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2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7

テクノロジーはデジタル世界を急速に構築しており、ストレージをどこかに常駐させる必要があります。ストレージの問題は SDD で解決されますが、かなりのコストがかかります。大きなファイルの転送は、インターネット経由で共有する場合、面倒な場合があります。巨大なファイルを圧縮すると、サイズが縮小されるため、過負荷のドライブの負荷を軽減できます。


2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7


プールに入る前に、WinZip ファイル圧縮ソフトウェアでファイルを圧縮する方法の例を見てみましょう.



ここでは、最適なファイル圧縮ツールである WinZip を使用してファイルを圧縮する方法について説明します。 !

ステップ 1- WinZip をダウンロードし、PC でユーティリティ ソフトウェアを起動します。

ステップ 2- ファイル パネルに移動し、システム/ネットワークまたはクラウド サービスから圧縮するファイルを選択します。

ステップ 3- [Zip に追加] というオプションをクリックします。

ステップ 4- アクション パネルに移動し、[名前を付けて保存] オプションを見つけます。

ステップ 5- [名前を付けて保存] をクリックしたら、保存する場所を選択します。


Here’s a list of file compression software that are easy-to-use &highly flexible too.

Best File Compression Software 2022

Here’s a list of file compression software that are easy-to-use &highly flexible too.

1. WinZip

The eldest of all, WinZip has reached to version 22 and still going strong. WinZip’ s standard version is priced at $35.94. You might wonder that out of a huge number of free alternatives, why one would like to spend for WinZip.  This zip compressor software comes with several features such as integration with Microsoft Office for easy zipping.

WinZip’ s standard version provides splitting of files according to the media, cloud support and advanced file sharing options. It comes with highly responsive interface for different devices. Backup and security features are there to keep your files encrypted and secure.  The new version WinZip 22 comes with a bunch of exciting features such as Address book management for instant sharing, image format converter, Slack support and enhanced UI.

2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7

Get it Here

2. WinRAR

RAR archives are known for its incredible levels of compression. All the compression software can extract RAR archives but cannot create them. WinRAR is considered as the best file compression software which can do both.

WinRAR can be used to compress files in almost every format possible. It offers a wizard mode that handles all your hard work on its own. Though interface is not that appealing, but its full RAR supports stands apart. To get a feel of themes and speed of compression, you can use the 30-day trial version.

Purchase the latest version of WinRAR

2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7

3. 7-Zip

It is the most reputed program which is available for free of cost. Apart from a wide support for almost every format, 7-zip comes with its own file compression format, 7z.

According to the developers, it can compress huge files up to 16 billion gigabytes and that along with high compression rates. The interface is very elementary, making it easy for users to opt-out of the options they don’t require. A Right-click will let user to extract, zip or view what’s inside the file.

The only drawback of this zip compressor software is its ‘solid compression’ process. The process is very much fortunate in achieving tiny file size but sacrifices with compression speeds. It can be very slow at times.

You can download your free file compression software, 7-Zip from here.

2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7

4. Hamster Zip Archiver

Its attractive and easy-to-use interface makes it the most convenient software to use. It comes with a drag and drop feature which makes it a handy task for even those who are not familiar with compression and decompression process.

The interface is very thoughtful which accounts for its easy and quick operation. It offers cloud support such as DropBox, OneDrive, Google Drive or Yandex disk with automatic creation of shareable link. This free file compressor software is a brilliant option for those who readily share files over the web.

The software is currently available in 40 languages and has been installed in more than 50 countries in the world which makes it a diverse software.

Download Hamster Zip Archiver

2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7

5. PeaZip

It might not be more popular than 7-zip, but its clean interface and easy-to-use-file browser give it a plus one than 7-zip. It is an open-source software and available in a portable version which is totally a self-contained software for archive management, therefore requiring no extra installations.

For security additions, it uses AES 256-based encryption and two-factor authentication along with a password manager. It is a cross-platform software that can work with WinRAR to provide full RAR support.

2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7

6. ZipGenius

This is another option worth considering, ZipGenius is a free file compression software that is fast &elegant all-purpose file manager tool for Windows. Established since 1997, this eldest compression utility tool has strong abilities to handle more than 20 types of file compression in several formats including ARC, CAB, RAR, ZIP,7-ZIP, ARJ and others.

An ideal file compression tool for novices as the UI is effortless to navigate. The application comes with CZIP encryption feature, which simply infix ZIP archives in a secured package that employs strong encryption algorithms.

You can download the software right here from its official website!

2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7

7. IZArc

If we have to describe this file compression tool in three words it would be Fast, Easy &Free. One of the most flexible compression tool available in the market right now, IZArc has quite straightforward to use and if you are someone who has never used a file compression software before, then iZArc is definitely worth trying not only because of its extensive features but how well it guides you through the process.

The range of supporting archive formats are:ACE, ARJ, MIM, MBF, ZIP, ZOO, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB and pretty much every format. Apart from this, the tool allows you easy to use drag &drop feature from and to windows explorer. You can also open CD image files here &convert files from one to another with ease.

2022 年のベスト ファイル圧縮ソフトウェア 7

Winding Up:Best File Compression Software

Every windows system comes with functionalities to offer compression and decompression of files, but they are extremely limited. In this digital era everything is paperless and sharing files over the Internet has been vital process. With the limitation of bandwidth availability, compressed files make it easier to transmit files with limited resources requirement.

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