option called Fetch New Data that allows you to turn off the push option so that these three apps will only fetch new data when you tell them to.

There's actually a lot of debate on the internet about whether 'push' or 'fetch' drains your battery more quickly, but Apple's own web site suggests using the Fetch option to maximise battery life, so that's good enough for us. In any event, your wifi usage and screen brightness probably have far more effect on battery life than the push and fetch options, so this isn't something that you need to worry about too much.


There are other apps that can use push technology too, although these apps may sometimes refer to it as 'background refresh' instead. The BBC News app has options for both background refresh and notifications, so that it can give you an onscreen notification if a major news story breaks.

Plenty of other apps provide similar options, covering everything from stock prices to special offers at your local supermarket, so you'll need to decide how much of this information you really want to see when you're choosing settings for all your apps.

How to stop subscription auto-renewals on the iPhone

Millions of people signed up for the new Apple Music service when it was launched at the end of June - tempted, of course, by the offer of a free trial that lasted for a full three months. Many have now come to the end of that trial period, and will need to decide if they want to cancel their subscription to Apple Music or to start paying for it.

We've looked at Apple Music in detail elsewhere so we won't repeat that information here, but there are lots of other apps available for the iPhone and iPad that may also require monthly subscription fees. It's worth knowing how iOS manages these subscriptions so that you don't accidentally end up paying for services that you no longer want to use.

Scroll down the main Settings panel and tap on the item marked App and iTunes Stores. You'll see your Apple ID shown at the top of this settings panel, and you can tap on that to view subscriptions and other settings associated with your personal Apple ID account.

Your Account page includes details such as the payment method you have chosen for all your purchases, and there's also a section labeled Subscriptions. Tap the 'Manage' button and you'll see a list of every app you own that may require a subscription payment. Needless to say, Apple Music sits right at the top of the list (here's how to switch off the Apple Music auto-renewal), but I have also taken out subscriptions to Eurosport and a few magazines and newspapers in the past - most of which I no longer use.

The status of all these services is listed, so you can see which ones are active and which ones have expired. You can tap on each service individually to see the dates when each subscription expires, and then decide whether you want to renew again or simply cancel your subscription.

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