using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main(String[] args) { SortedList sortedList = new SortedList(); sortedList.Add("A", "1"); sortedList.Add("B", "2"); sortedList.Add("C", "3"); sortedList.Add("D", "4"); sortedList.Add("E", "5"); sortedList.Add("F", "6"); sortedList.Add("G", "7"); sortedList.Add("H", "8"); sortedList.Add("I", "9"); sortedList.Add("J", "10"); Console.WriteLine("SortedList elements..."); foreach(DictionaryEntry d in sortedList) { Console.WriteLine("Key = "+d.Key + ", Value = " + d.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Count of SortedList key-value pairs = "+sortedList.Count); sortedList.Remove("H"); Console.WriteLine("\nEnumerator to iterate through the SortedList..."); IDictionaryEnumerator demoEnum = sortedList.GetEnumerator(); while (demoEnum.MoveNext()) Console.WriteLine("Key = " + demoEnum.Key + ", Value = " + demoEnum.Value); Console.WriteLine("Count of SortedList key-value pairs (Updated) = "+sortedList.Count); } }
SortedList elements... Key = A, Value = 1 Key = B, Value = 2 Key = C, Value = 3 Key = D, Value = 4 Key = E, Value = 5 Key = F, Value = 6 Key = G, Value = 7 Key = H, Value = 8 Key = I, Value = 9 Key = J, Value = 10 Count of SortedList key-value pairs = 10 Enumerator to iterate through the SortedList... Key = A, Value = 1 Key = B, Value = 2 Key = C, Value = 3 Key = D, Value = 4 Key = E, Value = 5 Key = F, Value = 6 Key = G, Value = 7 Key = I, Value = 9 Key = J, Value = 10 Count of SortedList key-value pairs (Updated) = 9
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main(String[] args) { SortedList sortedList = new SortedList(); sortedList.Add("One", "Mouse"); sortedList.Add("Two", "Keyboard"); sortedList.Add("Three", "Headphone"); sortedList.Add("Four", "Speakers"); sortedList.Add("Five", "RAM"); Console.WriteLine("SortedList elements..."); foreach(DictionaryEntry d in sortedList) { Console.WriteLine("Key = "+d.Key + ", Value = " + d.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Count of SortedList key-value pairs = "+sortedList.Count); sortedList.Remove("Three"); Console.WriteLine("\nEnumerator to iterate through the SortedList..."); IDictionaryEnumerator demoEnum = sortedList.GetEnumerator(); while (demoEnum.MoveNext()) Console.WriteLine("Key = " + demoEnum.Key + ", Value = " + demoEnum.Value); Console.WriteLine("Count of SortedList key-value pairs (Updated) = "+sortedList.Count); } }
SortedList elements... Key = Five, Value = RAM Key = Four, Value = Speakers Key = One, Value = Mouse Key = Three, Value = Headphone Key = Two, Value = Keyboard Count of SortedList key-value pairs = 5 Enumerator to iterate through the SortedList... Key = Five, Value = RAM Key = Four, Value = Speakers Key = One, Value = Mouse Key = Two, Value = Keyboard Count of SortedList key-value pairs (Updated) = 4
編集可能な要素から境界線を削除するには、コードは次のとおりです- 例 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body{ font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; } p{ font-size: 40px; } &n
Windows Decrapifier&Debloaterを使用してWindows10から綿毛を取り除きます
リリースの時点で、Windows10はMicrosoftの最もスリムで平均的なOSでした。その前身であるWindows7よりもさらにジッパーのように感じられ、IoTデバイスで動作するのに十分コンパクトでした。しかし、それはその時でした。今日、Windows 10は、それを台無しにするのに十分な「機能」を蓄積しています。 多くのユーザーにとって、これらの「機能」は実際には役に立たないため、引用符を使用します。あなたも、最近Windows 10の速度が低下していることに気づき、Microsoftにその感想を伝えてもかまわない場合は(別名:テレメトリ機能を使用する)、OSをデクレイプする時期かもし